Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cynthia Bailey Makes a Pledge: NO MORE MARRIAGE!

It is all over for Cynthia Bailey and Peter Thomas.

This is not news, of course, The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member confirmed the end of her six-year marriage back in July.

Speaking to E! News about estranged husband Peter Thomas at the time, Bailey said:

“I don’t want it to be an ugly divorce because I still love Peter. I just don’t want to be married to Peter anymore. It’s as simple as that.”

That does make it sound pretty simple.

And amicable.

Are there any hard feelings between Bailey and Thomas? It doesn’t sound that way.

“I still root for him. I want him to win. I still love and support him. We are just not going to be married anymore,” Bailey added this summer.

And the reality star makes a similar point in a new interview with Us Weekly.

“I will always love Peter and have his back,” Bailey told the tabloid, explaining of her marriage:

“There was a lot of internal unhappiness. I wasn’t at peace.”

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online have been familiar with pair’s troubles for awhile, ever since Bailey joined the Bravo franchise.

Last season, for example, a video came out in June that depicted Thomas kissing and touching a female clubgoer at his Charlotte business, Bar One.

“He was just being social,” explains Bailey, defending her ex-lover.

And she continues to defend Thomas, despite the many cheating allegations that have circulated around him over the past few years.

“I believe with every ounce of oxygen and bone in my body that Peter never had sex with another woman,” Bailey tells Us Weekly.

Way back in Season 3, Bailey’s mother and sister turned on Thomas.

They alleged he was unreliable and riding her wealth and fame, strongly protesting the union right up until the couple exchanged vows.

These days, Bailey acknowledges that she placed her daughter’s well-being over that of her husband and says she was never “wife material.”

And she won’t be again, Bailey vows.

“I will never be in a relationship again where it will take a lawyer for me to walk away. I will never marry again,” she says.

Bailey and Thomas hope to finalize their divorce in January. Beyond that, when it comes to her dating life, Bailey isn’t sure what to predict.

“There’s something very scary about turning 50 and being by yourself,” she admits. “I just have to believe everything will be OK.”
