Showing posts with label Pledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pledge. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Nicki Minaj Has Not Paid Geoffrey Owens Her $25,000 Pledge

Nicki Minaj can dodge a shoe, host a weekly radio show and get millions of views on her music videos … but when it comes to honoring a pledge to help a struggling actor — so far, nothing. Last week on her Queen Radio show, Minaj said she was…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Colin Kaepernick Teams with Usher to Complete $1 Million Pledge

Colin Kaepernick just wrote his LAST check as part of his “$ 1 Million Pledge” campaign — and teamed up with Usher to end it with a bang.  Remember, Kaep first started the program back in 2016 … vowing to donate $ 1 MIL of his own money to…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cynthia Bailey Makes a Pledge: NO MORE MARRIAGE!

It is all over for Cynthia Bailey and Peter Thomas.

This is not news, of course, The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member confirmed the end of her six-year marriage back in July.

Speaking to E! News about estranged husband Peter Thomas at the time, Bailey said:

“I don’t want it to be an ugly divorce because I still love Peter. I just don’t want to be married to Peter anymore. It’s as simple as that.”

That does make it sound pretty simple.

And amicable.

Are there any hard feelings between Bailey and Thomas? It doesn’t sound that way.

“I still root for him. I want him to win. I still love and support him. We are just not going to be married anymore,” Bailey added this summer.

And the reality star makes a similar point in a new interview with Us Weekly.

“I will always love Peter and have his back,” Bailey told the tabloid, explaining of her marriage:

“There was a lot of internal unhappiness. I wasn’t at peace.”

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online have been familiar with pair’s troubles for awhile, ever since Bailey joined the Bravo franchise.

Last season, for example, a video came out in June that depicted Thomas kissing and touching a female clubgoer at his Charlotte business, Bar One.

“He was just being social,” explains Bailey, defending her ex-lover.

And she continues to defend Thomas, despite the many cheating allegations that have circulated around him over the past few years.

“I believe with every ounce of oxygen and bone in my body that Peter never had sex with another woman,” Bailey tells Us Weekly.

Way back in Season 3, Bailey’s mother and sister turned on Thomas.

They alleged he was unreliable and riding her wealth and fame, strongly protesting the union right up until the couple exchanged vows.

These days, Bailey acknowledges that she placed her daughter’s well-being over that of her husband and says she was never “wife material.”

And she won’t be again, Bailey vows.

“I will never be in a relationship again where it will take a lawyer for me to walk away. I will never marry again,” she says.

Bailey and Thomas hope to finalize their divorce in January. Beyond that, when it comes to her dating life, Bailey isn’t sure what to predict.

“There’s something very scary about turning 50 and being by yourself,” she admits. “I just have to believe everything will be OK.”


Friday, September 2, 2016

Colin Kaepernick Kneels During Anthem, Makes $1 Million Pledge

As a starting quarterback, Colin Kaepernick often bolted from the pocket at the first sign of pressure from the defensive line.

As a controversial protestor, however, Colin Kaepernick isn’t going anywhere in the face of ongoing criticism.

The San Francisco 49ers quarterback refused to stand during the playing of the national anthem prior to a preseason football game last week.

After cameras found Kaepernick glued to the bench, he explained to reporters that he felt a responsibility to take some kind action against racial injustice in America.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said, adding:

“To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way.

“There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

In subsequent comments, Kaepernick brought up the recent deaths of African-American citizens in confrontations with white police officers and said he would continue his protest until he saw “significant change.”

And he meant it.

On Thursday evening, Kaepernick kneeled on the sideline while the Star-Spangled Banner played overhead prior to his team’s matchup against the San Diego Chargers.

In this case, Petty Officer 1st Class Steven Powell sang the anthem, as 240 military officers held the U.S. flag on a night when the home team hosted the 28th annual Salute to the Military night.

But the quarterback wasn’t alone this time around.

Teammate Eric Reid also dropped to a knee.

Elsewhere on Thursday, Seattle Seahawks cornerback Jeremy Lane refused to stand during the national anthem before his game against the Oakland Raiders.


“I’ll continue to sit,” Kaepernick said earlier this week.

“I’m gonna continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me, this is something that has to change.

“When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.”

However, Kaepernick is doing more than merely kneeling on the ground for a couple minutes in protest.

He has announced plans to donate the first $ 1 million he earns this year to charities that assist communities in need.

“I’ve been very blessed to be in this position and to be able to make the kind of money I do,” Kaepernick said after last night’s game.

“And I have to help these people. I have to help these communities. It’s not right that they’re not put in a position to succeed or given those opportunities to succeed.”

Kaepernick also said he spoke to a military veteran before the game about his cause.

He received the man’s full support and explains that he took to a knee, as opposed to sitting all the way down, to “try to show more respect to the men and women that fight for this country.”

Kaepernick has received some celebrity support, as well.

John Legend, for example, says the Star-Spangled Banner is weak and that “America the Beautiful” should be our anthem instead.

Either way, this is where things now stand:

Colin Kaepernick is taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem.

He’s doing so to draw attention to racial inequality in a country that prides itself as being the “land of the free” and he’s now giving $ 1 million to causes that are trying to help with this issue.

And there’s a single person out there who has a problem with this? Why?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

James Harden -- Awesome Drunken Pledge to Make Adidas Amazing (VIDEO)



James Harden is officially the greatest boozed up spokesman in sports history after making an amazing pitch for Adidas and disavowing Nike … while spilling out of a club at 2 AM. 

The Beard had his $ 200 million Adidas contract on the brain as he and his crew left 1 OAK Wednesday morning. Naturally, our photog asked if everything was cool with his new bosses … y’know, since James was spotted wearing Jordans the other night

Just watch — cause the video is awesome! As Harden jumps into his SUV he starts yelling, “I got $ 200 million!” … and then brags “Adidas is about to be amazing!”

There ya go Adidas … all the promotion you ever wanted and more.

Oh, and we checked Harden’s kicks last night. NO NIKES! Balenciagas, bro.


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