Showing posts with label Porsha's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porsha's. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 23 Recap: Porsha"s Revelation

By now, the whole world has probably heard about Porsha Williams claiming that Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker wanted to take her into their dungeon and drug her. 

It’s cast a dark cloud over the latter part of the season, and there was a new twist in the tale on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 23. That twist came in the form of a huge revelation from Porsha about who put all of it in her head. 

When the episode got underway, Peter, Bob, and Li’l Todd opened up about the events of the season. Bob was quick to send an apology to Sheree over the abusive things he said in Maui. 

I mean, Sheree did deserve an apology, but you would think he would have apologized long before the reunion taping. Kandi noted that they should try and keep the peace because they have children. 

Everyone seemed to agree with Kandi. It’s not normal anyone agrees with anything on this show, so we’ll take it while we can. When everyone questioned why the other Todd was not present, Peter decided to go nuclear on Porsha.

“EXCUSE ME!” he said. “Why is Todd not here tonight? I just want to know why Todd is not here because Todd should be here.” When you think about it, everyone else brought their significant others. 

He’s not exactly contributed much to the narrative, but still, it must have been annoying for the others. The conversation turned to Porsha’s baby nup and whether she was making the right decision. 

Phaedra advised against being a single mother, but Peter decided to turn on Phaedra in hilarious fashion. 

“YO PHAEDRA, do you have the whole package?”

Um, alright then. Phaedra then confirmed that she was divorced and that she would not delve into the finer details of her marriage with them. This seemed to piss Peter off some more, as he got up to leave the set. 

“Where the f— is the drink, dawg? The f— is the drink?”

This is the reason why alcohol consumption should be limited at these reunion tapings. 

Porsha then decided it would be a good idea to apologize to Shamea for all of the drama she caused throughout the season. 

“I want to publicly apologize for whatever I did, whatever I said, however I made you feel.”

Shouldn’t this apology have come weeks ago from Porsha? Are they purposefully leaving all of the drama for the reunion? We ain’t buying it. Shamea bought it, but seems to be mad that Phaedra used to flirt with her man. 

Shamea and Phaedra bickered like crazy, but eventually, they brought their feud to an end. Porsha then told the truth about Phaedra creating rumors about everyone. 

Andy asked Phaedra why she did not come clean sooner, but she boldly claimed she did not call her a lesbian. Kandi then chimed in, saying that Porsha should look to her own experiences with women. 

“Well I shoulda let you go down there and eat it then, and kiss my ass while you were down there,” she claimed. 

“I work for Dish Nation — I am in the world of journalism,” Porsha fired back. 

She then said that she does not “want to be known as a liar, period.” 

Just as we were getting to the good stuff, Porsha said she could not speak any more about it because of the cease and desist letter, but she did say that Phaedra was the one who lied. 

“YOU SAID THAT?! THAT I WANTED TO DRUG HER?” Kandi screamed just before “To Be Continued” flashed on the screen.

Okay then.

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!
