Showing posts with label Congratulate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congratulate. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Carl Lentz Hesitates to Congratulate Bieber on Engagement After Falling Out

Carl Lentz — the pastor at the Hillsong church who was inseparable from Justin Bieber — appeared to have trouble congratulating Justin on his engagement, and we’re told it’s because the 2 have had a major falling out. Lentz was in Sydney,…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Josh Duggar Emerges From Hiding to Congratulate Jill on Baby: Watch!

It"s been over two years since the Josh Duggar sex scandals nearly brought down one of the most lucrative empires in the history of reality television.

Astonishingly, the Duggars survived the revelation of shocking sex crimes to be granted a second shot at TLC stardom.

Part of the deal they made with producers and potential viewers involved a promise that Josh would not appear on Counting On, and it was widely assumed he would continue to keep a low profile in general.

But now, it seems Josh is getting bored with hiding out in the basement, and he"s eager to hop back on the fame train.

As you may have heard, Jill Duggar welcomed her second child this week, and members of her massive family have been offering their congratulations online.

The latest kind words come from none other than the black sheep Josh himself, who recorded a short video message to Jill and her husband, Derick Dillard:

“Hey, congratulations Jill and Derick. We are so excited for you guys on your new arrival," Josh tells the camera while surrounded by members of his own ever-expanding clan.

From there, perhaps aware that no one wants to hear her husband speak, Anna takes over, saying:

“We are thrilled that Samuel Scott is here,” says Anna, “and the kids are excited to have another cousin to join the herd.”

She continues:

“We are so excited for you, and we look forward to all that God has in store for your little life Samuel.”

The clip marks a major step forward in the Duggars" efforts to reintroduce Josh to the public.

It wasn"t that long ago that the family was so eager to keep him out of the tabloid headlines that they would remove Josh in post-production if he happened to accidentally appear on screen.

Are we on our way to a very special Prodigal Son episode in which he"s welcomed back into the fold?

Watch Counting On online to find out!

Josh duggar emerges from hiding to congratulate jill on baby wat

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Duggars Congratulate Joseph Duggar, Kendra Caldwell on Courtship

It’s official, folks.

Yet another Duggar is courting.

We learned today that 22-year-old Joseph Duggar is courting Kendra Caldwell, and Joe’s famous family is understandably psyched.

After all, no male Duggar courtship has ended in marriage since Josh Duggar met his future wife Anna, and, well … we all know how that turned out.

Joseph and Kendra shared the news with fans in a statement issued to People magazine.

“We are so excited to share the news with others that we are courting,” the couple said.

“Our families are close friends through church and this has allowed Kendra and me to get to know each other. She’s the best!”

Caldwell added individually:

“I’m looking forward to getting to spend more time with Joseph as we take this exciting step toward a new season in life.

“It’s a really wonderful moment!”

Fortunately, it seems the feeling is mutual.

Several members of the Duggar clan publicly congratulated Joseph and Kendra today, beginning with Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald:

“Congrats Joe and Kendra,” Ben told the camera.

“We are super excited for you all. It’s been quite a while since we’ve had one of the brothers in a courtship,” added Jessa.

“So maybe some of the other guys will follow your lead now.”

Not to be outdone, newlyweds Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo also offered their congrats to Joe and Kendra via YouTube:

“Kendra, you’re a sweet girl,” Jeremy says.

“It’s been a pleasure getting to know you, and we’re excited about what the future has in store.”

Sounds like the Duggar clan is pretty excited about the courtship, and with good reason.

The last time a male Duggar sibling entered a relationship was when Josiah Duggar courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The romance ended abruptly for reasons that remain mysterious.

Sure, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting, and that should provide plenty of storyline material for next season, but it seems like another Duggar woman is courting every time you turn around.

If Joseph’s courtship turns out to be successful, it could revive fan interest and turn the show’s slumping ratings around.

That may sound cynical, but the family business is the familt business.

And no one understands that better than the Duggars.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Khloe Kardashian on Rob & Blac Chyna: No One Should Congratulate Them!

It"s no secret that Rob Kardashian"s family has not been thrilled about his engagement to Blac Chyna.

When Rob put a ring on it back in April, none of his siblings nor his mom congratulated him on social media, and the non-action said everything we needed to know.

Now, in a new preview clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, we get to witness what was really going through their heads when it all went down.

The brood learned that their brother proposed while they were all (except Rob) on vacation in Vail, Colorado, and none of them saw it coming.

In the aftermath, Kim Kardashian reads from her phone a report on their situation from TMZ.

"The women are not taking kindly to being squeezed out, and as we reported, none of the women jumped on social media to congratulate him," Kim says, reciting the article.

Khloe Kardashian, once thought to be the sister closest to Rob, scoffs at the story then makes her feelings clear.

"Why would we congratulate him?" she says quietly.

Apparently she hasn"t been educated on the normal response to a family member"s good news. But I guess it wasn"t good news for her.

"No one should congratulate them," says Khloe. "That"s so desperate and fake of whoever does first because I know someone"s gonna break."

And without a beat – almost as though the entire scene was scripted (ahem) – we quickly learn that someone already broke.

It was Tyga, Kylie Jenner"s then-boyfriend and Chyna"s baby daddy.

Kylie quotes Tyga"s tweet to her sisters, which read, "Everyone deserves to be happy. What someone does for their happiness is not my concern, as long as it"s not interfering with my happiness."

She brushed this off as him not caring, although sources at the time claimed that Kylie was furious at Tyga for congratulating Rob and Chyna.

But for the cameras, she"s playing it off… sort of.

"People are trying to make it this big feud and it"s just, it is what it is, like we just want Rob to be happy," Kylie explains.

"I just feel like the world thinks that we care so much and they"re making it this huge, big deal when in reality none of us really care we just want Rob to be able to tell us when he"s gonna do something so big like this."

Watch below:

Khloe kardashian on rob and blac chyna no one should congratulat

Khloe Kardashian on Rob & Blac Chyna: No One Should Congratulate Them!

It"s no secret that Rob Kardashian"s family has not been thrilled about his engagement to Blac Chyna.

When Rob put a ring on it back in April, none of his siblings nor his mom congratulated him on social media, and the non-action said everything we needed to know.

Now, in a new preview clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, we get to witness what was really going through their heads when it all went down.

The brood learned that their brother proposed while they were all (except Rob) on vacation in Vail, Colorado, and none of them saw it coming.

In the aftermath, Kim Kardashian reads from her phone a report on their situation from TMZ.

"The women are not taking kindly to being squeezed out, and as we reported, none of the women jumped on social media to congratulate him," Kim says, reciting the article.

Khloe Kardashian, once thought to be the sister closest to Rob, scoffs at the story then makes her feelings clear.

"Why would we congratulate him?" she says quietly.

Apparently she hasn"t been educated on the normal response to a family member"s good news. But I guess it wasn"t good news for her.

"No one should congratulate them," says Khloe. "That"s so desperate and fake of whoever does first because I know someone"s gonna break."

And without a beat – almost as though the entire scene was scripted (ahem) – we quickly learn that someone already broke.

It was Tyga, Kylie Jenner"s then-boyfriend and Chyna"s baby daddy.

Kylie quotes Tyga"s tweet to her sisters, which read, "Everyone deserves to be happy. What someone does for their happiness is not my concern, as long as it"s not interfering with my happiness."

She brushed this off as him not caring, although sources at the time claimed that Kylie was furious at Tyga for congratulating Rob and Chyna.

But for the cameras, she"s playing it off… sort of.

"People are trying to make it this big feud and it"s just, it is what it is, like we just want Rob to be happy," Kylie explains.

"I just feel like the world thinks that we care so much and they"re making it this huge, big deal when in reality none of us really care we just want Rob to be able to tell us when he"s gonna do something so big like this."

Watch below:

Khloe kardashian on rob and blac chyna no one should congratulat