Showing posts with label Leaving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leaving. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2016

Jill Duggar Reveals Future Missionary Plans: Is She Leaving the Country Again?!

It’s only been eight weeks since Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard returned to Arkansas after ten months abroad, but now it looks as though they may be planning to leave the country a second time.

Before the family arrived back in the States, they informed fans that their return home would not be permanent, and now it looks as though they’re planning to relocate already.

Naturally, some fans are wondering if the decision to flee Tontitown so soon after returning home was prompted in part by the ongoing drama resulting from the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

“We are so excited to share that we will be returning in August for a short stateside term that will extend into the fall,” wrote online back in July.

“We are really looking forward to seeing our families after nearly 10 months on foreign soil.”

Now it looks as though Jill and Derick are once again preparing to ship out for parts unknown.

As when they relocated to El Salvador, they probably won’t share any details about their destination with fans.

So it may be quite some time before we find out what part of the world will play host to a pair of high-profile missionaries.

At the moment, of course, it seems fans are more interested in the question of why the Dillards are leaving again than in where they’ll be headed.

Yes, Jill and Derick indicated that their return home would be temporary before they left El Salvador, but it’s hard to imagine that a young couple of first-time parents wouldn’t prefer to spend a bit more time in the presence of their support network.

Perhaps it’s for that reason that so many fans believe that the Dillard’s home state has become toxic to them in the wake of the Josh scandals.

Jill was one of the five girls that Josh molested, and though she’s defended her brother’s unthinkable actions in public, it’s hard to imagine that all is well between the siblings.

Add to that the firestorm of media attention that seems to surround Josh at all time, and it’s not hard to see why the Dillards may feel that Tontitown doesn’t offer an ideal environment in which to raise their son.

Of course, the fact remains that Jill and Derick would probably be content to stay in their hometown if Josh’s crimes had stayed buried.

Which has led to another theory about their apparent eagerness to relocate…

Do the Dillards know something that we don’t about the future of their reality series, Counting On?

For several months now, there have been rumors about Counting On being canceled as a result of mediocre ratings and advertisers’ uneasiness with being associated with the Duggar molestation scandal.

So perhaps Jill and Derick returned home with the intention of playing a larger role in the show, but have realized that there soon won’t be a show to star in.

Whatever the case, it seems unlikely that the continuing fallout from family’s scandalous past hasn’t played a role in Jill and Derick’s future plans.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Javi Marroquin: Is He Leaving Teen Mom 2?!

The last season of Teen Mom 2 was a rough one for Javi Marroquin, to say the least.

He was deployed to Qatar for six months, and he definitely felt a lot of emotions about it.

He cried about it more than once, and about how much he would miss his son with Kailyn, Lincoln, and Kailyn’s older son with Jo Rivera, Isaac.

After he left, his relationship with Kailyn quickly deteriorated, and she ended up filing for divorce while he was still overseas.

(Feel free to take a moment to shake your head and say “Poor Javi …”, because it’s definitely appropriate here.)

But if all that drama was packed into the last season of Teen Mom 2, imagine how much will be in the upcoming season!

That’s what Javi discussed in this new interview with OK! magazine.

“This season is a rough one,” he said. “It’s definitely one that’s … me and Kail have a lot going on, obviously, everyone knows that, so this season really shows that and shows my life overseas and her taking care of the home life and then me coming home and adjusting to that.”

“There is a lot to see. It will be a good one.”

It’s worth noting that the last season ended with Javi and Kailyn fighting constantly in FaceTime conversations, and while they definitely hinted at divorce, they didn’t really definitively decide on it.

Javi also had a good while left in his deployment, so the next season would show that, along, presumably, with the actual decision to end the marriage.

So yeah, we imagine it will be a good one.

About the odd circumstances of the divorce, Javi explained that “We FaceTimed regularly, and that’s when everything kind of started unraveling.”

For filming purposes, he said “It was kind of hard to tell my side of the story over a phone, but they tried their best and I told my side as best as I can.”

Javi also touched on the habit of Teen Mom stars blaming the show for their bad behavior — you know, the classic “they edited the footage to make me look bad!” defense.

“I wouldn’t say I’ve been edited unfairly,” he said. “This new season we will see how they edit it and how they portray both sides. That is why I want to make sure my side gets out the right way and people see where I am coming from.”

Interestingly enough, he also added “I know when, I think it was last season when some guy texted her in the morning and I got mad about it, and everyone was like ‘oh, Javi’s so controlling’ and this and that … um, it all makes sense now, so it’ll play out in this season.”

Is Javi implying that Kailyn was cheating on him, and that that will be revealed in the new season?

We were already planning on watching, but you know we can’t miss a minute now.

And finally, Javi was asked if he was planning on leaving the show, now that he’s not married to his Teen Mom.

“No, I mean at the end of the day, I used to tell Kail this is a blessing. I said regardless how stressful, it’s opened a lot of doors and you should be thankful, and when you are having a rough day, don’t take it out on them. They are here to do a job just like you are.”

“I think of it more as a blessing,” he concluded. “Just roll with the punches, you know.”

Thank goodness one of these people has a little bit of sense.
