Showing posts with label PewDiePie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PewDiePie. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2018

PewDiePie Apologizes for Offensive Demi Lovato Meme

PewDiePie has issued a mea culpa for being a misguided, insensitive, offensive moron.

Three days after Demi Lovato was hospitalized for a drug overdose, the YouTube star thought it would be funny to make fun of the singer and her situation.

How could it not be, right?

This is a young woman who has batted self-esteem issues and mental health issues for years… who had admitted to having suicidal thoughts at the age of seven… and who nearly died after a night of hard and dangerous partying this week.

Talk about prime material for a joke, right?!?

Yes, according to PewDiePie.

Shortly after news broke about Lovato’s overdose, PewDiePie (what kind of name is PewDiePie?!?) shared a meme online that depicted the trouble artist asking her mother for money in order to buy a burger.

After receiving the money, however, Lovato turns around and buys heroin instead.

Here is the since-deleted image:

demi meme

demi meme

A couple of quick thoughts come to mind:

FIRST, this simply isn’t funny. Like, at all.

If you’re going to go out on an offensive limb to crack a joke, you better make sure it’s a funny joke.

This is just dumb and non-sensical. (Why would Lovato need to borrow cash from her mother? The whole thing makes no sense.)

SECOND, what the heck is wrong with you, PewDiePie?!?

We weren’t the only ones asking this question, as the YouTuber was forced to take down his stupid meme and then issue a statement in the wake of severe backlash.

“Deleted meme,” he wrote to start his apology, which concluded as follows:

“I didnt mean anything with it and I didnt fully know about the situation. I realize now it was insensitive, sorry!”

PewDiePie says

Please, dude.

You knew that Lovato overdosed on heroin (it has since been reported that the substance actually was NOT heroin) and you went ahead and posted that meme.

What misinterpretation about the situation are you claiming here?

Lovato, tragically, was found unconscious by her assistant around 11 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

This assistant then dialed 911 (listen to the call HERE) and paramedics revived the star prior to taking her to the hospital.

It is believed that Demi will soon head to a treatment facility somewhere far away from Los Angeles, but this has not yet been confirmed by the singer or anyone close to her.

It is simply what various anonymous insiders have reported.

In the meantime, practically everyone in Hollywood has sent his or her best wishes, as an entire industry worries about a young woman who has been so open over the years about her substance abuse issues.

We are all just praying she gets better.

And hoping she knows how many folks out there love her.


Monday, September 11, 2017

PewDiePie Slammed for Racism AGAIN, Roasted by Twitter!

Hey, you know when you stub your toe or somebody cuts you off in traffic and, whoops, you accidentally say something outrageously bigoted?

No, you don’t do that? You’re a decent human being who doesn’t have slurs floating around on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill out whenever you’re frustrated?

Then you’re a better person than the infamous YouTuber named PewDiePie, because he’s once again under fire for bigotry.

PewDiePie is a YouTuber who plays video games while commenting. Some of his “edgy humor” won him a sizable following.

He’s also handsome. That’s the “secret” of being successful on YouTube, just like with Instagram.

(Also, like, in life — it’s not the only way to success, but it sure does help)

PewDiePie’s real name is Felix Kjellberg, but his YouTube moniker has earned him internet fame as well as millions and millions of dollars.

You might think that becoming a millionaire by streaming gameplay on YouTube sounds like a scam or a pipe dream, but it’s supported by ad revenue and sponsorships. And the few who make this tier provide entertainment to tens of millions of subscribers.

But not everyone who becomes rich and famous is a good person. As we are all painfully aware.

Earlier this year, Disney released PewDiePie for his antisemitic “prank” that was deeply disturbing. 

See, PewDiePie had hired two men to carry a sign that supported the murder of Jewish people. He claimed that it was a joke.

Obviously, it’s not funny.

Honestly, we’d almost forgotten that PewDiePie still had a following, as people outed him as a racist years ago and we’d pretty much stopped seeing people talk about him.

Maybe now, they’ll really stop talking about him.

This time, PewDiePie didn’t get in trouble for his “edgy humor,” but for what he said while streaming a game.

He was playing and livestreaming a game called PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds. He voiced his frustration while playing, and … it’s pretty awful.

“What a f–king n—-r. Geez, oh my god, what the f–k! Sorry but what the f–k! What a f–king a–hole.”

So he just dropped the literal worst word in the entire English language. The N-word is worse than “f–k” and worst than “moist.”

But apparently, it was just on the tip of PewDiePie’s tongue as a handy insult that he was ready to hurl.

It’s important to understand how video game frustration works in order to truly understand how indefensible PewDiePie’s use of that slur is.

I did my first real peer-versus-peer gaming back in 2008, on a team with my best friend. He and I were on voice chat.

It was absolutely frustrating. I cursed and vocalized my frustration.

Having recently watched a marathon of Kathy Griffin standup, everything that I said while venting my fury sounded like Kathy Griffin’s impression of her mother’s cursing.

That’s kind of funny, but it reflected what had just been on my mind.

Personally, and especially as a white dude from the South, I cannot imagine having a “slip up” like PewDiePie’s.

Honestly, I don’t even like to say the name of that bouncing tiger from Winnie the Pooh. For the N-word to be floating around PewDiePie’s subconscious enough that he’s ready to fire it off by accident is basically unthinkable.

As you can imagine, every corner of the internet not frequented by white supremacists was pretty horrified.

Twitter responded:

“You don’t accidentally say a derogatory term.”

“He’s literal trash.”

“He only apologized because he remembered that he was live streaming and was caught using a word he’s comfortable using in private.”

At least one video game developer announced that they were going to file a copyright takedown notice with YouTube to get footage of their games removed from PewDiePie’s YouTube channel.

Since YouTube streams of games are essentially free advertising for videogame developers, this is a move about principle.

Developers from other video game companies expressed their approval for the move on Twitter.

PewDiePie’s been hemorrhaging fans over the years, but we’re sure that he’ll have his loyalists who want to forgive him. Again.

Or maybe he’s finally reached his breaking point.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

YouTube Cancels PewDiePie Show After Anti-Semitic Comments

PewDiePie’s show on YouTube is no more — he’s been cut loose by the video platform … hours after Disney pulled the plug over his anti-Semitic “jokes” on his channel.  YouTube says it canceled the release of a 2nd season for PewDiePie — real…


PewDiePie: Cut Loose by Disney Due to Alleged Hatred of Jews

PewDiePie, one of the most lucrative stars in YouTube history, has been dropped by Disney after anti-Semitic content appeared on the 27-year old’s account.

Disney said in a statement that it has “ended its affiliation” with the Swede – whose real name is Felix Kjellberg – as a result of these controversial videos.

Moreover, YouTube has canceled the new season of his show on the platform, Scare PewDiePie.

According to The Wall Street Journal, these decisions were made as a result of a January 11 video on Kjellberg’s YouTube channel.

The footage, which has since been deleted, allegedly depicted what the newspaper described as two men hired by the Internet personality to display a sign that read “Death to All Jews.”

Yikes. That is SO not cool if true.

The video from last month sparked further investigation into PewDiePie and his YouTube account, resulting in the discovery of nine videos, dating back to August 2016.

Each features jokes that could construed as anti-Semitic and/or imagery related to Nazism.

In a statement released to TIME Magazine, Disney said the following about this troubling scandal:

“Although Felix has created a following by being provocative and irreverent, he clearly went too far in this case and the resulting videos are inappropriate.

“Maker Studios has made the decision to end our affiliation with him going forward.”

Maker Studios had teamed up with PewDiePie to produce Scare PewDiePie, a 10-episode series for YouTube Red, the Google subsidiary’s premium streaming service.

Its first season was released in early 2016, according to The Wall Street Journal.

There will be no second season die to these findings.

Kjellberg, who banked $ 7.4 million in 2014 alone off his YouTube page, wrote a lengthy Tumblr post on February 12 in response to the controversy.

In this post, Kjellberg acknowledges he made a few “jokes [that] were ultimately offensive,” but insisted he was “in no way supporting any kind of hateful attitudes.”

The YouTube sensation added:

“To anyone unsure on my standpoint regarding hate-based groups: No, I don’t support these people in any way.”

Take a look below at his full statement:

PewDiePie message

Related to this ongoing case, a YouTube spokesperson told TIME:

“We’ve decided to cancel the release of Scare PewDiePie Season 2 and we’re removing the PewDiePie channel from Google Preferred.”

Kjellberg sky-rocket to viral fame under the moniker PewDiePie by uploading videos of himself playing video games and joking along the way, often in a crash manner, to YouTube. 

Really. That’s basically all it took for the guy to become a millionaire.

Since joining YouTube in April 2010, PewDiePie has amassed a huge online following of over 53 million subscribers at the time of this writing.

And you thought Kim Kardashian didn’t have any talent worthy of being a celebrity!

“I make videos for my audience,” Kjellberg said in his Tumblr statement, adding:

“I think of the content that I create as entertainment, and not a place for any serious political commentary. I know my audience understands that and that is why they come to my channel.  

“Though this was not my intention, I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive.”
