Showing posts with label Gomez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gomez. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

Demi Lovato Reaches Out to Selena Gomez Following Breakdown

Back in July, Demi Lovato was hospitalized following a heroin overdose that nearly claimed her life.

Last week, Selena Gomez checked into rehab in the wake of what’s been described as a “devastating” emotional breakdown.

Demi Lovato-Selena Gomez

Having found career success at roughly the same time, Demi and Selena are more than just friends — they share a unique understanding of the pressures of fame and the ways in which a fan base of millions can be both a blessing and a burden.

In many ways, tens of millions can relate to Selena’s plight, as anxiety, depression, and addiction are astonishingly prevalent afflictions in modern America.

But in some respects, Demi is one of only a handful of people who can truly understand what Selena is going through right now.

So it’s something of a comfort to know that Demi has reportedly reached out to Selena to offer support during this tremendously

“This just breaks Demi’s heart but she definitely understands what Selena is going through more than anyone right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“She has spoken to her and will continue to be there for her just as Selena was there for Demi following her overdose.”

Yes, it seems Selena was an invaluable source of love and support in the early days of Demi’s latest stint in rehab.

Of course, this is a trying time not only for Demi and Selena but for their worried loved ones, as well.

Thankfully, it seems Selena and Demi’s mothers have found solace in one another as they attempt to guide their children through the rough waters of addiction and mental illness.

“Demi’s mom Dianna and Selena’s mom Mandy have been close friends forever too, and Dianna has definitely been a huge source of support and strength for Mandy this week, just as Mandy has always been for her,” says the source.

“It’s just been so hard to watch their kids suffer right now, especially after they were so sure that Selena and Demi had overcome their demons.”

Sadly, the singers’ current situations serve as painful reminders that recovery is a lifelong process.

The majority of the millions of Americans who have struggled with these issues may never have recorded a platinum record, but they can certainly relate to Demi and Selena in that respect.

Our thoughts go out to both young women and their families during this painful time.

We’ll keep you updated on both situations as more information becomes available.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Selena Gomez: Drinking Heavily Following Kidney Transplant?

Earlier today, we reported on the news that Selena Gomez has checked into rehab following what’s been described as an emotional breakdown.

One insider state that Gomez is seeking treatment in a facility “on the east coast” in order to cope with her anxiety “over her repeated physical health issues.”

Those issues include lupus and other ailments, which culminated in Gomez undergoing a kidney transplant last year.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that the singer’s loved ones are attributing her latest struggles to her “refusal to live a sober life.”

The site reports that Selena’s mother, Mandy Teefey, has openly stated her desire to stage an intervention after revealing that she believes Gomez’s drinking is endangering her life.

“Doctors have all told her she needs to stop,” one source claims.

“Her family says she needs to stay sober, or she could die.”

Gomez has not opened up about the allegations of hard partying, and it’ll likely be quite some time before she speaks on her decision to seek further treatment.

She has, however, admitted that she continues to enjoy the occasional drink despite past health issues.

“As far as my personal life, someone sees me having a glass of wine? I could give two sh-ts,” the singer said in a recent interview with Elle.

“I’m not trying to hide. That’s my life.” 

Though Gomez has been described as “stubborn” with regard to her life choices, sources say she was deeply disturbed by friend Demi Lovato’s recent overdose.

One insider revealed that upon hearing the news, Gomez was not only concerned with her friend but filled with anxiety that she might suffer a similar fate.

“Selena is freaking out about this,” the source said at the time.

“She feels like it could have been her.”

Whatever the cause of her latest upheaval, we hope Selena is able to find the help that she needs.

Our thoughts go out to Gomez and her loved ones during this immensely difficult time.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Justin Bieber Looking Distraught at Church Following Selena Gomez Mental Health News

Justin Bieber needed a hug and some love on his way out of church, clearly impacted by our story about Selena Gomez’s mental health crisis.  The first signs Justin wasn’t his normal self came when he showed up alone to his usual…


Selena Gomez Suffers "Emotional Breakdown," Agrees to Treatment

Selena Gomez is once again in need of professional help.

According to TMZ, the pop star was hospitalized on two occasions over the past two weeks for health concerns related to Lupus.

(Gomez was diagnosed with this autoimmunse disease in 2015; the illness can damage almost any part of the body – including joints, skin and internal organs – because it causes the immune system to be unable to tell the difference between foreign invaders and healthy tissues.)

The first hospital visit took place toward the end of September and was the result of a low white blood cell count in the wake of her kidney transplant last year.

The artist was released after a few days days later …

… but had to be re-admitted last week because her blood cell count remained at a dangerous level – and this development prompted Selena to fall into a downward emotional spiral.

She insisted on leaving nearly as soon as she was under doctors’ care again, only for these same doctors to say she had to stay in the hospital.

TMZ writes that Selena had “a meltdown” and “freaked out.”

She allegedly tried ripping the IV’ out of her arm, with multiple sources referring to the episode as “an emotional breakdown.”

Once she recovered from this state, Gomez agreed to check into an East Coast psychiatric facility, at which she is receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).

This is a treatment method designed to identify, and then change, negative thinking and behavioral patterns. She has undergone the same treatment before.

Let’s all pray it works this time.

“She has had a tough few weeks and the panic attack in the hospital was the tipping point,” a source tells People Magazine, confirming the TMZ report and adding:

“She realized she needed to seek additional help for her ongoing emotional issues. She’s surrounded by close family and has a lot of support. She’s doing better now.”

We’re very glad to hear it.

Sadly, however, this incident and everything related to it wasn’t all that hard to see coming.

Just two weeks ago, Gomez took a break from social media, explaining why in a heartfelt video that touched on her battle with depression.

“As much as I am grateful for the voice that social media gives each of us, I am equally grateful to be able to step back and live my life present to the moment I have been given,” she wrote.

“Kindness and encouragement only for a bit! Just remember— negative comments can hurt anybody’s feelings.”

In this Instagram Live session, Gomez admitted that she had been dealing with mental health issues for about five years.

She also said she had been “kinda just going through the motions and figuring out who I am and just doing the best I could and then slowly but surely doing that” for about half a decade.

Translation: Gomez is truly unsure about who she is and who she wants to be.

Watch the emotional footage here:

Many folks are naturally wondering whether Justin Bieber’s engagement to Hailey Baldwin is playing a role in Selena’s latest troubles.

The short answer, of course, is that we have no idea.

We’d rather not speculate.

Gomez has entered rehab at various times over the past few years and Lupus is a serious disease that does result in a myriad of physical ailments.

It’s only natural for these physical ailments to eventually take a mental toll, as well.

It’s also only natural for anyone to have a very hard time dealing with a serious ex moving on in such a significant manner.

All we can do right now is wish Selena Gomez the best and hope she has a full recovery.

We’re thinking of you, Sel.

And we love you.


daily-celebrities: Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez


Selena Gomez Has "Emotional Breakdown" and Now Receiving Mental Health Treatment

Selena Gomez was hospitalized twice in the last 2 weeks … and the second time she suffered what sources called an emotional breakdown … she’s now at a mental health facility for treatment. Multiple sources tell TMZ, the 26-year-old singer…


Wednesday, September 26, 2018