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Showing posts with label Haywire. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 5 Recap: Gossip Gone Haywire

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 5, Yolanda finally realized that everyone has been talking about Yolanda.

Of course, not everyone is saying the same things, so …

Picking up where last week left off, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 5 saw the strangest developments yet in this saga.

The long and short of it is that the debate over whether Yolanda Foster is faking Lyme Disease finally came to a head, but confusingly.

Eileen Davidson (accidentally, maybe) told Foster about Lisa Rinna questioning her last episode, when she blabbed to the other ladies.

Foster seemed either at peace with the drama – she knows Bravo exploits her and she loves it – or focused solely on an upcoming surgery.

Where it gets hard to piece together is that Foster first brought up the Taylor Armstrong / Rinna gossip from Lisa Vanderpump’s party.

Davidson, though, seemed to have misheard Foster’s question about what Taylor said to Rinna (who was not present at this moment).

Eileen instead began talking – at great, awkward length – about everything Rinna had brought up to the gang in the previous episode:

Yolanda’s illness, Munchausen’s syndrome, social media, etc. You name it. This was as cringe-inducing as it was awkward, people.

Not realizing that Foster wasn’t talking about that conversation, Kyle Richards and Vanderpump looked horrified, and for good reason.

Basically, Foster was unaware that peeps were talking about two separate events (both about her), and became more and more lost.

Richards and Vanderpump filled her in. Davidson posited that Rinna had just gotten caught up in relaying other people’s gossip. Okay.

So if you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, everyone now knows what everyone else has been saying about Foster.

Except Lisa Rinna. As Eileen said, she should’ve kept her “big mouth shut.” It’s Rinna’s mess, and she “should be the one to clean it up.” 

Will Yolanda force her to with an epic face-to-face confrontation? And will Kyle Richards be there to make facial expressions? Stay tuned.