Showing posts with label Escort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Escort. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Southern Charm: Is Ashley Jacobs Really an Escort?

Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel’s girlfriend Ashley Jacobs’ last attack on Kathryn Dennis clearly didn’t endear her to the rest of the cast.

In fact, in the finale episode, different members of the cast enjoyed tossing around a juicy rumor about Ashley. It even got brought up to her face.

Is Ashley Jacobs an escort?

It was Naomie Olindo who brought it up, teasing that “There’s an awkward rumor” about Thomas Ravenel’s girlfriend, Ashley Jacobs.

Cameron Eubanks asks “She’s pregnant? … She’s an escort?” It’s clear that he has already heard this rumor.

The rumor, we learn, allegedly originated in Santa Barbara, where Jacobs originates.

Kathryn Dennis, of course, got wind of it, and says: “Naomi apparently heard this rumor about Ashley being, like, an escort. I’m not being mean. I’m just throwing that out here. …”

 And Thomas Ravenel’s ex and the mother of his children has some thoughts on the matter.

“Regardless,” Ashley continues. “I’ve heard from several people and I f–king believe it.”

It’s no surprise to any Southern Charm viewers that Ashley doesn’t think much of Kathryn.

“She’s so delusional,” Ashley says of her boyfriend’s baby mama while speaking to Jennifer Snowden.

“You know what she says?” Ashley asks rhetorically. “I don’t think about you, I don’t talk about you.’”

Ashley keeps right on going, asking: “But you know what I want to say?”

“Every night you go to bed and lay your head on your pillow,” Ashley imagines. “You think about how Ashley Jacobs is winning.”

it is very difficult to imagine that Kathryn thinks anything of the sort at any time of day.

Austen Kroll actually brought up the rumor to Ashley’s face.

“Women can be nasty,” Austen says. “But they’re like, ‘I think Ashley is an escort.”

Interesting to blame an entire gender for nastiness when you’re the one bringing up a juicy rumor, my dude.

“That’s not true,” Thomas Ravenel insists. “That’s absurd!”

“I don’t know,” Austen admits when Ashley asks if he believes that she’s really a nurse. “How would I know? I’ve never seen you do anything than spend his money.”

If Austen hadn’t wanted to stir up drama, he wouldn’t have brought it up. And he definitely wouldn’t have pretended to doubt that she’s even a nurse.

“The factors are you’re not working,” Austen explains. “[Thomas] is paying for everything and then you said you would date Shep or I if we were older.”


“Obviously,” Austen explains. “As guys, it’s guy code to be like, ’T, you sure this girl has the right priorities?’”

Ashley Jacobs, Thomas Ravenel, Kathryn Dennis

At the end of the finale, Kathryn and Ashley go head to head after Ashley crosses some lines.

“Don’t forget that your kids were taken away from you,” Ashley taunts Kathryn. “Don’t forget that. Someday they are going to want to know why.”

“All you are is a gold digger, no one f–king likes you, including your boyfriend,” Kathryn replies. “It’s all in your head.”

“I’m not going anywhere so get used to this, okay?” Ashley says. “I am the best thing that has happened to him and he is the best thing to have happened to me.”

“Why is he miserable then?” Kathryn asks. “Why is he depressed?”

“My boyfriend can’t stand you,” Ashley insists. “I have to hear about this all the time.”

Since this was filmed, contrary to Ashley’s assertions, Kathryn and Thomas were shown on social media getting along just fine as they coparented.

Obviously, there’s no shame in someone being a sex worker of any kind, but we haven’t actually seen anything to suggest that Ashley is an escort.

Instead, Ashley seems to be a nurse. Oh, and a golddigger.

The real issue here is that people just don’t seem to like Ashley — if anything, her feud with Kathryn has made people like Kathryn more.

Ashley also doesn’t feud well on camera — you can see her becoming flustered and, as Kathryn says, childish as she tries to deflect criticisms. It doesn’t play well.

If more people liked Ashley, then this rumor wouldn’t matter to them.

Instead, they’re having a lot of fun with a piece of fake news. If she were making a better impression, they’d probably be tripping over themselves to defend her.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Jordan Cashmyer: 16 & Pregnant Star Now Working as Escort

Jordan Cashmyer’s life has taken a sad turn since 16 and Pregnant, and it’s not like anyone on that reality show has it easy to start.

According to a shocking new report, things have gone from bad to worse for the reality star … to a point rarely seen among her peers.

As devoted fans know, Cashmyer gave birth to her daughter Genevieve during her Season 5 episode of the Teen Mom precursor in 2014.

In the past three years, she’s fallen on very hard times.

How hard? She is now allegedly working as an escort in Baltimore, according to a group of fans who discovered this and made the connection.

Fans have spotted Cashmyer’s escort ads on numerous escorting and massage “therapy” websites (we are not including them in this article).

Jordan gives her name as “Raquel” in most of the ads for her services, but is clearly the individual shown in the accompanying photos.

The giant “Cashmyer” arm tattoo is unmistakable.

Even sadder still is the fact that in some of her escort photos, the one-time reality star is showcasing visible bruises and looking very thin. 

How long has this been going on?

On her escort “resume,” which is evidently something people in the profession have, Jordan says that she’s been escorting since June.

A search for Cashmyer’s phone number produces results on six different escorting-type websites, The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports.

Jordan had previously been working as an exotic dancer at several Baltimore-area gentlemen’s clubs, also under the name “Raquel.”

That part is not a secret to fans. Her ex, and the father of her daughter, Derek Taylor, outed her as a stripper a few years ago.

Call it revenge porn or any other name, but he exposed pics of Jordan stripping and lamented that she doesn’t take care of their daughter.

Little Genevieve, 3, has been cared for by Derek, with help from Jordan’s parents, for much if not all of her young life up to this point.

Cashmyer’s role has largely been lacking.

Jordan is likely best remembered by fans being “homeless” on her 16 and Pregnant episode and for reportedly attempting suicide in 2014.

In March 2016, Jordan went to rehab after admitting that “heavy drug use” had greatly affected her life over the previous several years.

In July 2016, Cashmyer stated on Facebook that she was off drugs and alcohol after leaving rehab, and that things were looking up.

Cash tweet

Optimistically, she claimed to have severe depression, anxiety and mood swings under control after she had received in-patient care.

Cashmyer wrote to her fans last summer:

“For the first time in a really long time, I am thinking clearly, not using drugs or alcohol and have my depression, anxiety & mood swings pretty under control.”

“This is the first time in a really long time.”

“I [finally feel] like myself since my senior year, pregnancy and the few months after that before going to work at a [strip] club.”

Jordan’s Twitter is active, though she rarely posts her own comments … one from January 2017 (above) appears to say it all.

We wish her the best.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Richard Simmons Returns Home from Hospital with Police Escort

Richard Simmons just came home from the hospital … with a little help from the LAPD. Simmons checked himself in on Monday for gastrointestinal issues. He returned home Thursday afternoon … but there was a problem. Simmons longtime…


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tom Cruise Paid Male Escort For Sex, Claims Top Hollywood Private Eye

Actress Leah Remini’s recent memoir turned out to be a PR nightmare for several Hollywood Scientologists, but no one’s reputation was battered as severely as that of Tom Cruise.

Remini made several embarrassing accusations about Cruise, claiming that the actor throws frequent tantrums and uses young low-ranking Scientologists as slave laborers.

Sources say Cruise threatened legal action, but ultimately decided against it, hoping that the fallout from Remini’s book would simply go away on its own.

Several months later, that hasn’t happened, and now, Cruise is dealing with more unwelcome media attention, thanks to yet another tell-all.

For years, Paul Barresi was one of Hollywood’s most sought-after private investigators. 

In 1999, he was imprisoned for illegal wiretapping and stripped of his detective’s license. 

Now, forced to find alternate means of supporting himself, Barresi has decided to spill the secrets of his biggest clients in an upcoming memoir, and he recently teased one of the book’s biggest bombshells in an interview with The National Enquirer:

Barresi claims that when lawyers for Cruise hired famed PI Anthony Pellecano to look into claims that a male escort named Nathan “Big Red” Hamilton had been hired by Cruise to perform sexual favors, Pellecano outsourced the investigation to Barresi:

“Pellecano  brought me in to do the legwork and I tracked him down,” Barresi says. “I got all the dirt — and now, years later, I’m going to tell it all in a new book.”

Barresi says he discovered ample evidence to support Hamilton’s claims that Cruise frequently hired male prostitutes, telling The Enquirer that the young man had kept a “detailed diary” and “had receipts from restaurants, hotels and nightclubs to support his claims of sex with Tom.”

“A mat had been spread out on the floor,” Hamilton writes in one diary entry. 

“Cruise dressed in what looked like a bodysuit…for wrestling. Grinning and gloating at me, he said, ‘Strip down to your underwear and play with me for a little while.’”

The Enquirer claims to have verified that Barresi was paid $ 5,000 for tracking down and interviewing Hamilton.

Thus far, the PI is not facing any legal action from Cruise, but many believe the actor will file suit sometime this week.