Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Tomi Lahren & Chelsea Handler"s Healthcare "Debate" at Politicon

Chelsea Handler and Tomi Lahren’s debate wasn’t as contentious or bitchy as most had hoped — but it did reveal Tomi hasn’t fully fled her parents’ nest. The liberal-conservative showdown Saturday afternoon at Politicon was less debate, and more…


Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Little Couple Fights for Medicaid, Joins Healthcare Debate

As previously reported, The Little Couple will return to TLC this fall.

Jennifer Arnold and Bill Klein have relocated to Florida, however, and will allow cameras to follow them and their two children around their new home state, which the reality stars selected because Arnold was offered a pretty awesome job there.

A doctor, Arnold was previously the medical director of the Simulation Center at Texas Children’s Hospital and the Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology at Baylor College of Medicine.

But she’s now working at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg.

She has dedicated her professional life to the well-being of her young patients, while the practicing neonatologist also has an important personal reason to take an interest in children’s healthcare:

She, her husband and their two kids all have skeletal dysplasia, commonly known as dwarfism.

As you may have heard, there is an ongoing debate over a plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something called the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.

You don’t read The Hollywood Gossip to delve into the nitty gritty of this proposed legislation, but numerous politicians have come out against this legislation because it cuts Medicaid by billions of dollars.

Because Medicaid goes a long way toward helping kids with disabilities, Arnold is strongly opposed to the plan.

As a result, she, Bill, their five-year old and their six-year old visited Capitol Hill last Thursday to join the Children’s Hospital Association for a day of meetings with members of Congress.

“My goal of putting our lives out there is to raise awareness, so whenever I have opportunity to use this platform … well, that’s why I put up with TV cameras in our house,” Arnold explained at the time.

She and her family are talking to Representative Pete Olson of Texas in the above photo, doing all they can to explain their point of view on health insurance.

Arnold spent her day last week talking to Republicans who have supported the proposed cuts to Medicaid.

“The timing is critical,” she said, adding:

“The BCRA is scary – it would cut $ 43 billion in Medicaid funding, which would more negatively affect kids than adults. We have to speak out. We have to talk to our congresspeople.”

Arnold shared the same sentiment on social media.

As a caption to the photo shared at the outset of this article, she wrote the following:

Please get involved & remind your congress leaders to put kids’ health first! Great time meeting with members of congress to talk kids’ healthcare coverage! @speaknowforkids #littlecouple.

We aren’t about to tell readers what to think when it comes to this topic.

But we can all likely agree that it’s refreshing to see a reality star use her platform for something she truly cares about, for something that affects millions of people, as opposed to simply shilling for her own lip kit, right?

Well done, Dr. Arnold.


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Hillary Clinton Attacks Healthcare Bill, Calls GOP the "Death Party"

Hillary Clinton jumped off the political sidelines and fired a shot at Republicans over the new healthcare bill … saying, in not so many words, it’s gonna kill Americans. Forget death panels. If Republicans pass this bill, they’re the death party.…


Hillary Clinton Attacks Healthcare Bill, Calls GOP the "Death Party"

Hillary Clinton jumped off the political sidelines and fired a shot at Republicans over the new healthcare bill … saying, in not so many words, it’s gonna kill Americans. Forget death panels. If Republicans pass this bill, they’re the death party.…


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Mentalist" Star Robin Tunney"s Not Looking for Healthcare Tips from Miss USA (VIDEO)

Robin Tunney’s advice to Miss USA, in the wake of her controversial healthcare stance, is pretty simple … stay in your lane, princess. “The Mentalist” star was at E Baldi Tuesday in Bev Hills when we asked her about Kara McCullough saying…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Miss USA Kara McCullough Tries to Walk Back Healthcare Answer (VIDEO)

Miss USA Kara McCullough says she’s not backing down from her controversial statement about affordable healthcare being a privilege — but sounds like she’s doing her best to soften it. We talked to Kara on Tuesday and she expanded on her…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Miss USA Says Healthcare Is a "Privilege" (VIDEOS)

The new Miss USA says healthcare for all Americans is a privilege and not a right — and that belief earned her a ton of boos at the pageant, and on the Internet … but didn’t stop her from winning. Kara McCullough, Miss District of Columbia,…


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel Fires Back at Critics, Stands By Healthcare Critique

Just over a week ago, Jimmy Kimmel shared a heartbreaking and inspiring story with the world.

He fought back tears on stage while he told his audience about the emergency heart surgery his newborn son, Billy, was forced to go through just three days after entering the world.

It was a candid, emotional, memorable and unique moment, one in which a celebrity came across as nothing more than a loving and frightened father…

… and it somehow earned Kimmel some criticism from various Republicans.

This is because Kimmel concluded his monologue with a plea for a national healthcare package that would ensure all babies had the same chance his did.

He said that no one"s income level should determine whether or not their child receives the best medical attention possible.

How is this a controversial stance?

Ask the Congressman who mocked folks for caring about Kimmel"s situation; or the columnist who referred to him as an "elitist creep."

On Monday night, Kimmel gave fans an update on little Billy, while also addressing comments such as these.

“One week ago tonight, I made an emotional speech – that was seen by millions – and as a result of my powerful words, Republicans in Congress had second thoughts about repeal and replace, they realized that what is right is right -– and I saved health insurance in America!” Kimmel.

Wait, he joked, adding:

“Oh, I didn’t? They voted against it anyway? I really need to pay more attention to the news.”

The father of four then thanked his fans, especially those who donations made to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in the last week.

“What a humbling outpouring of support," he said.

So many people made donations to CHLA and my wife and I are very grateful for them. Our plan is to send a card to everyone who made a donation and there were a lot, so you might be getting those at Christmas time.”

As for critics such as Newt Gingrich, who claimed Kimmel is simply mistaken in his views because all hospitals would perform emergency surgery on a baby?

"Yes, it is true that if you have an emergency they will do an operation, and that’s terrific if your baby’s health problems are all solved during that one visit," the comedian shot back, adding:

"The only problem is that never, ever happens… We’ve had a dozen doctor’s appointments since our son had surgery. You have a cardiologist, a pediatrician, the surgeons, some kids need an ambulance to transport them – and that doesn’t even count parents who have to miss work for all this stuff."

Kimmel, who did not grow up rich, also said the following about those who referred to him as "elitist" and "out of touch."

I can"t even count the number of times I"ve been called an "out of touch Hollywood elitist creep" this week. Which, I have to say, I kind of appreciate.

Because when I was a kid, we had to drink powdered milk because we couldn’t afford the liquid. Our orange juice came frozen out of a can, it would squeeze out.

My father – on the rare occasion we took a family trip – would hide our dog in the back of the car and then smuggle it into our motel room to avoid paying the two-dollar pet fee.

So I have to say, my dream was to become an "out of touch Hollywood elitist." And I guess it came true.

Watch Kimmel"s full monologue in response to his critics below:

Jimmy kimmel fires back at critics defends monologue