Showing posts with label Eyebrows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eyebrows. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham Gets Eyebrows Tattooed

Farrah Abraham is making sure she looks her best when she steps into the ring to fight Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander … we’ve learned she just got some new ink! Farrah hit up Faces In The Dark Tattoo parlor in Austin, Texas Friday afternoon to get a…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Melania Trump "Pussy-Bow" Blouse Raises Debate Eyebrows

Let us be clear:

We would love to focus solely on issues that truly impact the nation when discussing the Presidential Debate that aired from St. Louis on Sunday night.

But if the candidates themselves are not going to do so, well…

… here we go then:

Melania Trump wore a blouse to the event that was affixed with a “pussy-bow.”

This is not our language or our description. It is the official description of the item from Gucci, from whom Trump purchased the $ 1,100 ensemble.

Here. See for yourself:

We’re not being juvenile for the sake of being juvenile here.

Melania’s famous husband, Donald Trump, was forced to defend himself early and often at the debate when it came to a video that went viral on Friday afternoon.

It was filmed in 2005 and it depicted a conversation between Trump and Access Hollywood co-host Billy Bush.

As they drove to the set of Days of Our Lives, Trump bragged about his sexual triumphs and sexual philosophy to Bush.

Among the many lewd and disgusting comments Trump made at the time?

“When you’re a star… you can do anything [to women]. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”


So you can perhaps see why the Internet was up in shocked arms by the outfit Melania (who reportedly refused to do a TV appearance with her husband after the comments went public) chose to wear.

Donald Trump also boasted about attempting to seduce a married woman in the leaked footage; Access Hollywood has since identified as Nancy O’Dell.

A spokesperson for the Trump campaign told CBS News Sunday night that the former model’s shirt choice “was not intentional.”

Which is hilarious, that the campaign had to comment on the pussy-bow donned by its candidate’s wife.

Trump issued a defiant apology late Friday night after this video threatened to truly sink his campaign.

“I never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I’m not,” says in the following video.

“I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today on the more than decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize.”

Watch for yourself:

As for the Internet’s take on Melania Trump’s choice of shirts?

As you might expect, it did not disappoint…

And also:

Although Melania attended the debate last night, she did condemn her husband’s lewd remarks.

“The words my husband used are unacceptable and offensive to me,” she said in a statement Saturday.

“This does not represent the man that I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have.”


Monday, August 1, 2016

Bella Thorne Sort of Gets Eyebrows Tattooed

Bella Thorne is used to stirring up a storm on the Internet, often one that centers on her body.

Consider the time she flaunted her perfect abs.

Or the time she bounced around with a bra on.

Or the time(s) she posed in a bikini.

Yeah. We write about Bella Thorne"s body a lot. But here"s one part of Bella Thorne"s body we"ve never written about before: her eyebrows.

In a series of Snapchat videos she shared on Sunday, the 18-year old actress took fans on a painful journey while she got tattoos etched on to her eyebrows.

Sort of.

See, eyebrow tattooing is a process that eliminates the need for one"s favorite pencils and powders because it defines one"s eyebrows and fills in gaps.

(We aim to educate here at The Hollywood Gossip.)

Utilizing a microblade with very small needles, a technician dips the tool in pigment and then draws strokes identical to your existing hair.

The “tattoos” last up to 24 months.

They aren"t so much new pieces of ink on one"s body as an extension of a body part that already exists.

“Here I go,” wrote the former Disney star on social media before before filming a technician using a needle to draw strands on her face.

“Ok now I get more numbing,” she added.

The teenage star, who is dating Gregg Sulkin, took the pain like a champion throughout her whole film series… which isn"t short!

However, toward the end, she expressed disdain for the coloring portion.

“I think that’s my least favorite part,” she said.

(This is fascinating stuff, we know. We"re so glad she shared it with us, aren"t you?)

In the end, thank goodness, Thorne was clearly happy with the finished product, as she concluded her tale with a selfie and a snappy caption:

“YASSS brows.”

What do you think? Was this an improvement for Thorne?

Could you imagine going through this process?

Watch it unfold below and then decide for yourself:

Bella thorne actually gets tattoos on her eyebrows

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Kate Middleton"s Eyebrows: Too Distracting! Too Thick!

If it’s not about her bangs, then it’s about the eyebrows.

On February 7th, the Duchess of Cambridge attended the 75th anniversary of the Royal Air Force Cadets service at the RAF St. Clement Danes chapel.  

This marked Catherine’s first engagement as Honorary Air Commandant, a patronage handed over to her by the Duke of Edinburgh, who served as Air Commodore-In-Chief for 63 years.

However, the focus was less on the exciting new role (Prince William is a retired RAF Search-and-Rescue pilot), but on her eyebrows.

I’ve been waxing my eyebrows since the tender age of 12 (it was necessary, trust me), so I know a thing or two about how their shape affects one’s overall “look.

However, to point out Catherine’s (which, IMO, look perfectly fine) is a serious grasp for straws.

The Daily Mail accuses Catherine’s of looking waxy and “over-filled,” which makes the skin “around the eyes look hollow and saggy,” and emphasizes “crow’s feet and under-eye shadows.”

The DM, always kind when it comes to a lady’s appearance, claims that Catherine has be “so concerned about having thin, patchy eyebrows” that she bought Bobbi Brown’s “Brow Kit” ($ 48) back in 2012 to fill them out and “emphasize her green eyes.”

Natalie Plain, founder of the Billion Dollar Brows, told the Mail that Catherine used “way too much brow make-up without blending,” and that they distracted people from her “fine delicate features.”

I’m sure Her Royal Highness has taken your critiques into account, and will review them at her 10-bedroom mansion where she resides with her two beautiful children and dashing husband (who’s a prince, FYI).  

That is, after she oversees the installment of a tennis court in her backyard.

K, bai.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Kylie Jenner Is Coming After Your Eyebrows Next

It’s tragic, but it’s true:

The Kylie Jenner Lip Kit is a best-seller.

But the 18-year old reality star is not content with merely having an influence over the lips of her young fans.

Oh, no. Far from it.

In an interview with Teen Vogue, soon after being named spokesperson for British skincare line Nip + Fab, Jenner spoke on a wide variety of beauty and fashion topics.

She lied said, for instance, that those shady lip kits were entirely her own idea and her own creation and that the money to produce them came out of her pocket.

“I put all my own money into it. It’s all me,” Kylie claims.

“It’s so much more exciting when you do that. It’s so worth it to see people with your product. I have a lot more coming up in the new year.”

Heck, forget the new year.

Where does Jenner see herself in FIVE years?

“I see myself with a really successful makeup line. I want to expand it a lot. For now, I’m going to keep adding different lip colors.

“I’d also maybe do an eyeshadow palette, an eyebrow kit, or a contour kit, depending on what people want.”

Incomprehensibly, people do seem to want what Kylie Jenner is offering these days.

As part of her Teen Vogue interview, she also offered beauty advice given to her by her sisters (“Always wear sunscreen! And take off your makeup, and use under-eye cream!”) and teased that plenty more is to come via the Kylie Jenner Instagram account.

Is there anything she would never share on there?

“Never say never!” Kylie teased.