Showing posts with label Hoda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hoda. Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2018

Megyn Kelly vs. Hoda Kotb Feud Heats Up at NBC!

When Megyn Kelly made the move from Fox News to NBC last year, everyone involved seemed well aware that they were in for an awkward transition.

But in all likelihood, no one had any idea of just how messy things would get.

Kelly has struggled to find an audience at her new network, and it seems it’s not just viewers that she’s struggling to connect with.

From the start of her time at NBC, reports of Kelly’s “diva-like” behavior have been circulating non-stop.

Insiders say she’s been alienating her co-workers since day one, and talk of firing Kelly is not uncommon in the NBC boardroom.

Yes, it seems Kelly hasn’t won anyone over in her first year at NBC, but there’s one co-worker who really isn’t buying what Megyn is selling.

In the wake of the Matt Lauer sex scandal, Hoda Kotb has emerged as the closest thing the Today franchise has to a rising star.

She’s taken Lauer’s place as one of the anchor’s of the programming block’s most popular segment and won over innumerable viewers.

And yet she’s still being paid less than a third of Kelly’s yearly salary.

Sources at the network tell In Touch Weekly that Hoda has made no secret of her disdain for Kelly, and the mutual enmity was on full display at the recent NBC Upfronts.

“Hoda and Savannah were standing close to each other and laughed as they exited the stage while Megyn fell back behind them,” said one onlooker at the press event.

“Hoda’s star has risen while Megyn’s has fallen,” the insider adds.

“She’s ready to exercise her newfound power by telling [Megyn] to get with the program. The feud has turned nasty.”

Yes, it seems Kotb’s issues with Kelly’s salary and personality are dwarfed by her concerns about the effect the former Fox News firebrand is having on the Today show brand.

“She’s the ultimate team player,” the source says of Kotb, adding that she’s widely regarded as “one of the kindest, most welcoming, and nonjudgmental people in show business.”

The insider concedes that Kotb is bothered by the fact that she makes a mere $ 7 million to Megyn’s $ 23 million, but her main issue is the fact that Kelly’s ratings have plummeted 11 percent in her first year as part of Today.

“She’s taken the high road publicly,” the insider says of Hoda.

But Kotb’s been at NBC long enough to know that what’s bad for one segment of Today is bad for the entire franchise.

So when asked by her bosses for an honest assessment of Megyn’s performance, Hoda offered exactly that:

“Megyn’s just not cutting it,” the source says bluntly.

“The top brass at NBC wanted to know where they went wrong with Megyn, and they’ve asked certain staffers what they should do,” the insider adds.

“Hoda was honest. She said it’s a likability problem. Megyn’s not relatable.” 

Despite what’s being described as a steadily escalating feud, both sides are reportedly keeping things civil in the workplace.

“Hoda and Megyn remain cordial to each other on camera, but they barely speak to each other once they’ve stopped rolling,” said the source.

“And Savannah is squarely on Team Hoda. It’s not looking like the tension will let up anytime soon between these three.”

Sounds like this situation will get uglier before it gets better.

Hey, if ratings continue to be an issue, maybe center a reality show spinoff on the backstage drama at Today?

We know we’d be tuning in!


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Savannah Guthrie & Hoda Kotb: How is "Today" Doing Without Matt Lauer?

In the wake of a sex scandal that included some truly heinous allegations, Matt Lauer has lost his wife. He’s lost his job. He’s lost any respect or trust that the American public once placed in him.

And NBC’s Today, which he hosted for decades, lost him as its host.

Now hosted by Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb, how are the ratings doing? You might be shocked.

Matt Lauer is said to be broken and ashamed following the horrible accusations from his time at NBC.

Sweet, sweet schadenfreude aside, a lot of people wonder if NBC — while doing the right thing — effectively shot itself in the foot by firing Matt Lauer.

Before the accusations of sexual harassment and rape came out, Matt Lauer enjoyed tremendous popularity.

Some considered him to be akin to “America’s dad,” finding his occasional slip-ups during interviews to be adorable rather than red flags.

With Lauer gone, Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb are cohosts of Today.

While they’re definitely better choices than an alleged sexual predator and creep, how are the ratings going? Did viewers flee from the show when the scandal broke?

As it turns out, and you may be surprised by this, Today‘s ratings aren’t just good — they’re outstanding.

According to Nielsen results, Today ranks #1 among adults 25-54 and adults 18-49. Those are a couple of very coveted demographics.

Looking back to the same week last year, Today has improved its lead over Good Morning America by 16%.

This makes this Today‘s best streak in 5 years, in terms of raw numbers of viewers and in terms of key demographics.

Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie should be very proud of themselves.

Just after Thanksgiving in 2017, Matt Lauer was fired for alleged sexual misconduct.

At the time, NBC admitted that they had reason to believe that the incident that had been reported to them was part of a larger pattern.

And then the reports, which reporters had been quietly researching for weeks, began to surface.

Accusations included stories of dropping his pants or “gifting” sex toys to colleagues without invitation or consent.

One pants-dropping incident was allegedly followed by Matt Lauer lecturing the woman for not performing a sex act.

One sex toy-gifting incident allegedly included a creepy, detailed note describing the ways in which he wanted to use that toy on, again, a woman he worked with, who was literally just coming into work to do her dang job.

Matt Lauer was also accused of rape. According to the accusation, he used his creepy desk-based-door-locking-button to trap a woman in his office with him before bending her over and beginning the sexual assault.

He allegedly didn’t relent and unlock his door until she passed out.


As we alluded to earlier, Matt Lauer’s wife Annette Roque is officially divorcing him.

Since news of the scandal broke — and since she fled the country with her two younger sons — people have been waiting to see if she would divorce Matt Lauer and take everything.

For a while, though, it seemed that Matt and Annette were trying to play nice for the sake of their children. Given the weight of the accusations against Matt Lauer — accusations of so much more than just cheating — that attempt was doomed from the get-go.

We imagine that their divorce process will be complicated and may grow contentious — these things always do. Especially when it comes down to money, division of property, and custody decisions.

(In other words, everything that matters in a divorce)

The ratings news is fantastic.

It’s especially good because the Winter Olympics are just about to begin.

For years, people have associated the Olympics with Lauer because he covered the event every time.

From recent accusations, the world has now heard how he used these NBC trips as a sort of hunting ground to invite or lure young, ambitious NBC employees to his hotel room.

It will be hard for some people to not notice Matt Lauer’s absence. That can lead to some awkward discussions.

So it’s wonderful to hear that Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie are doing Lauer’s Today job better than he has in years.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hoda Kotb Brushes Off Matt Lauer Pay Disparity

Hoda Kotb isn’t sweating reports she’s making $ 18 million less than Matt Lauer after taking over his “Today” co-anchor seat … and insists there’s no bad blood with her ex-coworker. We got Hoda Wednesday morning outside 30 Rock, and she said…


Hoda Kotb Brushes Off Matt Lauer Pay Disparity

Hoda Kotb isn’t sweating reports she’s making $ 18 million less than Matt Lauer after taking over his “Today” co-anchor seat … and insists there’s no bad blood with her ex-coworker. We got Hoda Wednesday morning outside 30 Rock, and she said…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hoda Kotb: Yup, Matt Lauter Texted Me About Today!

The Today Show introduced a new face to viewers this morning.

Actually, that’s not true:

The Today Show introduced an old face to viewers this morning… in a new position.

Savanna Guthrie opened the first fresh show of 2018 by confirming what some in the industry have suspected for the past couple weeks:

Hoda Kotb is no longer a temporary co-anchor on Today; she’s the permanent replacement for Matt Lauer, who was fired in late November due to numerous allegations of sexual misconduct.

Said Guthrie in making this announcement:

“Welcome to Today and we are kicking off the year right because Hoda is officially the co-anchor of Today, so let’s give her a round of applause…

“This has to be the most popular decision NBC News has ever made and I am so thrilled.”

It certainly is true that Kotb is a beloved member of this network’s large family.

Consider what Kathie Lee Gifford told People Magazine of her long-time friend and colleague:

“I feel happy for her because she is having the greatest year of her life, and if she’s happy, I’m happy for her.

“What’s happening to her now is something she would have given anything for earlier on in her career…

“Everybody universally adores her.  She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. She’s more loving and kind, so when these wonderful things started happening for this wonderful woman, we were thrilled for her.”

kathie lee praise

While it’s not surprising that Gifford would comment on Kotb’s promotion, the new full-time co-host revealed to Entertainment Tonight that someone unexpected contacted her with congratulations as well:

Lauer himself!

“I did hear from [Matt], yeah,” Kotb told ET, adding:

“He texted me and he said congratulations and some really nice words, and it meant the world when I saw the text pop up… it meant the world to see that.”

Lauer has been accused of some horrible actions, but Kotb admits she keeps in touch with the disgraced reporter.

“Matt is our good friend and continues to be, and I think for both of us, we’ve just been trying to navigate this time and honor our love and friendship with Matt, but also understand and try to learn more about these circumstances,” she explains.

“So, it’s complicated when you are surprised by revelations, but you still care deeply for somebody who’s a friend.

“I think for all of us, we’ve just been trying to navigate through that, with straightforwardness and honesty and integrity.”

Also speaking to Entertainment Tonight on the revamped setup, along with the man who prompted this change, Guthrie noted:

“This has been a really hard time for this show that we love and the people who put the show together – we care so much – and having Hoda right with me every second of the way has meant everything.

“And we kind of held onto each other, and then discovered along the way that there’s a real partnership here, and so how wonderful that now it’s permanent, we get to just do it every day.”

Hoda has been with NBC since 1998.

She had been anchoring her own hour of Today with Gifford for several years, but will now get a chance to greet millions of people first thing every single morning.

We’re very happy for her.


Hoda Kotb Named Permanent Today Show Co-Host

Matt has been out for about a month now.

And Hoda Kotb is officially in.

Following multiple weeks as the fill-in for Lauer (who was fired, of course, due to some serious allegations of sexual misconduct), Kotb was named his full-time replacement on Tuesday morning.

She will greet viewers everyday alongside Savannah Guthrie.

“Welcome to Today and we are kicking off the year right because Hoda is officially the co-anchor of Today, so let’s give her a round of applause,” Guthrie opened the show today, adding:

“This has to be the most popular decision NBC News has ever made and I am so thrilled.”

The decision marks the first time two women will co-host the long-running program each day.

“I am pinching myself,” Kotb said. “I think we should send some medics to Alexandria, Virginia, where my mom has likely fainted after hearing the open of that show.”

Hoda, of course, has been co-anchoring her own hour of Today with Kathie Lee Gifford for years.

She sat in with Guthrie on the morning they told the world that Lauer had been fired, saying on air at the time:

“It’s hard to reconcile with what we are hearing with the man who we know, who walks in this building every single day…

“We were both woken up with the news, kind of pre-dawn, and we’re trying to process it and trying to make sense of it – and it’ll take some time for that.”

In a statement to staff this week, meanwhile, NBC News chair Andy Lack said the following:

“Over the past several weeks, Hoda has seamlessly stepped into the co-anchor role alongside Savannah, and the two have quickly hit the ground running.

“They have an undeniable connection with each other and most importantly, with viewers, a hallmark of Today.”

You’d have to imagine there’s an appeal for executives in having two women occupy these seats as well, considering the heinous details that have been reported regarding how Lauer treated the opposite sex during his time at NBC.

“You are a partner and a friend and a sister and I am so happy to be doing this,” Guthrie told Hoda this morning.

It was actually a pretty moving exchange between the colleagues.

Kotb has been with NBC News since 1998 when she joined Dateline; she has filled in on the first two hours of Today quite frequently over the years, so this is familiar terrain for her.

As you can see below, the Internet is pretty excited over the news:

hoda reaction

Do you share their enthusiasm?

Are you psyched to tune in each morning for Guthrie and Kotb?

Or are you more of a Good Morning America kind of person anyway?


Hoda Kotb Named "Today" Co-Anchor, Replacing Matt Lauer

Hoda Kotb’s slipping into Matt Lauer’s old chair after being named the “Today” show co-anchor. NBC made it official Tuesday morning … and Hoda and her new partner, Savannah Guthrie, breathlessly announced it at the top of the show. Back on Nov.…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

"Today" Show Host Hoda Kotb Says She Still Loves Matt Lauer

Matt Lauer is gone from “Today,”  but at least one of his old co-workers still has love for him. We got Hoda Kotb leaving NBC headquarters in NYC Wednesday after she went on the air to fill in for Matt, who was fired for alleged…


Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb"s Emotional Hug After Matt Lauer Firing

Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie hugged it out after Wednesday’s “Today” show … clearly still reeling from the news that Matt Lauer was fired. The 2 anchors were emotional when they announced on their show Lauer had been fired for sexual…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hoda Kotb Shocks Fans, Reveals Adopted Baby Girl

Hoda Kotb finally has something in common with Madonna.

No, the Today Show co-host has not said anything of late about a desire to blow up the White House.

But Hoda has come out and surprised fans by revealing that she just adopted a baby girl!

And here’s a photo of Kotb and that baby girl, who is named Haley Joy Kotb!

The Today anchor revealed on Tuesday morning that the newborn entered the world on February 14, prompting her to gush over the phone on air:

“She’s a Valentine’s baby so she’s a little nugget. She is the love of my life!”

The precious arrival thrilled and stunned Hoda’s famous colleagues, except for close friend Kathie Lee Gifford, who knew about the adoption a few days ago… yet somehow managed to keep the news a secret.

“I’ve got the biggest mouth in the world and I’ve said zilch,” Gifford said. “Hoda, we are thrilled for you, sweetheart. You were made to be a mom.”

Matt Lauer, of course, agreed with this assessment.

“This is such fantastic news. This little girl, Haley, is the luckiest girl on the planet,” he said, adding:

“You are going to be one of the most fantastic moms I can ever imagine.”

Hoda Kotb congrats

Kotb is 52 years old.

She moved in with her boyfriend, Joel Schiffman, last year and  was previously married to former University of New Orleans tennis coach Burzis Kanga.

The couple divorced in 2007 after two years as husband and wife; they had no children together.

“Can’t. Stop. Crying. So thrilled for you , @hodakotb,” wrote Jenna Hager Bush on Twitter. “Haley Joy’s life will be defined by *JOY* with you as a mama. Love!”

Added Savannah Guthrie:

“Overjoyed for @hodakotb and her little comet Haley – a brilliant flash of light for our world. Love love love and LOVE.”

As you can see below, they weren’t the only people happy for Kotb and her little one:

tweets about Hoda Kotb

Last week, Hoda hinted at the reason behind her recent time off by sharing inspirational quotes on her social media account.

“And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings,” read one of the messages, while another read:

“For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.”

And Kotb continued down this same motivational path this morning, updating her Instagram page with a photo that had the following words written on it:

“And then my soul saw you and it kind of went ‘Oh there you are. I’ve been looking for you."”

hoda quote

We’re so very happy for Hoda!

She is one of several celebrities who have become a parent via adoption.

Click around below to see which other stars fit this parental bill and send them all your congratulations!


Monday, October 17, 2016

Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb to Billy Bush: SEE YA!

According to nearly every report out there, Billy Bush is not long for The Today Show.

Any day now – heck, any minute now – the embattled reporter will part ways with NBC and the aforementioned morning program.

And, according to a new gossip item, fellow Today Show anchors Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb have a message for Bush before he leaves:

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

Or, actually, whatever: go ahead and let the door smack you right in your immature rear end.

A network insider allegedly tells Radar Online that Gifford and Kotb, who host their own (often drunk) hour of Today, “never really seemed to like Billy to begin with.”

For what reason?

They supposedly viewed Bush as more of a “red carpet reporter” than a serious journalist.

It’s not exactly hard to understand why they would form this point of view, considering Bush rose to fame as an anchor of Access Hollywood.

“Aside from that, Kathie and Hoda are fiercely protective of Matt and Al,” the network insider claimed, referring, of course, to Matt Lauer and Al Roker.

Bush and Roker famously got into an on-air disagreement this summer after Bush refused to call swimmer Ryan Lochte out as a liar.

Roker tried to sit calmly on the set and explain to Bush why Lochte had very clearly lied, repeatedly, after being the victim of robbery that never took place during the Olympics.

That scandal was nothing, of course, compared to footage from 2005 of Bush and Donald Trump on board an Access Hollywood bus.

It surfaced earlier this month and it featured Bush egging Trump on while the Presidential candidate talked about “grabbing” the genitalia of any woman he wanted to because he’s a “star” and could therefore get away with it.

Bush also referred to soap opera actress Arianne Zucker as being “hot as shit,” while telling Trump he “scored” because he would soon be shooting a cameo with her.

“When the tape leaked on Friday, Kathie and Hoda were among the people who wanted Billy suspended,” the source told Radar, even adding:

“They were instrumental in NBC’s decision.”

We find that a bit hard to believe.

Suspending and ultimately parting ways with Bush seems like a no-brainer for the network, considering the backlash that has ensued in light of this video.

We doubt executives really needed Gifford and Kotb to weigh in on the controversy.

But we have heard that Bush wasn’t liked across the spectrum of Today employees, which probably did make his quasi firing a lot easier to decide on.

There has been no one in Bush’s corner throughout this ordeal.

When the decision to take Bush off air indefinitely came down, the insider concludes of Kathie Lee and Hoda:

“They were practically jumping for joy!”

Now, that, we believe.

We’re also guessing they poured themselves a rather large glass of wine in celebration.
