Showing posts with label Danke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danke. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Episode 15 Recap: Dames, Dogs and Danke

With The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 beginning to wind down, it became clear on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Episode 15 that producers were looking for anything to salvage the season. 

Lisa Vanderpump had to cope with the loss of her dog Pikachu mere days after the death of Pink Dog, while Dorit was trying to act like a high-flyer, and it failed miserably, and Kyle was doing her best to get under Vanderpump’s skin. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you will know fine well that Lisa Vanderpump loves animals and is all about their rights. 

That’s why she and husband Ken Todd made their very own documentary about cruelty towards dogs, and well, the screening of it probably could not have come at a worse time. 

How do you present a screening about cruelty towards dogs when you’re still grieving the loss of your beloved pooches? 

Lisa apparently had the best makeup artist in all of Beverly Hills because she managed to make it through the screening without her face being all streaky. 

Then there was Dorit who rocked up to a meeting about her swimwear line implying that she was full of creativity and that her staff need not worry about the impromptu fashion show she’s putting on. 

Dorit has never been the sanest housewife, and this episode further proved that. In any case, it makes for good TV, but her staff looked like they wanted to shank her when she opened her mouth. 

But Dorit’s health was taking a hit as a result of her hectic schedule that mainly consists of pulling faces when she doesn’t agree with someone, complaining about champagne flutes and just being a rude individual. 

When the ladies assembled to hit up Berlin for some fine dining and other crazy shenanigans, it emerged that Dorit was feeling a little under the weather. 

Enter Lisa Rinna, who was all too happy to give her a pill that would make her feel better. Instead, it made her worse, and Dorit got a stern talking down to from a doctor in the resort. 

The doctor quickly put two and two together and realized that Dorit had mixed two different pills and that she would feel much better when both drugs had left her system. 

It was quite the twist, and we’re surprised Dorit and PK did not try to claim Lisa Rinna drugged her, or something, because we all know just how bitter these cast members can get. 

In Berlin, Lisa wasted no time in commenting that Lisa Rinna has had fewer scenes this time around, and Rinna had the best response:

“I’m just not engaging in stupid f—ing bulls—,” she said tot he cameras with a smile. It turns out, Rinna is trying to put on a better portrayal of how women act for her daughters. 

It was about time!

The other big event found Lisa Vanderpump talking about Nanny Kay, someone who used to look after her a lot. But Kyle claimed she had never heard of the woman, and LVP looked like she was ready to scream at her. 

When it was all cleared up, Kyle said that she had no idea who the person was because Lisa never spoke about her by name. 

Something tells us these two won’t be sharing mimosas at sunrise ever again. 

What did you think of all the latest developments?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills continues Tuesday on Bravo. 
