Showing posts with label Finger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finger. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2017

Dikembe Mutombo Gives FINGER WAG to Falcons ... We Blew It (Video)

As if losing the Super Bowl wasn’t bad enough, the ATL Falcons just got the FINGER WAG OF SHAME from Dikembe Mutombo.  Mutombo was leaving NRG Stadium in Houston — still sporting his Falcons jersey — when we asked if he was impressed with…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Alabama Football Player Blew Off Finger with Shotgun

University of Alabama defensive lineman Dakota Ball won’t be playing in the Peach Bowl on Saturday … because he’s recovering from SHOOTING OFF HIS FINGER with a shotgun.  Ball — who’s left hand was wrapped up at a Peace Bowl Media Day event…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Ex-Miss USA Lu Parker -- Busted for 5 Finger Discount at LAX

Former Miss USA Lu Parker is under arrest for pilfering a pair of high-end headphones at LAX … TMZ has learned. The 1994 pageant winner, and current news anchor in L.A., allegedly lifted the headphones Wednesday morning at the TSA screening area…


Monday, August 15, 2016

Amber Heard: Johnny Depp Cut Off His Own Finger, Accused Me of Cheating With Billy Bob Thorton!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce drama may have officially reached peak insanity.

When footage of Depp drunkenly shouting at Heard emerged online over the weekend, we were fully prepared to dub this the most acrimonious celebrity split in recent history, and we didn’t think things could get much uglier.

To our surprise, however, the situation got darker and much, much weirder today after TMZ obtained photos that are being used as evidence of Depp’s abuse in a trial that’s set to begin on Wednesday.

One of the pics (Warning: It’s graphic.) shows Depp’s bloodied finger, the tip of which he allegedly sliced off by accident during a fit of rage.

It’s not clear exactly how Depp sustained the injury, but believe it or not, things took an even more appalling turn after he lopped off part of his digit.

According to Heard, Depp was drunk and high on ecstasy at the time of the incident, which occurred in March, while the couple was living in Australia for the filming of the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film.

Heard had recently filmed a movie with Billy Bob Thornton, and she says Depp was under the mistaken impression that she had carried on an affair with her co-star.

Her version of events holds that in his wild drink-and-drug-induced rage, Depp dipped his severed finger tip in blue paint that was lying around (Amber is an amateur painter.) and scrawled a bizarre message on a mirror:

It looks as though the text reads, “Starring Billy Bob and Easy Amber.”

It’s not easy decipher, but then, we imagine it’s hard to write legibly using paint and your own severed fingertip.

Neither party has addressed this latest development publicly, but it’s expected that Depp will be forced to answer for it in court on Wednesday.

We’ll have further updates on this increasingly strange story as more information becomes available.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Donnie Wahlberg: Whatever Kanye, I"ll Take That Finger!

In today"s TMI news, Donnie Wahlberg may be taking a tip from Kanye West"s sex life.

Wahlberg and wife Jenny McCarthy appeared on The Wendy Williams Show yesterday and weren"t shy at all in revealing what goes on in their boudoir.

It started out innocently enough, when McCarthy showed off tattoos on her index and middle fingers that read "Love Donnie."

She said she wanted to read those words when she placed her fingers upon his loving face.

Then, out of nowhere, the former boy bander let us in on a juicy secret.

"She says she did it so she could see it on my face but she was hoping it would lead to like some Amber Rose-Kanye business," he said.

"Like, she wanted to see that finger go in just a little."


*Insert wide-eyed emoji*

*And screaming emoji*

He"s referring to a tweet Amber issued earlier this year after Kanye publicly dissed her during a feud with Wiz Khalifa.

“Aww @kanyewest are u mad I’m not around to play in ur a**hole anymore?" she tweeted, also winning the hashtag of the year award by adding, #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch.

After her husband"s announcement, McCarthy screamed but Wahlberg insisted, "She did, she did, she did!"

However, even though the Blue Bloods star may be willing to experiment, he admits he has his limits.

“I said, ‘If you want to do that, then you should have tattooed the pinky, ’cause that’s it,"” he said.

We"re guessing his safe word is "Yeezy."

The two sparked pregnancy rumors earlier today when a photo emerged of Wahlberg resting his hand on his wife"s belly. 

And if that"s the case, we know it wasn"t the result of a pinky.

Donnie wahlberg whatever kanye ill take that finger

Friday, February 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian Gives Kanye Haters The Finger

Forget all you’ve heard about an imminent Kimye divorce.

Kim Kardashian is standing by her man. By sticking it to his haters.

Over the past several weeks, Kanye West has gone bananas on Twitter… even for Kanye West.

He’s blasted white critics who have dared to listen to his music. He’s claimed he’s in $ 53 million debt. He’s bashed Taylor Swift. He’s slammed Amber Rose.

And then he’s bashed Taylor Swift some more.

Because Kim is someone who rarely takes a stand on anything and who pretty much only uses social media to pose naked and/or shill for some company, sources have claimed that she and Kanye are at odds over his Twitter rants.

But it doesn’t sound as if this is the case.

Kardashian focused her entire “Currently” column on her official app today on her husband and the criticism he’s received ever since the release of his new album.

She wrote that she is loving “my husband,” yet hating “that people don’t get that Kanye will stand up against the whole world for his creativity and art.”

While telling readers that she’s donning “Yeezy Season 3 samples I took from the show,” Kim added that she wishes “everyone [could be] be as honest as Kanye.”

As for her current Kimoji mood?

It’s an avatar of her own hand with a well-manicured middle finger sticking straight up in the air. That pretty much sums her viewpoint up, doesn’t it?

Kim penned this missive amidst new rumors of her and Kanye splitting up.

There’s been talk that Kardashian is no longer wearing her wedding ring and that the stark differences between the rapper and the reality star have finally put a fatal strain on their marriage.

But an insider tells People Magazine that these reports are not just premature; they are flat out wrong.

“Kim has faith in Kanye and a unique understanding of how he operates,” this source says.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Amber Rose on Kanye West-Wiz Khalifa Feud: "Ye Just Needs a Finger Up His Butt

Earlier today, an innocent tweet about weed resulted in one of the most memorable Twitter wars of all time, as Kanye West went off on Wiz Khalifa over a hilarious misunderstanding.

In case you missed it, Wiz started the day by tweeting that he was enjoying his signature strain of weed, which happens to be called KK.

Kanye mistook the comment for a shot at his wife (whose initials, of course, are KK) and  flew into one of his signature tantrums, continuing to hold his breath and stamp his little feet even after Wiz and many others explained his mistake to him.

Moments ago, Kanye finally issued one of his signature half-assed apologies, but only after his ex, Amber Rose, stepped in and put him in his place as few others could.

Amber recently got divorced from Wiz, but they remain friends and have been amicably co-parenting their son.

Kanye, however, continues to publicly degrade Amber, even though they haven’t been together in years.

So when it came time for her to pick a side, the choice was obvious. And man, is she a good person to have in your corner:

“Awww @kanyewest are u mad I’m not around to play in ur asshole anymore? #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch,” Amber tweeted about an hour ago.

After noticing that Yeezy had started furiously deleting his most recent tweets, Amber followed up with:

“Lol @kanyewest Now u wanna delete ur tweets cuz Muva has arrived? #TwitterFingers #UrGettingBodiedByAStripperN–ga”

Yup. Like we said, Amber knows how to hit someone where it hurts…or in this case, where they like it.

Kanye claims that Wiz lost 2 million followers as a result of their beef, but of course, that’s about as true as most of the stuff that comes out of Yeezy’s mouth.

We don’t think there’s any doubt that Wiz and Amber emerged victorious on this one.