Showing posts with label Deadmau5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deadmau5. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2017

DJ Carnage Goes Off on Deadmau5, Accuses Him of Pushing Him

We’ve officially got DJ beef. DJ Carnage went OFF on Deadmau5 Friday night after he allegedly got pushed by him … and claims about 20 security guards were sicced on him afterward. Carnage posted an angry rant after the altercation at…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Starfest Music Festival Sued for Failing to Pay Commission for Deadmau5 and Flo Rida Bookings

There’s a new upcoming music fest raising eyebrows in wake of the disastrous Fyre Festival … and one man claims he’s already been ripped off by it. Simon Perez says in a new lawsuit … he was hired by the Starfest Music Festival –…


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kanye West SLAMS Deadmau5: You Do Birthdays, Minnie Mouse?

Here’s some news that’s sure to shock you to your very core: Kanye West has picked a fight with another artist, and he’s being kind of a douche about it.

No, he’s not attacking Wiz Khalifa on Twitter again.

As far as we know he not planning on spewing misogynistic nonsense at Taylor Swift in any future songs (though we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he did).

This time, Kanye is directing his rage and very uneven sense of humor at a lesser-known artist, the acclaimed EDM DJ and producer Deadmau5.

It all started yesterday, when Kanye posted a screenshot of a laptop with tabs open for Pirate Bay – a site generally used for illegally downloading music.

It was later revealed that the computer was not Kanye’s, but several other artists had already criticized him for his hypocrisy, Deadmau5 among them.

Kanye being Kanye, he didn’t take it lightly.

“You raised Tidal’s subscriptions by a whopping [3] downloads,” he tweeted at Deadmau5 moments ago.

“When you get married will your wife have a giant minnie mouse head? This brightened up my day…thank you dead-mow-five.”

From there, Kanye contnued to go in on Deadmau5’s stage name and persona, and as much as we’re loath to admit it, some of it was pretty funny:

  • “Do you do birthday parties?? My daughter loves Minnie mouse.”

  • “Can you please bring the minnie mouse head … not yours   she specifically likes minnie mouse.”

  • “I need you to perform at her party with specifically a minnie mouse dead-mow-five head… not a mickey mouse dead-mow-five head.”

  • “I’m very detailed oriented and I will know the difference so don’t try to just throw a bow on the original head”

  • “I want to stream you performing in a Minnie Mouse head on @Tidal”

Deadmau5 has yet to reply, but based on his tweet from two hours ago, he’s overseas and currently sleeping.

We imagine waking up to find out that you’re Kanye’s latest victim is a great way to start your day.