Showing posts with label Devoe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devoe. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Flash Season 4 Episode 14 Recap: DeVoe Claims a Victim

With DeVoe now looking to kill the rest of the metas from the bus, Team Flash knew it was time to find and save everyone. 

When The Flash Season 4 Episode 14 got underway, the team got to work to find the next meta before DeVoe had the opportunity to strike. 

Thanks to the bus, Ralph managed to find a music demo on, and it led them to a meta named Izzy. When the team caught up with her, they found out that she was an aspiring country singer. 

She struggled to use her powers safely, and that was a big issue for her. She managed to make an exit away from the team … even after learning about DeVoe. 

After some back and forth, the team tried checking the singer’s website and located her whereabouts. But DeVoe showed up when they got a lead on her. 

DeVoe threatened the team, but Izzy proved her worth and used a power to send the villain flying away. This put him in a fragile state, but Marlize was on hand to take her man out of the situation. 

Team Flash tried to tell Izzy that she needed to hide or she ran the risk of being murdered, but she felt like she was about to be discovered. 

Who wants to be holed up in S.T.A.R. Labs when their big break could be coming? 

Thanks (again!) to Ralph, Izzy decided to stick around because she felt like it was time to train and harness her powers in a manner that would allow her to stay safe. 

Meanwhile, Harry tried to help Cecile with her newfound powers by creating a helmet that would suppress the powers, but they struggled to agree on the look of the device. 

Ultimately, Izzy found herself out picking a fight with DeVoe. Barry and Ralph showed up, and another crazy battle ensued. Izzy got the device on DeVoe’s forehead. 

The villain subsequently used all of it to his advantage and took over Izzy’s body and gained control of her powers. Yes, he now has SEVEN powers. 

This dude is never going to stop!

Cisco realized that there was a way to track DeVoe’s lair, and if he did, the team would be able to zip with him and find out all they needed to know before it was too late. 

What did you think of the latest episode?

Sound off below. 

The Flash continues Tuesdays on The CW.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Flash Season 4 Episode 7 Recap: The Truth About DeVoe

DeVoe was playing the long con with Barry on The Flash Season 4 Episode 7

The big bad tried to make Barry and his team think he was a professor caught in the crossfire of all the drama that was going on in Central City with the metahumans. 

Barry turned to his friends and family because he could not shake the feeling that DeVoe was putting on a front, and was actually the villain of their nightmares. 

Barry managed to steal a mug from the villain to check if the DNA was that of a metahuman. To his surprise, the test came back negative, and so his mission continued. 

Iris was not impressed because she felt like Barry was going to extreme measures to prove something that was not there, to begin with. 

“For the sake of your job and my sanity, please, let it go,” the future Miss. Barry Allen asked her fiancé.

Barry then breaks into DeVoe’s home, and he is landed with a restraining order and a suspension from his work. Looks like DeVoe’s plan to make Barry look bad is paying off. 

Iris was shocked that Barry continued his mission, but Barry claimed that he has more to lose now than ever and that’s why he was worried about the way everything was playing out. 

While Iris successfully put Barry’s fears at bay, but things went into high gear when Barry got confirmation he was the villain he thought he was all along. 

“For such a fast man, you’re rather slow,” Devoe barked at Barry when the scarlet speedster realized he had been played all along and now looked crazy in the eyes of his co-workers. 

How else would he be able to move on from this crazy occurrence?

We got some insight into how DeVoe became the fastest mind. He asked his wife to help him bring his design to life for a cap that allows his brain increase to an infinite capacity. 

It was then revealed that Harrison Wells turning on the particle accelerator helped bring the project to life. DeVoe was refreshed and ready for world domination. 

While DeVoe’s mind was in a speedy place, his body started to deteriorate. His wife removed his scalp and put him into the chair to help keep something in the way of the energy. 

That’s a wrap! Next week, it’s crossover time! 

What did you think of all the action?

Sound off below. 


Friday, November 17, 2017

Serena Williams" Wedding, Huge Stars, Tennis Themes and Bell Biv DeVoe!

Here’s one case where Bell Biv DeVoe broke their own rule — and totally trusted a big butt and a smile … because they were some of the VIPs at Serena Williams’ wedding!!  It all went down in New Orleans on Thursday night — where huge stars…


Serena Williams" Wedding, Huge Stars, Tennis Themes and Bell Biv DeVoe!

Here’s one case where Bell Biv DeVoe broke their own rule — and totally trusted a big butt and a smile … because they were some of the VIPs at Serena Williams’ wedding!!  It all went down in New Orleans on Thursday night — where huge stars…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Bell Biv Devoe Is Going to Record Country-ish Hit with Lady Antebellum (VIDEO)

Bell Biv DeVoe and Lady Antebellum have a serious connection, and they’re taking it to the studio … according to BBD’s Ricky Bell. We got Bell at LAX — fresh off BBD’s killer mashup with LA on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” — and he was still…
