Showing posts with label Damn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damn. Show all posts

Monday, May 8, 2017

UFC"s Eddie Alvarez Says Conor McGregor Will Be "Damn Good" Father (VIDEO)

They were enemies in the Octagon, but Eddie Alvarez just delivered a pretty awesome compliment to Conor McGregor … explaining why the UFC superstar is going to be a great dad.  “If he puts 10% of the effort into his child as he does…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Michael Jackson Tribute Film Looks Damn Real (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Famed Michael Jackson impersonator Navi did what he does best Thursday, transforming into the King of Pop for an upcoming flick. Navi was out and about in L.A., shooting several scenes for Lifetime’s ‘Searching for Neverland.’ The scene below mimics…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

WWE"s New Day: No Way In Hell We"d Fight In UFC ... We"re Too Damn Pretty! (VIDEO)

Brock Lesnar’s done it. CM Punk’s done it … but the guys from The New Day say there’s NO DAMN WAY they’d ever considering moving from the WWE to the UFC.   The tag team superstars — who were just tapped to host WrestleMania 33 — joined the…


Friday, December 30, 2016

UFC"s Louis Smolka: Damn Right I"ll Fight Ray Borg ... Even If He"s Overweight (VIDEO)

UFC stud Louis Smolka says he ain’t backing out of his UFC 207 fight with Ray Borg … even though his opponent is more than 3 POUNDS overweight. It’s a big deal … especially between two flyweight fighters (125 pounders) … but Smolka says he’s…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wu-Tang Clan -- U-God Sues RZA and the Whole Damn Clan for $2.5 Million!

OG Wu-Tang Clan member U-God wants his group to know HE ain’t nothing to f*** with in court — he says the Wu’s been screwing him out of revenue for years, so now he’s gotta sue. In the docs filed in NYC, U-God says he’s contributed to about 170…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Accountant to Jaime Pressly -- Take My Damn Money Already ... And Leave Me Alone!!!

Jaime Pressly agreed to settle with her ex-accountant who allegedly screwed her out of almost a million dollars — for a lot less — but he says she’s now reneging on the deal. TMZ broke the story … Pressly sued Daniel Rivero in January…


Accountant to Jaime Pressly -- Take My Damn Money Already ... And Leave Me Alone!!!

Jaime Pressly agreed to settle with her ex-accountant who allegedly screwed her out of almost a million dollars — for a lot less — but he says she’s now reneging on the deal. TMZ broke the story … Pressly sued Daniel Rivero in January…


Angelina Jolie: Brad Pitt Has Lost His Damn Mind!

Angelina Jolie just got even nastier … if that were at all possible. 

Sources at TMZ reported that Angelina’s reaction to Brad’s petition for shared custody of the Brangelina brood was definitely less than encouraging. 

The insider said that Angelina is confident that there’s no way Brad will be awarded joint custody “until he gets his s–t together,” and doesn’t see anything beyond supervised visits for quite some time. 

Those reportedly close to Brad, however, say differently – that Angelina has no clout with the court, and the fate of the family is in the hands of family services. 

TMZ reported that, “the agency will determine Brad is a good parent.” 

As for multiple sources closely said to be connected to the couple, the fight between Brad and Angelina is getting uglyWar of the Roses ugly, as the TMZ sources put it. 

We believe it. 

Just last week, it was revealed that the children do want to continue fostering relationships with their father, and that even two of them want to live with him permanently. 

“Recently, Pax and Shiloh told Angelina that they’d prefer to live with their father,” a source revealed.

“Pax and Shiloh have always had a strong bond and both of them have long felt more compatible, emotionally, with Brad.”

“If Pax and Shiloh really want to be with Brad, [Angelina is] in an unwinnable situation,” the insider continued. 

“How can you claim you’re doing what’s best for the kids when you’re ignoring their stated wishes?”

And how

Reportedly, the Brangelina divorce didn’t even stem from the plane incident, which is still being investigated. 

Sources revealed that the couple also argued over a lack of sex, and had sought joint therapy to heal their broken private parts (?). 

Another reported issue was that Angelina supposedly wanted to adopt yet another child, making their total kid-count seven, and Brad just wasn’t on board. 

Does that make him a bad father? 

Hell no. 

It means that he’s a father, and as a father, he has damn rights and opinions, and bringing another life into this world shouldn’t be contingent on one person just because they have a womb. 

Sorry, feminist friends, but your uterus is not the only thing in this world that matters. 

The source alleged that “Brad suddenly felt disenchanted with [Angelina]’s plans of having one, big and multi-cultural family.”

“This simply made the family chaotic and unorganized and Pitt cannot handle them anymore. And with the instability of the family, Brad suffered from [a] mental breakdown.”

What a damn mess, all over the place. 
