Showing posts with label Cheetos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheetos. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Lil Xan Explains How Hot Cheetos Sent Him to the Hospital

Lil Xan says he ain’t about to quit Hot Cheetos cold turkey … even if they did burn a hole in his stomach — as he claims — and he proved it right in front of us.  We got Xan Wednesday at Irving Plaza in NYC, where he told us exactly…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Taco Bell Cheetos Quesadilla Takes Snack Time to Another Level

Taco Bell just unleashed a delicious fury on the public in the form of a Cheetos Quesadilla — and if you love Cheetos, or Quesadilla, then this is for you!

Do you live in the Phillippines, though? 

‘Cause if you don’t, super bad for you, friend. 

The limited edition Cheetos Quesadillas are currently only available for purchase, delight, digest, and regret in Southeast Asia in the Western Pacific.  

Just look at that gooey deliciousness … with a side of Cheetos. 

Are we in some kind of heaven or what? 

Taco Bell (Phillippines!) shared the above pic on their Facebook account with the following caption. 

“Chester Cheetah has taken over #TacoBellPHL and he’s created the #CheetosQuesadilla! Now available at Taco Bell Gateway, TriNoma, Alabang Town Center and Cyberpark Tower for a limited time only.”

“Trust us,” the statement continued. “You wouldn’t want to miss this!”

No, we wouldn’t, but roughly 97.3% of us will have to miss this, unfortunately. 

If you really think about it, though, it’s pretty ingenious. 

It’s Cheetos — crunchy, delicious Cheetos — tucked into a cheesy Quesadilla.  

Yeah, the Cheetos are probably going to go soft and wormy before you can get your third bite in, but those first two chomps?  

We’re talking major cheesed-out bliss here, friends. 

Honestly, just look at this. 

Look at it one more time and just try to tell us that this isn’t one of the greatest food combinations in the history of all food combinations. 

Better than peanut butter and jelly? 


What even is PB&J? 

Better than Nutella and everything?  


Not quite, but almost, and that’s why it’s probably imperative that you sign up for that generic, vaguely work-related seminar that just so happens to be in the Phillippines and tell your boss “Sayonara” and that you’ll bring him back a pretty delicious souvenir. 

Really — look at all of these happy people eating Cheetos Quesadillas.  

You know you feel left out. 

You know that there’s something to this beautiful mystery unfolding in front of you. 

Most importantly, you remember what Doritos did for Taco Bell. 

And you know that Doritos are the loser stepchild of Cheetos and tortilla chips. 


Friday, October 2, 2015

Kim Kardashian Gets Goofy, Eats Cheetos


Kim Kardashian is actually clothed in the following photos. Also, Kim Kardashian apparently loves to eat Cheetos.

The reality star has taken to Instagram and shared a quartet of Kim Kardashian pictures that actually do NOT feature herself in various states of undress.

Instead, they give us a look at a different side to Kim… the side that is goofy, silly and, seemingly, very hungry.

“Craving Cheetos,” Kim wrote as a caption to this unexpected collage, which features the pregnant mother eating this snack item and also making a few wacky faces.

Kim, of course, is expecting a son with Kanye West on Christmas Day – and perhaps she’s changing her controversial, scantily-clad ways now that she’s about to be a parent for the second time.

Consider: Kim hasn’t gotten naked on Instagram in, like, weeks!

Instead, she’s shared photos of her daughter playing with Ellen DeGeneres and other cute, family-oriented images.

This is a positive sign for her children, but a terrible one for celebrity gossip websites that rely on Kim to take off her clothing in order to garner traffic.

Come on, K Squared. Remember the good ol’ birthday suit-based moments featured below? It’s not too late to recapture them…