Showing posts with label Permanent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Permanent. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Ex-NBA Player Sebastian Telfair"s Wife gets Permanent Restraining Order After Alleged Car-Smashing Incident

Former NBA point guard Sebastian Telfair has been ordered to stay away from his estranged wife for 3 YEARS … after an alleged violent incident earlier this year. In court docs obtained by TMZ Sports, Telfair is ordered to have absolutely no…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hoda Kotb Named Permanent Today Show Co-Host

Matt has been out for about a month now.

And Hoda Kotb is officially in.

Following multiple weeks as the fill-in for Lauer (who was fired, of course, due to some serious allegations of sexual misconduct), Kotb was named his full-time replacement on Tuesday morning.

She will greet viewers everyday alongside Savannah Guthrie.

“Welcome to Today and we are kicking off the year right because Hoda is officially the co-anchor of Today, so let’s give her a round of applause,” Guthrie opened the show today, adding:

“This has to be the most popular decision NBC News has ever made and I am so thrilled.”

The decision marks the first time two women will co-host the long-running program each day.

“I am pinching myself,” Kotb said. “I think we should send some medics to Alexandria, Virginia, where my mom has likely fainted after hearing the open of that show.”

Hoda, of course, has been co-anchoring her own hour of Today with Kathie Lee Gifford for years.

She sat in with Guthrie on the morning they told the world that Lauer had been fired, saying on air at the time:

“It’s hard to reconcile with what we are hearing with the man who we know, who walks in this building every single day…

“We were both woken up with the news, kind of pre-dawn, and we’re trying to process it and trying to make sense of it – and it’ll take some time for that.”

In a statement to staff this week, meanwhile, NBC News chair Andy Lack said the following:

“Over the past several weeks, Hoda has seamlessly stepped into the co-anchor role alongside Savannah, and the two have quickly hit the ground running.

“They have an undeniable connection with each other and most importantly, with viewers, a hallmark of Today.”

You’d have to imagine there’s an appeal for executives in having two women occupy these seats as well, considering the heinous details that have been reported regarding how Lauer treated the opposite sex during his time at NBC.

“You are a partner and a friend and a sister and I am so happy to be doing this,” Guthrie told Hoda this morning.

It was actually a pretty moving exchange between the colleagues.

Kotb has been with NBC News since 1998 when she joined Dateline; she has filled in on the first two hours of Today quite frequently over the years, so this is familiar terrain for her.

As you can see below, the Internet is pretty excited over the news:

hoda reaction

Do you share their enthusiasm?

Are you psyched to tune in each morning for Guthrie and Kotb?

Or are you more of a Good Morning America kind of person anyway?


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Chloe Grace Moretz Gets Permanent Restraining Order Against "Stalker"

Chloe Grace Moretz can breathe a sigh of relief — however small — because a judge just granted her a permanent restraining order against a man she believes is mentally ill and stalking her. The judge signed off on the order Wednesday and…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Kendall Jenner Gets Permanent Restraining Order Against Obsessed Fan

Kendall Jenner might finally get some peace of mind — a judge has ordered the obsessed man writing her creepy love letters to stop and stay the hell away. Kendall wasn’t in court but her lawyer, Shawn Holley, was Wednesday morning in…


Friday, April 7, 2017

Mel B Wants Permanent Sole Custody from Stephen Belafonte

Mel B has made a major change to her divorce petition … she does not want to share joint custody with Stephen Belafonte for 2 reasons … a domestic violence conviction, and a gun. TMZ broke the story … when Mel B filed for divorce last month…


Monday, October 19, 2015

Lamar Odom to Survive Overdose, But Months of Rehab (and Likely Some Permanent Damage) Ahead

It’s looking increasingly likely that Lamar Odom will survive his near death experience from last week, but it will be a long, uphill battle ahead.

Lamar’s friends and family are being told by doctors that the rehabilitation process he faces will take many months, with uncertain success.

Reports that Lamar Odom is awake and talking, when many felt he was a goner just days ago, were a surprising and welcome development.

He is not out of the woods yet, however. Far from it, it turns out.

According to medical insiders, he needs physical, speech, and other therapists working with him around the clock for the foreseeable future.

Odom was obviously not declared brain dead in the sense that he can never recover, but doctors say the extent of the damage is unclear.

Will he ever be back to full strength, physically and mentally?

The term “near death experience” is thrown around casually to the point where we’re numb to it, but here it was quite literally the case.

Lamar’s heart and brain were on the verge of shutting down when the 35-year-old fell unconscious at a Nevada brothel early last week.

A pair of prostitutes found Odom and called for help, and had they not done so right away, he might not even be with us at this juncture.

His estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, is by his bedside in Vegas and has vowed to stay with him through the entire ordeal, rehab and all.

She has kept a constant vigil by his side since Odom was found, despite the fact that they finalized their divorce documents this summer.

The divorce papers will not be signed by a judge for 2-4 months, however, due to a court backlog, meaning they remain legally married.

Call it semantics or not, Khloe has always said that if it were up to her, they would still be married and happily; Lamar is her true love.

Khloe has said nothing about her intentions with Lamar going forward, or how her this might impact things with boyfriend James Harden.

It’s clear that by sticking by him through this, and by dragging out their divorce for two years prior, what she wants most is to save him.

We wish both of them the best on the road ahead.