Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cakes. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Derick Dillard to Bakers: Don"t Make Cakes for Gay Couples!

Derick Dillard is celebrating what he believes to be a victory for religious freedom.

And what others believe to be another example of persecution against the LGBT community.

On Monday the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who had refused to create a wedding cake for a gay couple.

By a 7-2 margin, the Justices sided with Jack Phillips, who argued that his religious objection to same-sex marriage provided him with the First Amendment right to turn down the request of these patrons.

However, rather than determine whether religious artisans and businesses have a right to discriminate based on their beliefs, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote a majority opinion that focused SOLELY on the case at hand.

He specifically stated that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had not treated the baker fairly because various commissioners had made disparaging remarks about his religious beliefs.

In other words:

Phillips was actually discriminated against by a board that proved to be hostile toward religion.

This may not be the case if another baker refuses another gay couple and the debate once again finds its way to the Supreme Court.

But this was a nuanced point very much lost on Dillard.

“Today’s 7-2 Supreme Court decision is a huge victory for religious freedom,” he Tweeted last night, adding:

“Government cannot and should not discriminate against religious faith; it is a constitutional right.”

Again: this is not what the Supreme Court just decided.

But whatever.

The more relevant celebrity gossip fact here is how this message is yet another instance of Dillard slamming the gay and trans community.

In May, Dillard said trandgender individuals are mentally ill.

Last August, Dillard said the entire concept of transgender is a myth, Tweeting in regard to the reality show I Am Jazz, which chronicles the life of a transgender teenager:

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Dillard eventually got fired by TLC for these kinds of controversial comments.

He also got destroyed by a distant cousin named John Andrew Studdard.

“Derick needs to keep his mouth shut,” this astute person recently said, adding:

“We don’t have to agree with someone’s life, but don’t speak out publically when you know you’re already disliked by half of America. As a public figure, he should stop being so harsh.”

As a human being, he should stop being so hars.

But this is still a pretty solid statement.

For what it’s worth, Justice Kennedy explained that this Colorado baker case was not mean to set national policy or a national agenda when it comes to the topic of religious freedom or gay rights.

“The outcome of cases like this in other circumstances must await further elaboration in the courts,” he wrote, elaborating as follows:

“All in the context of recognizing that these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market.”

Hear that, Derick?!?

Sigh. Why do we feel as if you definitely did not?


Friday, March 2, 2018

Johnny Manziel Grabs Bre Tiesi"s Thonged Cakes In Miami

Here’s Johnny Manziel showing he’s still got Heisman caliber hands … except the skin he’s palming this time isn’t pig (at all) it belongs to the luscious cakes of his fiancee Bre Tiesi. Manziel and Tiesi have been down in Miami hanging out –…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Ireland Baldwin Now Serving Hot Cakes in Malibu (PHOTO GALLERY)

Ireland Baldwin’s butt quickly turned Malibu’s beach into a scorcher. The 21-year-old model showed off her bikini-ready curves during a photo shoot, and we gotta say … dayummn! Spring is officially sprung.


Ireland Baldwin Now Serving Hot Cakes in Malibu (PHOTO GALLERY)

Ireland Baldwin’s butt quickly turned Malibu’s beach into a scorcher. The 21-year-old model showed off her bikini-ready curves during a photo shoot, and we gotta say … dayummn! Spring is officially sprung.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Costumed Cakes-- Guess Whose!

These sexy stars are putting their Halloween hotness on display for your viewing pleasure … carve through the butt-baring pics and see if you can guess the celeb by their spirited seats. Twerk or treat?!


Monday, July 25, 2016

Kylie Jenner Cakes On Makeup, Looks Middle-Aged

The girl isn’t even 19, and she could easily pass for 40.

Not because of wrinkles, but because she wears so much damn makeup.

Kylie Jenner either wants to be transformed back to the ’80s so she can don mink coats and apply four to five layers of heavy Revlon foundation, or she believes all the world is her stage (or probably both).

Fishwrapper first noticed Jenner’s jump from teen makeup entrepreneur to Joan Collins look-alike, wondering why in God’s name anyone would want to press the fast-forward button.

Retain your youth, Kylie! 

Over the weekend, Jenner and on-again boyfriend, Tyga brought his three-year-old son, King Cairo to Magic Mountain, a theme park just north of Los Angeles.  

She also got in some pool time with model Hailey Baldwin.

It was recently revealed that Jenner works with Ukraine-born photographer Sasha Samsonova for her “impromptu” photoshoots.

“She reached out to me about a year ago,” Samsonova told People.

“She found me — she wanted to do a shoot and obviously I really wanted to do a shoot with her. We got together and we did a shoot that came out on her birthday last year. The one with all the colorful wigs. That’s what we did. That was so much fun.

“It was really, really great working together so we just continued doing that.”

Jenner reached out to the 25-year-old via Instagram, and from there it was pure magic.

“She is great. Super creative. I love working with her,” Samsonova said.  “She knows her body well, and knows how to move and what to do with it.”

Samsonova then explain what she thinks makes Jenner such an influencer.

“She has really great taste,” Samsonova explained.

“The coloring is always great. Everything just looks perfect and exactly how it should. I don’t think it’s only about being famous.

“There are a bunch of famous people on Instagram, huge actresses and actors who don’t really have such big followings because their Instagram just looks really random, and they probably don’t take care of it whatsoever — or [they] just don’t know how to take a beautiful photo.

“But on her page you go there and you see everything, and it looks really amazing.”