Showing posts with label Compromised. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compromised. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Carole Radziwill: The Real Housewives of New York City Compromised My Values!!

Last week, we learned that Carole Radziwill is officially done with The Real Housewives of New York City.

We get it. If we’d gone from being fast friends with Bethenny Frankel to feuding with her, we’d head for the hills, too.

But after the news of Carole’s departure went public, she took to social media to insinuate that she had a very different reason for walking away.

Following the announcement that she is parting ways with The Real Housewives of New York City, Carole took to Instagram.

“If you were doing something that was forcing you to do things that went against your own value system,” Carole begins her question to her followers.

Carole then asks them: “Would you walk away regardless of the pay?”

For most, that would depend upon what was being asked and on a lot of life circumstances — including pay.

Carole acknowledges: “Its a tough decision.”

Carole Radziwill Instagram Story Vague Departure Message

Carole went so far as to poll her followers on the question.

“My advice,” Carole writes, is: “Save for a rainy day.”

She kind of mixes up her metaphor a little, as you’re about to see. Oh, Carole.

Carole advises her fans and followers to save “because that day might come when the sun is shining.”

The whole idea behind saving for a rainy day is … never mind.

Carole finishes: “and you can walk away with a smile.”

Carole wasn’t joking about that poll, folks. She looked at the responses and even posted a follow-up.

“So,” Carole reports. “80% would walk away from something that went against their own values.”

Well, that’s the figure who say that they would.

“That’s how I felt this past year too,” Carole admits.

“It’s difficult,” she writes, to say goodbye to a good thing.

“But life is long,” Carole says. “And you can’t always play the short game.”

We have to point out the obvious here — and we don’t just mean that Carole didn’t seem to have a problem being a reality star, despite her “values,” back when she and Bethenny Frankel were getting along.

She’s asking people if they’d walk away from a high-paying gig in order to make a moral stand.

Carole’s estimated net worth is around $ 50 million. She is directly related to royalty.

So walking away from a steady gig is … probably less dramatic than it would be if a single mom of two is faced with the choice of continuing to work in an unethical industry or walking away.

Quite frankly, plenty of people would sell their souls to rake in some Real Housewives money.

Carole announced her departure through a statement.

“After six seasons on Bravo’s RHONYC, I have decided to return to what I do best,” Carole shared. “Journalism and producing.”

“I am sure this does not come as a surprise to any of the viewers,” Carole shares. “All of whom have been supportive, encouraging, and kind.”

“My original curiosity about reality television has waned over the years,” she admitted. “And I am focusing on TV and writing projects that better suit my more steady temperament.”

“I have worked with amazing producers, made great friends, and I’m thrilled to leave frenemies behind.” she said. That last line was a big hit.

Carole concluded: “I will remember this entire experience with delight, humor, and a veracious accuracy.”


Friday, March 17, 2017

President Trump"s Tower Not Compromised, Floor Plans Not Classified

Trump Tower is not compromised because the floor plans on the Secret Service agent’s stolen laptop are not only NOT classified … they’re readily available to the public. Our sources tell us the floor plans are on file at the Department of…


President Trump"s Tower Not Compromised, Floor Plans Not Classified

Trump Tower is not compromised because the floor plans on the Secret Service agent’s stolen laptop are not only NOT classified … they’re readily available to the public. Our sources tell us the floor plans are on file at the Department of…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Brad Pitt Claims Angelina Jolie Has Compromised Their Kids for Sake of Publicity

Brad Pitt has fired back at Angelina Jolie … essentially claiming she’s a bad parent for putting their family drama on blast for public consumption. Brad just filed legal docs asking for an order to seal their file. Angelina had previously filed…
