Showing posts with label Chalkboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chalkboard. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Bristol Palin SLAMS Tina Fey: Her Voice Is Like "Nails On a Chalkboard"!

Last weekend on SNL, Tina Fey treated viewers to yet another hilarious impersonation of Sarah Palin, mocking the speech in which the former Alaska governor endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Palin’s daughter Bristol, however, was not impressed.

The Dancing With the Stars alum admitted she can’t stand the sound of Fey’s voice when she impersonates her mom.

“I’m sure many of you saw Tina Fey, who sounds nothing like my mom, do a skit based on my Mom’s endorsement of Donald Trump,” Palin wrote on her blog. “I don’t know about you, but hearing her fake accent is like nails on a chalkboard for me!”

Totally understandable. If someone made fun of my mom, I’d be her biggest defender as well. 

But then Palin took things to the shallow end of the pool by criticizing Fey’s looks.

“I may be biased, but I think my mom trumps her in the looks department. (Especially for having three more kids and seven more years on Tina!)” she wrote.

Real classy, Bristol.

Nice to see that a young woman such as yourself is focusing on issues of importance here, because when women are involved, it’s really all about their physical appearance, isn’t it?

Palin also thinks SNL needs to just let this skit go, already.

Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long,” the mother of two lamented. “It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?”

Welp, maybe when your mom stops spewing out ridiculously laughable comments that almost seem designed for parody, these sketches will die off on their own.

As it stands, viewers and critics alike still love it when Fey does the former vice presidential candidate.

In a final petty blow, Palin brought up the black fringed jacket worn by her mom and a similar one worn by Fey in the sketch.

“I think my mom wore it better. What do you think?” she wrote, then included a poll in which readers could vote.

The result?

Tina Fey: 78%, Sarah Palin: 22%

I think the audience has spoken.