Showing posts with label Liberal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberal. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Liberal Cuck" on $100,000 Pyramid Mixes Up Obama and Bin Laden

Over the past few years, we"ve shared the the occasional game show flub here or there.

There was THIS catastrophic Wheel of Fortunate guess, for instance, as well as THIS mind-numbing attempt to solve a puzzle.

But nothing, and we mean nothing, compares to the snafu made on-air by Evan Kaufman during a round of $ 100,000 Pyramid.

Kaufman was competing with ex-Saturday Night Live cast member Tim Meadows on the game show hosted by Michael Strahan.

He was given perhaps the simplest clue anyone could possibly be given, having to simply list to Meadows "People with the last name Obama" in order to the actor to guess that the answer was…

People with the Last Name Obama.

But instead of naming Barack or Michelle or Sasha or Malia (heck, even Bo Obama, dude) after a very pregnant pause, he said, "Bin Laden."


To Kaufman"s credit, he didn"t make any excuses or conjure up any tales over why he made such a grave mistake.

Heck, he even admitted there was some "racism" tucked deep inside his head. How else to explain such a mix-up?

"This just goes to show you that even a liberal Globalist Cuck like yours truly has some inherent racism lurking in my brain. What a disaster," Tweeted Kaufman as one of 13 messages he posted online after the slip-up went viral.

"What you don’t see in this clip is me, shocked, correcting myself and saying Barack," he adds, continuing;

"Tim gets the answer. We get stumped on Margarita a few questions later. Turns out Margarita is Tim Meadow’s Grandmother’s name."

Concludes a humilated Kaufman:

Tim feels bad he lost the money for me, because he"s sweet. Kathy Najimy can"t look me in the eye. I leave knowing that my day of reckoning is coming. Maybe they can cut it out? They can"t… it"s timed.

I leave with $ 8500… and the story of the worst pyramid guess of all-time.

Watch this amazing/horrifying clip now. It"s remarkable.

100000 dollars pyramid globalist cuck mixes up obama and bin lad

Sunday, June 24, 2018

David Eason Goes OFF on MTV: You Make Me SICK, Liberal Hypocrites!

Do Jenelle Evans and David Eason have any hobbies or anything?

Jobs, household responsibilities, just anything that could possibly keep them off social media?

Because it kind of doesn’t seem like it.

And it also seems like they could really, really use something to do besides ranting on Twitter and Facebook.

Yesterday, Jenelle got her morning started by making a series of tweets about how unfair it was that people thought David is wrong for being homophobic.

She actually tried to say that he was just “a very Christian man” who has been raised “with certain morals, values, and standards.”

For real, that was her argument.

She said that hating gay people was simply his opinion, and he has the right to his own opinion.

And if you didn’t agree with her opinion, then she had a nice little “f-ck you” to share.

It’s not clear what inspired her little outburst, but it sure sounds like something went down, because right around the same time she started going off on Twitter, David typed up a little something on Facebook.

It’s … well, it’s almost as delusional as a Jenelle rant, and that’s saying a lot.

“WOW MTV I’ve kept my mouth shut for too long!” he began.

“MTV is such a hypocritical liberal network that you still keep racists, drug addicts and potential rapists on you shows as long as it meets your political beliefs?”

As a sidenote to that, he added “Yet you are against gun rights which protects my family from those kind of people,” because goodness knows he had to fit something about guns in there somewhere.

What racists, drug addicts, and potential racists are on MTV shows, you may be wondering.

Well, let David explain it all for you.

“I’m sickened to hear that Cheyenne Floyd said she hates white people and wants to kill him all!” he wrote, referring to those old tweets of Cheyenne’s in which she did pretty much say just that.

“Yet I received death threats from you morons?” he asked.

“Come on people, MTV still works with Nev Schulman from Catfish even though he tried to sexually assault his timid vulnerable cast members!”

“Not to mention,” David continued, “Teen Mom young and pregnant cast member Jade Cline who took a picture with cocaine on the table in her selfie!”

Right, because who could imagine anything worse than a Teen Mom star doing drugs?

Does he even know anything about Jenelle’s history? Because here’s a hint: there were a whole, whole lot of drugs, and plenty of arrests.

Lots of assaults, too, though none of them were sexual.

To wrap up his little fit, David said “Get your head out of your ass MTV, I’m not the problem YOU ARE!”

“I mean why else would the head producers be the ones spreading all the lies on the internet with media outlets? Huh Morgan?”

That’s obviously directed to Morgan J. Freeman, Teen Mom executive producer best known for being Farrah Abraham’s archenemy.


What a wild ride.

It sounds like he’s trying to say that all of these other people on MTV shows have done worse things than him, but he’s the only one that’s been fired.

Except David’s been accused of assault, like Nev, he’s had more than a few arrests on charges related to substance abuse, which is a bit more serious that Jade’s selfie.

And while he hasn’t made bigoted remarks about race, he’s made plenty about gay and transgendered people.

So maybe David actually is the problem after all, you know?


Friday, November 10, 2017

Jana Duggar: Is Her New Boyfriend Too Liberal For Jim Bob?

About once a week, a new Jana Duggar courtship rumor begins to wend its way around social media.

So it’s no surprise that in the past month alone, two different men have been connected with Jana.

One of the rumored suitors quickly shot down reports that he and Jana are an item, but the other has been less convincing in his half-hearted denials.

There’s been no official confirmation that Caleb Williams is courting Jana, but neither party seems to mind the persistent rumors.

Of course, fans have been waiting for word of a Jana courtship for almost a decade, so you’d think the Duggars would be shouting this news from the rooftop.

Now that fans think they know who Jana is courting, they’ve refocused their attention on figuring out why it is that she’s keeping the relationship a secret.

According to the most popular theory, Jana is keeping her relationship on the DL because her new man’s lifestyle and political beliefs don’t quite mesh with the Duggar “brand.”

Yes, those who know him well say Caleb Williams is a “rebel.”

Mind you, they mean that he’s a rebel by Duggar standards.

As far as anyone can tell, he hasn’t done prison time, and he’s not covered in tattoos–but he may have skipped church once or twice as a teen.

Apparently, the real issue for Duggar patriarch Jim Bob is the fact that Caleb is more liberal than the typical Duggar in-law.

The specifics of his insufficiently conservative beliefs are unknown, but it seems JB is intent on molding the lad into marriage material for Jana.

Sources say Jim Bob and Caleb have been spending time together without Jana–and it’s believed the goal of these hand sessions is for Jim Bob to convince Caleb to come around to a more conservative way of thinking.

These days, Jim Bob is said to be especially vigilant about ensuring the men who take an interest in his daughters also share his worldview.

Those who know the family best say Jim Bob has been clashing with his sons-in-law (Ben Seewald and Jeremy Vuolo in particular) over minor differences in their belief systems that have developed into major points of contention.

Apparently, Ben and Jeremy believe in the Calvinist doctrine of predestination, which runs counter to Jim Bob’s view that grace is attained through Bible study and good works.

Seems like a relatively minor disagreement, but apparently, it’s resulted in major conflict within the Duggar clan.

So you can see why Jim Bob has ramped up his vetting process this time around.

There’s no room for dissent in Jim Bob’s world, and in his mind, the last thing he needs is another son-in-law who thinks the NFL anthem protesters are anything less than the greatest threat to American democracy since Hitler.

Next thing you know, he’ll have another daughter wearing pants!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
