Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2018

Duggars Slammed For Forgetting Birthdays: Do They Even Know Their Kids?!

Having 19 kids presents a number of challenges.

The coupon clipping alone is enough to prematurely turn your hands into gnarled oak roots.

So fans of Duggar clan would likely be sympathetic to the occasional missed recital or forgotten birthday … if only Jim Bob and Michelle would cop to being anything less than perfect parents.

These days, the couple has the added challenge of trying to keep track of the comings and goings of an ever-growing brood of grandchildren.

Again, if they just threw up their hands and admitted that they’re less than perfect, the Duggars would probably receive a lot of sympathy from fans who have firsthand experience with their plight.

But that would mean messing with the narrative they’ve been selling for the past decade and admitting that everything they do isn’t guided by the divine hand of providence.

So what the Duggars do instead is try to cover their tracks and pretend like all of their kids are equal in their eyes, when we all know there are clear favorites.

These days, it seems that the more marketably Duggars (Jill, Jessa, Jinger, etc.) are tops in their parents eyes, while the younger siblings frequently get short shrift.

Last month, the Jim Bob and Michelle were accused of forgetting Jordyn Duggar’s birthday and attempting to make up for their memory lapse with a hastily thrown together party.

Now, the couple is being accused of repeating their mistake with son Joseph Duggar, who turned 23 earlier this week.

Joseph is expecting his first child these days, and with the amount of importance Jim Bob and Michelle place on breeding, you would think that would put him in their good graces.

But it seems his big day slipped their minds, and instead of calling, the couple sent their son a belated birthday message featuring what they describe as a Jay Leno look-alike:

The Duggars were duly roasted for their lame message, with many fans pointing out that they Joseph’s birthday obviously slipped their minds”

“You always give such generic wishes, like you don’t really know your kids,” one fan wrote. “Oh wait…”

“In all seriousness, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that birthdays are all so canned and repetitious,” another commented.

“They celebrate one once every two to three weeks basically. Like, of course, they all will meld together if you let them, and why wouldn’t 19 individuals do the same thing in your mind. Again, just proof that parents can’t be spread between 19 kids and have a relationship with each one on a deep and personal level.”

“One of the oddest birthday messages ever,” others chimed in.

“Whose birthday was it anyway? All they did was brag about their vacation and the weather and meeting a Jay Leno look alike.”

We’re surprised by a lot of things here.

For starters, the Duggars know who Jay Leno is?

We thought they condemned all forms of worldly entertainment.

Jay must get a pass because he loves denim and cars. 

And c’mon, this guy doesn’t even look that much like Leno.

If you hired him for a party you’d want your money back, but then again, if you’re the type of person who hires a Leno look-alike for your party, maybe you deserve to get ripped off.

What were we supposed to be ouraged about again?

Oh, right … the forgotten birthday. For shame!

Watch Counting On online for more of Jim Bob and Michelle’s attempts to bury their mistakes.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Britney Spears Takes Sons to Disneyland to Celebrate Birthdays with Boyfriend Sam Asghari

Britney Spears was having all of it Saturday at Disneyland with her Bf and his kids. Britney took Sean and Jayden to the Anaheim theme park to celebrate their birthdays, both of which hit next week. Sean turns 12 and Jayden turns 11. Brit’s…


Britney Spears Takes Sons to Disneyland to Celebrate Birthdays with Boyfriend Sam Asghari

Britney Spears was having all of it Saturday at Disneyland with her Bf and his kids. Britney took Sean and Jayden to the Anaheim theme park to celebrate their birthdays, both of which hit next week. Sean turns 12 and Jayden turns 11. Brit’s…


Sunday, July 23, 2017

J Lo and A-Rod Celebrate Their Birthdays with Dance Party

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez do EVERYTHING together now … including celebrating their birthdays, and she even got him on the dance floor for the event. The couple hung out with friends and family Saturday night in Miami for a massive…


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Kanye West SLAMS Deadmau5: You Do Birthdays, Minnie Mouse?

Here’s some news that’s sure to shock you to your very core: Kanye West has picked a fight with another artist, and he’s being kind of a douche about it.

No, he’s not attacking Wiz Khalifa on Twitter again.

As far as we know he not planning on spewing misogynistic nonsense at Taylor Swift in any future songs (though we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if he did).

This time, Kanye is directing his rage and very uneven sense of humor at a lesser-known artist, the acclaimed EDM DJ and producer Deadmau5.

It all started yesterday, when Kanye posted a screenshot of a laptop with tabs open for Pirate Bay – a site generally used for illegally downloading music.

It was later revealed that the computer was not Kanye’s, but several other artists had already criticized him for his hypocrisy, Deadmau5 among them.

Kanye being Kanye, he didn’t take it lightly.

“You raised Tidal’s subscriptions by a whopping [3] downloads,” he tweeted at Deadmau5 moments ago.

“When you get married will your wife have a giant minnie mouse head? This brightened up my day…thank you dead-mow-five.”

From there, Kanye contnued to go in on Deadmau5’s stage name and persona, and as much as we’re loath to admit it, some of it was pretty funny:

  • “Do you do birthday parties?? My daughter loves Minnie mouse.”

  • “Can you please bring the minnie mouse head … not yours   she specifically likes minnie mouse.”

  • “I need you to perform at her party with specifically a minnie mouse dead-mow-five head… not a mickey mouse dead-mow-five head.”

  • “I’m very detailed oriented and I will know the difference so don’t try to just throw a bow on the original head”

  • “I want to stream you performing in a Minnie Mouse head on @Tidal”

Deadmau5 has yet to reply, but based on his tweet from two hours ago, he’s overseas and currently sleeping.

We imagine waking up to find out that you’re Kanye’s latest victim is a great way to start your day.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Adorable! Britney Spears Celebrates Her Boys" Birthdays With A DJ Themed Bash!

Sean Preston and Jayden are really lucky boys!!

On Saturday, Britney Spears threw her sons an EPIC DJ themed birthday bash and it looks like everyone had a blast! Even Kevin Federline was there to take part in the fun festivities!

[ Related: Britney Enjoys The Mermaid Life With Her Sons! See The Adorable Pic! ]

Luckily for Sean and Jayden, their birthdays are only two days apart so the brothers get to celebrate their special days together! Sean will turn 10 on September 14 while little Jayden turned 9 on September 12.

Check out the pics and videos from the party (below)!

Thank you @skatelab and @lindacohencakepops for making this day so special 🎈A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:16pm PDT

😂A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:18pm PDT

🚘🎉A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:27pm PDT

This cake is so dope.. Jayden and Preston Bday cake… #imadjA photo posted by Kevin Federline (@federline4real) on Sep 12, 2015 at 1:49pm PDT

Aww! We’re so glad the fam had an AMAZING time! By the way, how cool is that cake?!

Happy b-day, boys!

[Image via Instagram.]