Monday, August 22, 2016

Man Loses 330 Pounds By Doing THIS

Move over, Kim Kardashian.

The following is a truly impressive story of weight loss…

It’s time to meet Pasquale “Pat” Brocco, a viral sensation who now goes by “Possible Pat.” Why?

Because he’s proven that anything is possible!

Brocco kicked off his weight loss journey three years ago after a doctor told him that his weight of 605 pounds (along with high blood pressure and high cholesterol) put him on the verge of death.

“My stomach was down to my thighs. My chest was hanging down here,” the Arizona native told ABC in an interview.

“I was disgusted.”

One can understand why, but the amazing part is what he decided to do about it, picking himself up from rock bottom.

What’s also noteworthy is how he went about. So, how did Brocco decided he would go about saving his own life?

Every time, he was hungry, he went to Walmart for a meal. That doesn’t sound healthy, until you consider this:

The nearest Walmart was one mile away.

“You walk to Walmart three times a day, and you end up walking six miles,” he explains.

“It’s amazing because I never walked six miles in my life and I was doing it everyday.”

Brocco shared the above photo on Instagram last month, deservedly bragging about all he’s accomplished in the caption.

It reads:

Who said it wasn’t possible, well they lied! We can achieve, but we must believe! For the longest time I didn’t believe in myself and that’s the reason I failed!

3years ago I started believing that I can accomplish the impossible,well at lease I thought it was impossible I prove that to be wrong! I lost the weight and was left with loose skin and thought that would be impossible to get rid off!

Well thanks to @drrepta_plasticsurgery that impossible is now possible so excited for my surgery August 15th! If you believe, stay focused, and consisted to your dreams it will happen just never give up!

Thanks to his Walmart strolls, Brocco says he shed 200 pounds in two years.

Two. Hundred. Pounds.

From there, the 31-year-old added work out routines to his life and changed his diet; he went from 11,000 calories per day to about 2,250.

And he chronicled his journey on social media along the way.

“I lost 330lbs without getting surgery just staying focus [sic] eating clean and working my a— off!” Brocco captioned the above collage of his body during different stages of his journey earlier this month.

He added:

“It’s not just wanting to change we have to believe we can change, if anyone is going to believe in you start with yourself.”

At one point, Brocco wore Size 54 pants. He got down to Size 42 in under a year.

Brocco has garnered nearly 100,000 Instagram followers during this impressive odyssey.

Most recently, he underwent skin removal surgery to get rid of 30 pounds of excess skin.

Truly impressive, and the best is yet to come, he says.

“This is just the beginning of a new chapter of my journey this journey is now a lifestyle,” Pat wrote alongside of a before-and-after shot of himself with the excess skin and a post-surgery image.

He concluded:

“Super excited to heal and start working out again to sculpt my body in to my own masterpiece.”

Possible Pat is certainly living up to his billing – and hopefully inspiring legions of fans along the way.