Monday, October 19, 2015

Lamar Odom to Survive Overdose, But Months of Rehab (and Likely Some Permanent Damage) Ahead

It’s looking increasingly likely that Lamar Odom will survive his near death experience from last week, but it will be a long, uphill battle ahead.

Lamar’s friends and family are being told by doctors that the rehabilitation process he faces will take many months, with uncertain success.

Reports that Lamar Odom is awake and talking, when many felt he was a goner just days ago, were a surprising and welcome development.

He is not out of the woods yet, however. Far from it, it turns out.

According to medical insiders, he needs physical, speech, and other therapists working with him around the clock for the foreseeable future.

Odom was obviously not declared brain dead in the sense that he can never recover, but doctors say the extent of the damage is unclear.

Will he ever be back to full strength, physically and mentally?

The term “near death experience” is thrown around casually to the point where we’re numb to it, but here it was quite literally the case.

Lamar’s heart and brain were on the verge of shutting down when the 35-year-old fell unconscious at a Nevada brothel early last week.

A pair of prostitutes found Odom and called for help, and had they not done so right away, he might not even be with us at this juncture.

His estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian, is by his bedside in Vegas and has vowed to stay with him through the entire ordeal, rehab and all.

She has kept a constant vigil by his side since Odom was found, despite the fact that they finalized their divorce documents this summer.

The divorce papers will not be signed by a judge for 2-4 months, however, due to a court backlog, meaning they remain legally married.

Call it semantics or not, Khloe has always said that if it were up to her, they would still be married and happily; Lamar is her true love.

Khloe has said nothing about her intentions with Lamar going forward, or how her this might impact things with boyfriend James Harden.

It’s clear that by sticking by him through this, and by dragging out their divorce for two years prior, what she wants most is to save him.

We wish both of them the best on the road ahead.