Showing posts with label MostLiked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MostLiked. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Stormi Webster Photo Most-Liked in Instagram History

As pretty much everyone on the planet knows at this point, Kylie Jenner gave birth to her baby girl. On Sunday, she shared that beautiful news with her fans.

On Tuesday, Kylie revealed her daughter’s name on Instagram.

That post is now the most-liked photo on Instagram. Which means that Kylie just beat Beyonce. Let that sink in.

Yes, Kylie’s daughter is named Stormi Webster.

(Yes, whatever jokes just came to your mind, Twitter’s comments on Stormi Webster have them covered)

Kylie revealed her sweet little baby’s first name in the captions of her Instagram post, accompanied by this photo.

She later edited that caption to reveal Stormi’s last name.

Some fans were surprised, thinking that Stormi’s last name would either be Jenner like her mother’s or Scott for Travis Scott, the baby daddy.

But Travis Scott is just a stage name — Jacques Webster is his real name. So his daughter’s name is Stormi Webster.

Kylie Jenner Baby Announcement Instagram Likes

With a post this popular, any screenshot is out of date within seconds.

That is already beyond the 11,242,823 likes that Beyonce’s pregnancy announcement photo had when that screenshot was taken.

The gap isn’t narrow — it’s by the millions, and growing with every moment that passes.

Beyonce is one of the biggest stars in the world and she was pregnant with twins. How, some wonder, did Kylie outpace her so quickly in Instagram likes?

Part of that, of course, is that Kylie withheld new material for months and months and months. Fans were starving, and suddenly blessed with a cute baby photo.

The other part is that, quite frankly, Kylie’s demographic is youth-oriented and it’s Kylie’s core fans who are most likely to be active on Instagram. Yes, even more likely than Beyonce’s core fans who are really only a few years older.

We still haven’t gotten a full photo of sweet baby Stormi.

Although Kylie has spent half of her life in the spotlight and is therefore extra sensitive to the burdens of fame, she’s not likely to keep Stormi hidden away forever.

Instead, Kylie will probably share a real baby photo when she feels that the time is right.

(Or maybe when Stormi looks up to it — sometimes, newborns are born covered in baby acne or otherwise need a few days to … well, cool off after being in the oven, so to speak)

The question is … will that inevitable picture get more likes than this one?

Honestly? Who knows.

And though branding is almost second nature to Kylie, we suspect that this isn’t really on her mind.

She’s reportedly eager to get back to her regular life — except, you know, she’s a mom now, so even with all of the paid help in the world, her life will never be the same again.

On some level, though, she’ll always be preoccupied with her daughter. We don’t just mean now, when Stormi is a newborn and most likely to need her.

Parents remain preoccupied with thoughts of their children … well, for life.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Barack Obama Now Owns the Most-Liked Tweet in History

We have bad news for Donald Trump:

According to a The Hollywood Gossip poll, most readers think he’s a racist.

But now we have even worse news for Donald Trump, at least according to how he views the world and what he considers to be most important in life:

Barack Obama is more popular than the President on Twitter.

If it’s any consolation to Trump (not that we’re interested in consoling Trump at all), Obama is also more popular than anyone on Twitter. At least when it comes to one specific Tweet.

Following the deadly clash between neo-Nazi hate groups and protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend, the man who preceded Trump in the Oval Office wrote the following:

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…

This was part of a quote by Nelson Mandela and it accompanied a photo of Obama peering into a window and smiling at young kids from different backgrounds.

The message quickly earned over two million Likes by Tuesday afternoon…

… and on Wednesday a spokesperson from Twitter confirmed that it now ranks as the most-Liked single Tweet in the history of this platform.

(“People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love. For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite,” reads the rest of this Mandela quote, which Obama added to a follow-up Tweet.)

Obama’s note and picture was shared prior to President Trump writing anything on social media.

Awhile after the violence broke out in Charlottesville, Trump posted a couple less meaningful and heartfelt messages on his account:

DJT tweets

As of this writing, Obama’s Tweet has garnered nearly 2.8 million Likes.

It has bumped Ariana Grande to second place, as her emotional message to fans after the deadly Manchester bombing attack at her concert received 2,703,448 Likes.

The third most popular Tweet in history belongs to Ellen DeGeneres, whose famous Oscars selfie from 2014 chimes in with 2,418,912 Likes.

Take a look below at the updated Top 10:

popular tweets

For the record, however, Obama’s above Tweet is only the fifth most retweeted tweet ever – trailing Grande, Louis Tomlinson, Ellen DeGeneres, and naturally, this beloved plea for Wendy’s chicken nuggets.

On Tuesday, meanwhile, Trump addressed the Charlottesville incident in a widely-panned press conference.

He “both sides” for what happened and added:

“I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. … You had some very bad people in that [White Supremacist] group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.”

His comments led to further outrage and protestors later held a vigil for Heather Heyer, the woman killed by a neo-Nazi on Saturday, outside Trump Tower on Tuesday night.

On a lighter note… here’s glance at some of the most hilarious Tweets on the website Obama can now say he owns:


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Justin Bieber Unseats Kendall Jenner for Most-Liked Post on Instagram!

Sorry, Kendall Jenner. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez just outshined you on Instagram.

Last year, Kendall was crowned for having the most-liked post on the social media platform and held the distinction for nearly a year.

But now, she’s been unseated by a throwback pic of Jelena kissing, which Justin shared about six weeks ago.

Here it is, the most-liked photo on Instagram:

The photo, captioned simply “Feels” by the Biebs, sent fans into a tizzy, fueling rumors that he and SelGo were re-igniting their romance.

And when Selena wrote “Perfect” in the comment section, well, the teenage world had a veritable meltdown.

Fans have been hoping for the former adolescent lovers to get back together, but the two never confirmed nor denied the reports.

The post has received more than 3.5 million likes, trumping Kendall’s pic by about 7,000.

In June of last year, the model shared a photo of herself lying down in a white lace dress with her eyes closed and her hair shaped into a series of hearts.

Her pic garnered more than 3.2 million likes, making it the most-hearted pic 2015.

At the time, Kendall bumped her own sister Kim Kardashian from the top spot.

Kim’s photo of her and husband Kanye West kissing at their wedding in Florence held the record before Kendall’s hair hearts grabbed the spotlight.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Most-Liked Instagram Photos of 2015: Who"s #1?


Kendall Jenner didn"t simply have the most-liked Instagram photo of 2015. She shared the most-liked Instagram photo of all-time this year!

Which of Kendall"s many (many!) pictures broke a mark previously held by her older half-sister?

And which other nine photos comprised the Top 10 most popular images on Instagram in 2015? Find out below!

10. Thanks, Everyone!

Thanks everyone

This is merely the first time Kendall appears in this countdow. She shared this selfie in celebration of reaching 20 million Instagram followers.

9. She Woke Up Like This

She woke up like this

“With a cat on me,” as Swift added in her caption. (NOTE: This is not the last time Taylor appears in this countdown, either.)

8. I’m Back!

Im back

And so is my cat! Hi, everyone!!!!!!!!!

7. Her Favorite Sweatshirt

Her favorite sweatshirt

That’s what Selena Gomez wrote that she was wearing in the caption for this photo.

6. Guess Who’s Back!

Guess whos back

Give up? It’s Taylor Swift and her cat!

5. Bey and Baby

Bey and baby

“The real cover girl. My delicious Blue Blue at 11 months,” Beyonce captioned this stunning photo of herself and little Blue Ivy.

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