Showing posts with label Revelation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revelation. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Season 6 Episode 11 Recap: Joseline"s Revelation

Karlie and Joseline are not as bitter as we thought they were. 

On Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Season 6 Episode 11, the two women vowed to put their feud aside, but there was more drama brewing when Karlie decided to get revenge on Joc for his actions. 

When the episode got underway, Jessica was trying to calm Karlie down after her big blowout with Joseline. 

Karlie yells, “I always have people coming after me for having her back!”

Jessica replies, “Tell Joseline that in a calm voice. Calm down.”

Karlie makes her way back into the room and tells Joseline she’s a good person and that it’s not nice the way she is being treated. 

“You came at me with some foolishness about my baby daddy,” Joseline begins.

“If you hear something about my baby daddy in the street just keep it to yourself.”

The ladies agreed there was no point in dragging their argument out and decided it was best to leave things in the past, and move on. 

While this was going down, Stevie met up with Kirk. Steve wondered why he ghosted on the party. 

Kirk had the best response. 

“I knew Rasheeda would be there and it would be a whole lot of messiness and sure enough that’s what it turned out to be.”

Stevie quizzed his friend about the baby and whether Kirk was the father. Kirk denied it, while Stevie gave some sound advice. 

“You need to take a paternity test and get it out the way, so Rasheeda will feel better.”

Kirk felt like there was no point in doing it because it would lead to more drama. Um, yes, he actually said that. 

Later, Stevie went to visit Mimi to let Eva know she had a new baby sister, but Mimi had some harsh words for him. 

“I met your new artist while I was hanging out with the girls,” Mimi begins.

“She tells me that you and your new baby momma are playing house.”

Mimi did not want to have anything to do with Joseline and even referred to her as a “beast.”

As if that was not enough drama, Tommie visited Joc and immediately tried to apologize. 

“I know it’s messed up that I lose my cool, and things get out of control, but there is only so much I can take.”

Joc tells her “I wish you could control your temper.” Joc tells her “Karlie, and I ended on good terms, and I did agree to go to her grand opening.”

Um, what makes Joc thing he ended on good terms with Karlie? She’s got a revenge plan in the works. 

We’re intrigued. 

Rasheeda decided to meet up with Kirk to find out what he had to say for himself. She wasted no time in letting him know how she felt. 

“You don’t have to get up. You can sit down. I can’t even work at Press without people feeling sorry for me.”

Kirk says, “I’m sorry for that, but we can’t let the blogs determine our future.”

Rasheeda says, “What are you going to do? I’ll tell you what. You take the DNA test and call me back when you have the results.”

When Joseline returned, Stevie tried to get her back into a business relationship, but Joseline dropped the bomb that she was moving to Miami. 

“You’re not taking my baby to Miami.” Joseline tells him “I am taking Bonnie to Miami and I want twenty thousand dollars a month before we go to court and let the courts handle it.”

Stevie replies, “The courts aren’t handling anything, and you aren’t taking my daughter.”

At Karlie’s opening, Joc showed and was introduced to Connor, who was apparently Karlie’s new man. 

Mission successful. 

What did you think of the drama?

Sound off below!


Monday, May 22, 2017

The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Karen"s Revelation

The ladies continued to bicker over past arguments on The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 2 Episode 7, and it made for another fun, but predictable episode. 

With revelations being revealed about the ladies left, right and center, it was only a matter of time before someone went too far. 

When the episode got underway, Karen opened up about an ordeal she went through when she was younger. She revealed that she was raped, and was set to speak at a foundation benefiting rape victims. 

Karen felt like it would be a good way to open up about her thoughts about the traumatic event because she never opened up about it all those years ago. 

She wants her story to help young girls and women who went through something similar. The great thing about this reveal was that it brought all of the women together. 

They’ve been at odds for the better part of the season, so it’s great to see them play nice. It just sucks that it takes something like this to bring them together. 

The ladies sat listening to Karen’s emotional and empowering speech about her ordeal, and it was heartwarming to see everyone so close together. 

After this, it was revealed that Robyn was still unimpressed by the interest her friends were taking in her relationship with Juan. She was shocked at the way Gizelle and Charrisse acted but commended them for handling it better in a one-to-one situation. 

Ashley, however, was not getting off lightly and Robyn and Gizelle thought it would be a good idea to go to her place of work and start all of the drama up again. 

The argument was a bit of a dud. Ashley did not back down and even managed to get the upper hand by throwing both women out of her place of work. 

Things got totally awkward when a microphone picked up a conversation between Juan and one of the producers. He was claiming he was “fed up” of Robyn and the way she acted. 

He then said he would have ditched Robyn a long time ago if it was not for their children. Yikes. Poor Robyn did not hear any of it and continued with her day-to-day life. 

Charrisse then took her to a therapy session, in which Robyn broke down into floods of tears when she was probed for answers. 

Was this the best way to force her to the realization that her marriage was in tatters? Nope. Did it make for heartbreaking TV? Yes. 

Elsewhere, Charrisse was forced to open up to her daughter about her looming divorce to Eddie. Her daughter did not seem to be amused, but her mother felt like it was time. 

At Karen’s event, only Monique was civil to Ashley. All of the other women were still pissed at the way she had acted before. 

Monique tried to use this as an opportunity to mend fences with Gizelle, but it did not go to plan, and Gizelle shrugged at her. 

Yeah, something tells us these two will not be making nice soon. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Monday, May 1, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 23 Recap: Porsha"s Revelation

By now, the whole world has probably heard about Porsha Williams claiming that Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker wanted to take her into their dungeon and drug her. 

It’s cast a dark cloud over the latter part of the season, and there was a new twist in the tale on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 23. That twist came in the form of a huge revelation from Porsha about who put all of it in her head. 

When the episode got underway, Peter, Bob, and Li’l Todd opened up about the events of the season. Bob was quick to send an apology to Sheree over the abusive things he said in Maui. 

I mean, Sheree did deserve an apology, but you would think he would have apologized long before the reunion taping. Kandi noted that they should try and keep the peace because they have children. 

Everyone seemed to agree with Kandi. It’s not normal anyone agrees with anything on this show, so we’ll take it while we can. When everyone questioned why the other Todd was not present, Peter decided to go nuclear on Porsha.

“EXCUSE ME!” he said. “Why is Todd not here tonight? I just want to know why Todd is not here because Todd should be here.” When you think about it, everyone else brought their significant others. 

He’s not exactly contributed much to the narrative, but still, it must have been annoying for the others. The conversation turned to Porsha’s baby nup and whether she was making the right decision. 

Phaedra advised against being a single mother, but Peter decided to turn on Phaedra in hilarious fashion. 

“YO PHAEDRA, do you have the whole package?”

Um, alright then. Phaedra then confirmed that she was divorced and that she would not delve into the finer details of her marriage with them. This seemed to piss Peter off some more, as he got up to leave the set. 

“Where the f— is the drink, dawg? The f— is the drink?”

This is the reason why alcohol consumption should be limited at these reunion tapings. 

Porsha then decided it would be a good idea to apologize to Shamea for all of the drama she caused throughout the season. 

“I want to publicly apologize for whatever I did, whatever I said, however I made you feel.”

Shouldn’t this apology have come weeks ago from Porsha? Are they purposefully leaving all of the drama for the reunion? We ain’t buying it. Shamea bought it, but seems to be mad that Phaedra used to flirt with her man. 

Shamea and Phaedra bickered like crazy, but eventually, they brought their feud to an end. Porsha then told the truth about Phaedra creating rumors about everyone. 

Andy asked Phaedra why she did not come clean sooner, but she boldly claimed she did not call her a lesbian. Kandi then chimed in, saying that Porsha should look to her own experiences with women. 

“Well I shoulda let you go down there and eat it then, and kiss my ass while you were down there,” she claimed. 

“I work for Dish Nation — I am in the world of journalism,” Porsha fired back. 

She then said that she does not “want to be known as a liar, period.” 

Just as we were getting to the good stuff, Porsha said she could not speak any more about it because of the cease and desist letter, but she did say that Phaedra was the one who lied. 

“YOU SAID THAT?! THAT I WANTED TO DRUG HER?” Kandi screamed just before “To Be Continued” flashed on the screen.

Okay then.

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Tom Hardy"s Revelation, His Signature Looks Like a Penis!!! (VIDEO)

Tom Hardy has given new meaning to the term, John Hancock. We got the awesome actor at LAX Friday when Charlie our photog made the observation … when Tom scribbles his name it looks similar to a penis. You’re welcome for the insight, Tom.
