Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tom Cruise Paid Male Escort For Sex, Claims Top Hollywood Private Eye

Actress Leah Remini’s recent memoir turned out to be a PR nightmare for several Hollywood Scientologists, but no one’s reputation was battered as severely as that of Tom Cruise.

Remini made several embarrassing accusations about Cruise, claiming that the actor throws frequent tantrums and uses young low-ranking Scientologists as slave laborers.

Sources say Cruise threatened legal action, but ultimately decided against it, hoping that the fallout from Remini’s book would simply go away on its own.

Several months later, that hasn’t happened, and now, Cruise is dealing with more unwelcome media attention, thanks to yet another tell-all.

For years, Paul Barresi was one of Hollywood’s most sought-after private investigators. 

In 1999, he was imprisoned for illegal wiretapping and stripped of his detective’s license. 

Now, forced to find alternate means of supporting himself, Barresi has decided to spill the secrets of his biggest clients in an upcoming memoir, and he recently teased one of the book’s biggest bombshells in an interview with The National Enquirer:

Barresi claims that when lawyers for Cruise hired famed PI Anthony Pellecano to look into claims that a male escort named Nathan “Big Red” Hamilton had been hired by Cruise to perform sexual favors, Pellecano outsourced the investigation to Barresi:

“Pellecano  brought me in to do the legwork and I tracked him down,” Barresi says. “I got all the dirt — and now, years later, I’m going to tell it all in a new book.”

Barresi says he discovered ample evidence to support Hamilton’s claims that Cruise frequently hired male prostitutes, telling The Enquirer that the young man had kept a “detailed diary” and “had receipts from restaurants, hotels and nightclubs to support his claims of sex with Tom.”

“A mat had been spread out on the floor,” Hamilton writes in one diary entry. 

“Cruise dressed in what looked like a bodysuit…for wrestling. Grinning and gloating at me, he said, ‘Strip down to your underwear and play with me for a little while.’”

The Enquirer claims to have verified that Barresi was paid $ 5,000 for tracking down and interviewing Hamilton.

Thus far, the PI is not facing any legal action from Cruise, but many believe the actor will file suit sometime this week.