Showing posts with label Konundrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Konundrum. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: The Kourtney Konundrum

Last night on Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 12, Kourtney Kardashian talked candidly about life after Scott Disick.

And while one would expect it would be nothing but peaches, cream and freedom, the reality star admitted that it’s been challenging at times, for reasons we never really contemplated before.

Oh, and Korutney also dressed up like a firefighter.

Allow us to explain…

The main topic on an installment aptly titled “Decisions, Decisions” centered on how terrible Kourtney has become at making any sort of choice now that she’s a single woman.

Case in point:

The episode opened with Kourtney taking Kim up on an invite to New York Fashion Week.

But she then called Kim at the literal last minute (the latter was already on board her private jet) to change her mind, telling her sister that she decided to stay home instead.

This caused Kim to get angry (“You need, like, serious therapy. Who would do a full fitting and … not go?” she yelled over the phone) and for Kourtney to be honest about herself.

“I know I’m indecisive. It’s debilitating,” she told Khloe when the siblings sat down for lunch.

Vented Khloe to mother Kris Jenner later on:

“Kourt doesn’t get how her lack of decision-making affects other people.”

How to solve this problem?

After playing a series of pranks on her oldest sister, Khloe (totally on her own, we’re sure, and totally not told to do so by producers) decided it was time to take things to the a new, unique, different sort of level.

She took Kourtney to a local fire station and, along with a bunch of firefighters, tasked her indecisive sister with saving Kris from a fake fire.

Because of course, right? That’s the obvious solution to this sort of problem, isn’t it?

Kourtney ultimate failed in this pretend mission, but did come to a realization while speaking to her sisters.

“I feel like Scott and I were very co-dependent and I just would always bounce every idea off of him,” she said, adding:

“Also, I’m just living a different life now where doing more for myself is an option and now that I am able to make my own decisions, I want to make the best decisions.

“Tony Robbins taught me to make decisions from the heart and not from your head … I want to start listening.”

We’ll be curious to see if this lasts.

And curious to see what ridiculous idea Khloe comes up with next week for a member of her family.

ELSEWHERE on Sunday night, Rob Kardashian struggled with maintaining a civil relationship with Blac Chyna.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, you know that when it comes to this overweight relative, it is literally always something.

His mom and sisters never know what to do. Help out a family member who’s clearly struggling, or institute a little tough love? (Or a lot.)

In this case, Kim said she supported Rob and Chyna having broken up because it’s “the best path” for the ex-lovers, despite both wanting to raise a happy and healthy daughter.

Rob went to see Chyna during a photoshoot at one point, after not seeing her for quite some time, admitting to the camera that he was “nervous” about the encounter.

“Chyna is acting super weird to me,” he said shortly after getting a cold shoulder from his baby mama.

“There is so much awkward tension between Chyna and I. I don’t know how to act around her.”

But at least the relationship has helped Rob grow close again to his mother.

Following this failed attempt to reconnect with Chyna, Rob went home and talked to Kris about his hopes for both his future and, more importantly, the future of his daughter.

“Everything is fine. I’m trying to be peaceful,” he said. “We just communicate really poorly. It’s all dumb. Fights … I want to have the type of relationship that you and my dad had…

“It would just kill me if we didn’t have that friendship for Dream.”

Finally… Kanye West made a rare appearance on the show!

Despite the aforementioned snub from Kourtney, Kim still jetted to New York City and attended her husband’s fashion show, sitting next to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour in the front row.

Kim also gushed about the rapper’s collection, saying:

“Kanye came up with this amazing idea where the models are seen inside of this giant cube.”

Sure. Absolutely. That sounds totally amazing. We guess.

The star also seemed to glow with pride while watching the group of fashion models walk by in oversize hoodies and coats.

Confused about what the heck this looked like and why it served as evidence of Kanye’s genius?

Click on the video below to find out for yourself!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Klip: A Konundrum for Kourt

In this clip from Sunday"s Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 15, Kourtney Kardashian has a major decision to make.

What will she do about Scott"s birthday?!?!?

In the teaser, the mother of three talks with Kris Jenner and sister Khloe Kardashian about attending Scott Disick"s 33rd birthday party.

For obvious reasons, she"s conflicted about it.

"Scott invited me to his birthday party in Las Vegas and I"m just not sure if I want to go," Kourtney says in a confessional to the E! cameras.

The Lord, she feels, might get the wrong idea. 

"I"m so happy that Scott and I are getting along so well and that we"re co-parenting, but I think hanging out with Scott without the kids …"

Things are good right now as Kourt sees it, but everything is tenuous when it comes to Scott, so she"s reluctant to rock the boat.

Hanging out without the kids, she fears "Scott can just take any little thing and run with it and think that we are getting back together."

"Right now, I can"t even wrap my head around that."

After all they"ve been through, who can blame her?

The guy clearly hasn"t established a track record of being stable when he"s in a relationship, or making good on promises to get clean.

Even though the kids would love it, and plenty of fans who loved them together might wonder why she doesn"t just go for it, Kourt is realistic.

"There"s so much work that would be involved," she says, after their breakup and the many low points that came before that.

"I"m so not even there yet."

The pair officially ended their nine-year relationship in July 2015 after photos surfaced of Disick hanging out with Chloe Bartoli in France.

Despite the heartbreak, Kardashian and Disick have admirably taken the high road, remained amicable and continue to be good friends.

Or as close as you can be, in their situation.

Relatively speaking, he"s been on good, sober behavior – plenty of rumors will always follow Scott, but he"s done nothing shady we know of.

His struggles with sobriety and their impact on his life are well documented, but in fairness, he"s been pretty much a model citizen lately.

It shows, too, in the only way that really counts.

Their three children Mason, 6, Penelope, 4, and Reign, 20 months, are all thriving, and both parents deserve credit for their role in that.

Recently, all five went on vacation together.

“[We ate], slept, relaxed, swam, drove around, saw the sights," Disick said of the Nantucket trip he took with Kourt and the kids.

"[We] checked out different restaurants," he added. "Went to some candy stores for the kids. Overall, it was very, very relaxing."

And he got Kourtney Kardashian pregnant again.

Just kidding! Maybe. That rumor never gets old. No, for real, it will probably surface every few months for the rest of her natural life.

Anyway, here"s the KUWTK sneak peek!

Keeping up with the kardashians a konundrum for kourtney