Showing posts with label Darkest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Darkest. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 12 Recap: The Darkest Episode EVER?!


After this long, it’s hard to believe we’d call The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 12 the single darkest installment ever, but …

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you knew that Rick and the survivors would contemplate what life would be like after Alexandra. 

They also knew that for their people, they had to go against the saviors, but that doing so could mean signing their own death warrant.

The assault on Negan’s stronghold wasn’t the entire crux of “Not Tomorrow Yet.” In fact, it looked like we might not even see it yet.

Most of the episode, which built up to the attack and subsequent cliffhanger, focused on Carol’s character development, and humanization.

For example, only she opposed Maggie’s decision to join them.

This was simply terrific organic storytelling, and weaving it into subject matter like this proof positive of why the show is uniquely good.

In any case, the assault on Negan’s base did eventually play out, and it easily made for some of the grimmest moments in TWD history.

Room by room, the sleeping saviors were slaughtered in their sleep. Even in a world like these characters inhabit, it was truly disturbing.

Glenn was nearly in tears, it was so traumatizing. Soon enough, the Saviors got wind of what was going on and took up arms in response.

One epic shootout later, and we are left to pick up the pieces and try to remind ourselves that Rick and his posse are the good guys.

Is Rick that much better than Negan? Is he better at all?

Yet it’s hard to feel too good about sneaking into an enemy camp and murdering people with knives as they sleep, no matter who it is.

Only the battle isn’t over yet. A voice comes across the radio waves, telling them to stand down, and that Maggie and Carol are prisoners.

Guess it was too good to be true that no one was hurt in the initial assault, despite the fact that the mission was so hastily conducted.

The lack of recon and planning involved in this “get them before they get us” suicide mission may cost them yet, looking ahead to next week.

Hopefully by then, our hearts stop pounding.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Lamar"s Darkest Days

On Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 11, Kim Kardashian was tasked with planning her mom’s 60th birthday party.

But from Scott Disick going to rehab to Lamar Odom being found in a Las Vegas brothel, Momager Kris’ big 6-0 felt like an afterthought.

In the midst of party planning, Kim learned that Disick went to rehab, a decision that everyone agreed could only good for the wildman.

But if you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know it’s not the first time, as Khloe pointed out with moderate skepticism.

It was revealed that Kim went to visit Scott, bringing along his three kids with Kourtney Kardashian (who did not make the trip there).

Then it was Lamar Odom’s hospitalization which was was addressed, via a series of news reports about the former NBA champion.

Text appeared on screen, describing what had happened to Lamar for viewers and saying that “filming was stopped for a brief period.”

Chances are, if you follow the Kardashians at all, you were well aware of all of this, but it helped but the following scenes into context.

“I’m so overwhelmed with what’s going with Lamar,” Kris said, two weeks after. “It’s heartbreaking. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so powerless.”

Khloe, meanwhile, was spending “every second in the hospital with Lamar. She feels guilty for needing to leave,” Kourtney said.

She also decided not to call off her divorce from Odom so that she could continue making the best medical decisions for her ex.

As we now know, this did not lead to a reconciliation between the pair, but it did show us how much Khloe cares for and loves Lamar.

While this was going on, Kim felt bad about celebrating her own birthday, but Kanye West through her a party and left her no choice.

Caitlyn Jenner was in attendance, hanging out with Corey Gamble, Kris’ new boyfriend who was prominently featured in this episode.

If Corey Gamble is paid to date Kris Jenner, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 Episode 11 was a very good week for him.

Though Kris initially resisted Gamble’s attempts to take care of her and make her relax, she capitulated and let her man do his thing.