Showing posts with label McKinney's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McKinney's. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Charlotte McKinney"s Boobs Celebrate Christmas! WATCH!

The last time we checked in on her, Charlotte McKinney was naked on Instagram.

The captions said she was drunk, but it later turned out the pics may have been the result of a hacking.

Fortunately, we"ll always have the many jiggly Charlotte McKinney GIFs that were posted legally and ethically.

Speaking of consent issues, today"s installment of the Love magazine advent calendar features Charlotte in a swimsuit writhing around to the tune of the creepy holiday classic "Baby, It"s Cold Outside," which we assume is subtitled "So Why Not Enjoy a Cappuccino and a Jello-O Pudding Pop? Zibbidy-Bop!"

Pervy nature of the song aside, this video represents everything that"s good and true about the holiday season, and we can"t think of a better early Christmas present for Charlotte to give the world.

Considering some of the weirdness presented in some of the other Love advent clips (Kendall Jenner as a seductive shark, anyone?), the straightforward sexiness of Charlotte"s video is a welcome change of pace.

So think of us passing it along to you as a form of regifting.

It"s Charlotte McKinney"s cleavage bouncing around in slow motion. So it"s probably best if you just don"t question it and enjoy.


Charlotte mckinneys boobs celebrate christmas watch