Showing posts with label Losing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Losing. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Caila Quinn: PISSED at Losing The Bachelorette Gig to Jojo Fletcher!

Caila Quinn had her heart broken a second time in one season of The Bachelor last night as ABC pulled the rug out from under her.

Having finished third on Ben Higgins’ season, she was cut loose after an overnight date, only to be tapped as The Bachelorette. Until …

Caila and JoJo Together

Chris Harrison named JoJo Fletcher The Bachelorette in front of a live studio audience, despite Caila having previously landed the gig.

Or so we were led to believe. Was it all just a red herring? Did fans get played – and was Caila a pawn in producers’ plans to do so?

According to the Oracle of The Bachelor Spoilers, Reality Steve, the show pulled a 180 on Caila just a few days before Monday’s finale.

It looked fairly certain that the 24-year-old Caila got the job, given that a camera crew was seen filming in hometown of Hudson, Ohio.

Given her multi-racial heritage, and the fact that The Bachelorette role usually does not go to the runner-up, but another top-four finisher?

Us Weekly, TMZ and other media outlets ran with the story that the half-Filipino beauty would be handing out roses this May on ABC.

Not so fast, it turned out. Just two weeks after viewers saw her get her dumped by Ben Higgins, the show dispatched Caila once more.

Producers apparently had a change of heart about who would start filming earlier this month, which means in the past two weeks tops.

Caila Quinn reportedly found out on Thursday that she wouldn’t be getting her own “journey” to find love, and she is “not happy” whatsoever.

According to Steve, much of her disappointment is based on missing out on a “huge opportunity to build her brand,” for what it’s worth.

As for Jojo, she’s the first woman who made the top two on The Bachelor to be named The Bachelorette since Emily Maynard in 2012.

Emily, of course, won the final rose that year, but was tapped as The Bachelorette after ending her brief engagement to Brad Womack.

Prior to that, you have to go back to DeAnna Pappas in 2008, when she was dispatched on the finale by … Brad, who picked no one.

Everyone else since then has been a top three or four finisher, so the 11th hour Jojo Fletcher pick caught a lot of people by surprise. 

Think ABC made the right call? Discuss!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Leah Messer: Suicidal After Losing Custody of Twins?!

To say that Leah Messer has been having a hard time lately would be a massive understatement.

Last month, Leah lost custody of her twin daughters to her first husband, Corey Simms.

In the weeks since, fans have criticized Leah as an unfit mom and drug addict. She lamely blamed her unfit parenting on narcolepsy, but Twitter wasn’t buying it. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Leah has become suicidal as a result of losing primary custody of her two youngest children. 

“Leah seems deeply depressed, and everyone is very concerned,” says one insider. “She can’t imagine life without her girls.”

The source say Leah’s mother, Dawn Spears, is especially concerned and has been encouraging Leah to seek professional help.

“Dawn is asking friends for advice on how to help her,” says the source.

The insider says part of the problem is that even though she recently completed an inpatient rehab stint, Leah still refuses to acknowledge that she suffered from a prescription pill addiction.

Family and friends are worried that her denial and depression put her at an increased risk for a relapse.

“It’s obvious that she has struggled with pills, but she refuses to talk about it,” says the source. “If she won’t be honest, how is she ever going to truly get better?”

Her family reportedly feels that Leah’s addiction was the primary reason that she lost custody of 6-year-olds Ali and Aleeah, and unless she continues her treatment, they feel her daughters will never be returned to her on a full-time basis.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Leah Messer: Opens Up About Losing Custody of Twins

Last week, Leah Messer lost custody of her twins.  Although Leah gushed about her kids and pretending everything was fine, her recent interview with Us Weekly suggests otherwise.

“It was like a slap in the face,” Leah said, describing the moment she found out her ex-husband Corey Simms received custody of their twins, Aliannah and Aleeah, both 5-years-old.

On October 7, a West Virginia judge determined that 26-year-old Simms will care for the girls Monday through Friday.  That leaves Leah with only weekends to spend time with her children.

The 23-year-old Teen Mom star told Us Weekly that the custody swap occurred after Simms accused her of not getting their girls to kindergarten on time.

A source claimed, “Leah just wasn’t getting them to school,” explains a source. “They were missing and they were tardy.”

Messer said that simply isn’t true. She admitted to one tardy.  But the others, she claimed, aren’t true.  To appeal the tardies, she arranged an October 19 meeting with the school board.

“I talked to the superintendent,” she stated, “and I’m sending them the [time-stamped] pictures I took to prove the girls were not tardy. They’re going to take them off.”

She didn’t just stop with the school board though.  Leah also filed a motion to reconsider the custody arrangement.  Ideally, she would like to split the custody 50/50 with Simms.

“I feel like they should have both of us in their lives,” she explained. “At the end of the day, my kids are going to be happy, and I don’t care what I have to do to make them happy.”

It might be tough for Leah to be awarded custody.  Though she recently completed a 30-day treatment program for anxiety and depression, the young mom has a history of troubled behavior.

In early September, Leah was accused of negligent parenting, which resulted in a visit from the police department. And just last week, Leah Messer admitting to abusing pain killers.

As it will be for most “stars” on Teen Mom, this is going to be a long and painful journey for Leah.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Losing Patients

Desperate times call for… you know the rest, right?

This saying was most definitely driven home on Fear The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5. Hard.

Early on during the hour, Ofelia lured was under the impression that her dad wanted to trade Reynolds for Nick and Grisela. So she lured the solider into a trap.

But, in reality, the barber intended to use his handy torture skills to draw information out of his daughter’s boyfriend.

Upon discovering just how bloody things had become, Maddie shed all emotion and asked a simple question: “Did he tell us what we need to know?”

Ofelia, though, didn’t react nearly so well. 

As for what Daniel learned? “Cobalt” was code to initiate the evacuation of enlisted men from the Los Angeles basin the following morning. What about the civilians? They were marked for “humane termination.” GULP.

Elsewhere: Moyers scoffed at he referred to as Travis’ “issues with protocol.”

That is, until the Mayor threatened to start a revolt in the neighborhood if he wasn’t taken to Exner to check on Nick and Griselda.

But they never made it to the doctor’s makeshift hospital.

After Moyers challenged Travis to kill a walker – which he couldn’t bring himself to do, of course – the commanding officer was lost to a building chock full of the infected… and his platoon dropped Travis near his hood before making tracks to find their own families.

Let’s go inside Exner’s ER/lock-up combo, shall we?

We witness Nick being taken “downstairs” there when his well-dressed cellmate suddenly trades a soldier a pair of diamond cufflinks to keep him around. For what purpose?

Because the soldiers are departing – and when he makes a break for it, he’ll need a “man with [Nick’s] talents.”

Later, after Liza sneaks in to see Grisela, Exner explains that she has to be shot in the head, or else, like everyone who passed away, she’d come back. So Liza pulls the trigger herself.

Finally, Travis gets back home, he’s horrified to discover what Daniel had done – and even more horrified that Maddie was totes down with it.

But Reynolds did provide some useful information.

Not only had he rundown the deadly meaning of Cobalt… he told Daniel about a nearby arena that is teeming with the infected.

As the penultimate hour of Fear the Walking Dead Season 1 came to a conclusion, it certainly appeared as if the barber was considering turning the zombies loose on the soldiers.

Is this how the finale will play out?

Sound off below with your thoughts and go watch Fear The Walking Dead online prior to next Sunday’s season-ender.