Showing posts with label Daylight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daylight. Show all posts

Sunday, March 12, 2017

What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2017 Arrives, Rocks America to its Core

In an absolutely stunning and unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2017 shook the nation to its core Sunday morning.

As a result, rattled citizens across this great country are taking to their computers, phones and friends to ask the all-important question:

“What Time Is It?”

Seriously. This is an actual thing going on.

The trending topics on Google at this moment on the 12th day of March include “Daylight Savings Time,” “What Time is It?” and “Local Time.”

It’s chaos out there in America, people.

Earlier this morning, for the first time since 2016, U.S. residents (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded … lucky) were hit with a jarring reality:

The need to set their clocks forward.

By one hour. No more, no less.

Jaws? Hitting the ground.

Fear not, though. Breathe. We’ve got this, people. We got it. If we band together, we can not only come to grips with this, but thrive.

THG has provided a helpful Daylight Saving Time 2017 visual aid to assist you and keep you on an even emotional keel today.

See above. You’re welcome.

While the time change costs us an hour of sleep, evenings will be noticeably brighter, a reminder that spring is just around the corner.

The sun will set around 7 p.m. or later in most of the U.S., meaning no more commuting home in the dark and more hours to be outside.

Cities on the western edge of time zones will enjoy the latest sunsets, as they always do, but must also endure the darkest mornings.

One of the biggest arguments against Daylight Saving Time is the reduction in light in the mornings, especially with kids going to school.

Daylight Savings Time Diagram

Of course, the Earth is still moving in the right direction, and the sun will continue to rise earlier and earlier for the next three months.

The arrival of spring means that daylight is now increasing at its most rapid pace of the year, so the mornings won’t be dark for long.

By mid-April, sunrise will have “caught up” to where it was before DST, so you’ll have that extra hour of evening light and then some.

If you don’t like it? Well, you’re probably giving this way too much thought, but we have some reassuring news for you just the same.

Just wait 7.75 months and ride this thing on out. Come November 5, you can go back to Standard Time and pretend this never happened.

See below:


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Daylight Saving Time 2017 Guide: All You Need to Know!

Let us just say that it’s about time, people. Are we right?

See what we did there?! Literally and figuratively? Eh?

Terrible puns notwithstanding, it’s cause for celebration across the nation because Daylight Saving Time commences this weekend.

For those beaten down by winter and desperate for this long, dark period of our lives to end, the event comes not a moment too soon.

Daylight Saving Time is harbinger of seasons to come, a cause for springing ahead (so to speak) with life and the renewal of the spirit.

It’s also inherently confounding for a lot of people somehow.

Fortunately, THG is here to break it all down and help you through a monumentally complex event that we haven’t seen the likes of since 2016.

Here are 17 helpful tips for Daylight Savings Time 2017:

Daylight Savings Time Diagram

1. It begins officially tomorrow: Sunday, March 12 at 2 a.m.

2. Time “springs” forward one hour (see above infographic).

3. Set your clocks ahead before you go to bed tonight. Done.

4. Or stay up until 2 a.m., put ‘em at 3, then hit the sack. BAM.

5. Your iPhone should be automated, so don’t even WORRY.

6. Your microwave probably isn’t, though, so take note of that.

7. At least your microwave can’t be hacked by the CIA. #Win.

8. Yes, this means losing an hour of sleep Sunday morning. 

9. Especially with little kids on a nap schedule. Gonna be rough.

10. BUT you get an extra hour of sun in the evening. Tight.

11. The concept of DST dates all the way back to 1895.

12. It was the brainchild of one Ben Franklin. Who knew?!

13. It was recently extended a decade ago to save energy.

14. Daylight Saving Time 2017 ends Sunday, November 5, at which point you’ll be “falling” back to the original time, as depicted below:

15. Changing the clock in your car could take you awhile, especially if you have an older model, because that s–t is a legit pain in the a–.

16. Seriously. A post-it note affixed to the dashboard reminding you that it’s hour slow until 11/5 may be easier. It’s only 7.75 months.

17. Arizona, Hawaii and Puerto Rico peeps: Disregard 1-16.

There you go: 17 easy steps to prep you for #DST17 so that you we can not only get through this, but spring into March and beyond.

With gusto, and aplomb. Up top!


Sunday, November 6, 2016

What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2016 Ends, Baffles America Again

In a shocking, literally unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2015 came to a close and shook a nation to its core this morning.

Millions of rattled American citizens were left reeling.

Scrambling, desperate and wondering what the hell just happened, a nation turned to its phones and asked the million-dollar question:

“What Time Is It?”

Fall Back!

Did you remember to fall back?!

Seriously. Trending topics on the web Sunday morning include the likes of “Daylight Savings Time,” “What Time is It?” and “Local Time.”

It’s chaos out there.

Fortunately, The Hollywood Gossip is here to help make sense of it all. Here’s how we got to this point and what you need to do next:

Earlier this morning, for the first time since March 2015, U.S. residents (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded … lucky) set their clocks forward.

By one hour exactly.

Jaws? Dropping.

Just breathe, people.

Everybody just calm the f–k down.

We know this is a real challenge, but we have got you covered and we promise, we can navigate this mine field and get through it together.

Alright. Now. Down to business.

To keep you on an emotionally even keel amid the pandemonium, we put together a helpful visual guide to Daylight Saving Time 2016 …

Fall the F--k Back

There you go.

A few moments ago, your life was in shambles. Now you’re fully in control of things again. Don’t ever say we didn’t do anything for you.


Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2015 Ends, Takes America By Storm

In a stunning, unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2015 came to a close and shook the nation to its core Sunday morning.

Millions of rattled American citizens were left reeling, scrambling and searching for answers to the million-dollar question: “What Time Is It?”

Fall Back!

Seriously. Trending topics on the web currently include “Daylight Savings Time,” “What Time is It?” and “Local Time.” It’s chaos out there.

Here’s how we got to this point and what you need to do next:

Earlier this morning, for the first time since March 2015, U.S. residents (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded … lucky) set their clocks forward.

By one hour exactly. Jaws? Dropping to the floor nationwide.

Just breathe, people. You got this. THG has your back.

To keep you on an emotionally even keel amid the pandemonium, we put together this helpful visual guide to Daylight Saving Time 2015.

Don’t ever say we didn’t do anything for you:

Fall the F--k Back

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Daylight Saving Time 2015: It"s Over (Almost)!

Daylight Saving Time. It’s finally over, people. Almost. In just a few short hours from now, it will be time to turn the clocks back FOR GOOD.

Or at least until March 2016 comes around.

Tomorrow morning, it’s time to turn the clocks back, and for all you Americans looking forward to a long, dark winter, it’s a thing of beauty.

Okay, that’s virtually no one. Whatever.

Hey, at least you get an extra hour of sleep! Well, unless you have kids or pets who have no idea what’s up, in which chase, no you don’t.

Anyway, Daylight Saving Time remains inherently confusing for some people, which is why is THG is here to break it down for all y’all:

See helpful graphic above. BAM!!

If that’s not sufficient, here’s a more detailed rundown of Daylight Saving Time 2015, and what to expect with Daylight Saving Time 2016:

  1. Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 8 at 2 a.m.

  2. Time “springs” forward and “falls” back an hour (above).

  3. So your clocks ahead an hour before you go to bed.

  4. OR stay up until 2 a.m., turn the clocks to 1 a.m., then hit the sack.

  5. Your iPhone should do this automatically. Your oven? Nada.

  6. It will start getting dark at 4:30 on the East Coast now. Yay?

  7. The concept of Daylight Saving Time dates back to 1895.

  8. It was recently extended across the U.S. to save energy use.

  9. In 2016, Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 13.

  10. If you can’t figure out how to change the effing clock in your car, don’t worry. Make a mental (or Post-It) note that it’s fast until 3/3/16.

  11. Arizona, Hawaii and Puerto Rico residents: Disregard.

There you go. You are officially prepared. Up top.