Showing posts with label Portia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portia. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2018

Portia de Rossi Speaks Out on Ellen DeGeneres Divorce Rumors

Portia de Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres have been dogged by rumors of a $ 220 million divorce for years. Even so, they celebrated their 9th anniversary last fall.

But they’re very aware that reportings of an alleged impending divorce are circulating. And Portia is speaking up about them.

Though she acknowledges that it might sound strange, she finds those rumors encouraging.

Portia de Rossi spoke to Us Weekly about how she really feels about the perennial divorce rumors that follow her and her wife, Ellen.

“The divorce rumors came,” Portia says. “And then we really knew the perceptions had changed.”

The perceptions regarding gay marriage, she means.

Portia makes it clear that she is not cracking a joke, saying: “I’m not kidding.”

She explains why seeing rumors about her marriage felt oddly affirming … but is the first to admit that it seems counterintuitive.

“I know it sounds ridiculous,” Portia admits.

Portia continues: “But when that started happening I thought, ‘Oh, now we’re finally accepted.’”

That actually does make sense.

Portia explains: “We get the same s–t as every celebrity couple.”

In other words, people weren’t writing about her and Ellen’s marriage as if it were some strange novelty, either fraudulent or untouchable.

Instead, they were just circulating bogus reports about their lives, just like they would do for straight couples.

“Wow,” Portia remarks about tabloid rumors. “This is great that I’m pregnant, not pregnant, divorced, not divorced, whatever.”

Because what it means is that attitudes have shifted. Eric Trump may think Ellen’s part of the non-existent “Deep State,” but not directly because she’s gay.

“That means,” Portia explains. “There is an acceptance for this.”

And that’s wonderful.

Portia says that she and Ellen don’t exactly laugh off rumors about their marriage.

“I was at a newsstand …” Portia says, describing how she and Ellen respond to rumors about other couples. “And there was a cover of Brad and Jen.”

Since Jennifer Aniston’s split with Justin Theroux, many nostalgic shippers have wished for her to reunite with Brad Pitt.

“I literally just stared at it, and I was like, ‘They haven’t seen each other. … How is this even a thing? I know for a fact.’ …” Portia says.

“I actually took a picture of it,” Portia reveals. “And sent it to Ellen and said, ‘Can you believe this?’”

But while her disbelief at that time prompted a reaction, she says that they don’t let rumors about themselves get under their skin.

“Anyway, no, in other words, we avoid it,” Portia says of divorce rumors. “We don’t care.”

That sounds like a very healthy attitude!

Portia also spoke to People about how she regrets discouraging Ellen from doing stand-up.

“I shouldn’t say this,” Portia begins. That’s always a great way to start an interview. “But the truth is, I was kind of discouraging her from going back to stand-up.”

That’s a stunning revelation.

“Not because she is not brilliant at it,” Portia clarifies. “But she has a job … right?! And it is a full-time job.”

Portia continues: “She is so busy, and I knew that having to write her own material for an hour stand-up special, and travel with it, was going to be exhausting.”

Sometimes loving someone means advising them to not test their limits. Especially when they’re 60 years old.

“So I was suggesting that she put it on hold until she was done with her talk show,” Portia explains. “But, my wife is very impatient, and, a little like me, once she has an idea she just can’t shake it, and she just has to see it through.”

That is probably why Ellen is so successful. Why they both are.

“I am happy to say that I was wrong,” Portia says.

Portia is not afraid to admit when she is mistaken.

“I was really wrong, because it has given her energy, it has invigorated her,” Portia says of Ellen.

Just imagining all of that makes some of us want to take a nap, but not Ellen.

“And I had actually never seen her on-stage and doing stand-up before,” Portia admits. “I’ve seen her specials, but never in the flesh, and she is really good.”

That is so sweet!


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Portia de Rossi: Steven Seagal "Unzipped" in Front of Me, Sucks as a Person

Portia de Rossi is out for some kind of justice against Steven Seagal.

And we really hope she gets it.

The veteran actress took to Twitter on Wednesday to level a serious accusation against the former action star, claiming Seagal made a clear sexual advance in her direction a number of years ago.

Here is how de Rossi described the disturbing scene:

My final audition for a Steven Segal movie took place in his office. He told me how important it was to have chemistry off-screen as he sat me down and unzipped his leather pants.

I ran out and called my agent.

Unfazed, she replied, “well, I didn’t know if he was your type.”

Jeez. It’s hard to even say what’s more troubling here:

The actions of Seagal or the response of Portia’s agent?

The Arrested Development and Scandal actress has made this claim not long after Julianna Margulies outlined a similar encounter with Seagal back when Margulies was just 23 years old.

“A casting director, a woman, said, ‘Steven Seagal wants to go over the scene with you in his hotel room at 10 o’clock at night,’” The Good Wife star told Jenny Hutt on SiriusXM’s Just Jenny last Friday.

For understandable reasons, Margulies explained that she was hesitant to follow this direction.

She tried to make excuses for why she couldn’t attend the random and possibly shady meeting.

“I lived in Brooklyn, and I said, ‘Oh, I don’t do that. I don’t travel. I don’t have money for a cab.’ And I didn’t,” Margulies said on the show, adding:

“And I said, ‘And I don’t take subways late at night.’ And she says, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll reimburse you. And I’m here, a woman.’

I got to the hotel at 10:40, and she wasn’t there. And he was. Alone. And he made sure that I saw his gun, which I had never seen a gun in real life.

“And I got out of there unscathed.”

Ummm… WTH?!?

Seagal has not made a movie in ages, and yet has been in the news often of late.

First, he slammed the NFL and looked like this in an interview:

Then, footage surfaced of Seagal referring to female journalists as bitches.

So, we’re not saying de Rossi and Margulies are 100% telling the truth for sure.

We’re just saying we wouldn’t be surprised if they were.

Last month, Inside Edition correspondent Lisa Guerrero went public with her own alleged encounter, stating that Seagal answered the door of an audition one time “in a silk robe and nothing else.”

Guerrero went on to claim that she was cut from a movie after refusing to go to Seagal’s dressing room.

Again, would anyone really be stunned if this happened?


Portia de Rossi Claims Steven Seagal "Unzipped" During Her Audition

Portia de Rossi claims Steven Seagal put her on the casting couch in his office during an audition — and she’s also blasting her then-agent for a callous and nonchalant reaction. Portia says the incident happened during her final audition for a…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi Gush Over 9 Year Wedding Anniversary!


Seriously, you guys — Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi just had their wedding anniversary, and they wrote the absolute sweetest tributes to each other.

It might even be enough to make you believe that love is real.

Back in 2008, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi got married.

The two of them had had met socially, and Portia later described feeling an immediate sense of attraction.

2008, of course, was years and years before marriage equality was the law of the land throughout the US.

Ellen in particular has always been a pioneer for LGBT acceptance through her fame on television and, of course, when she came out in the ’90s.

At the time, she found herself rejected in Hollywood in very hurtful ways.

Times have changed and people are somewhat more accepting, now, though there’s a lot of progress that society still needs to make.

Ellen uses her fame and her platform to promote LGBT equality where she can.

And her long, healthy, successful marriage with Portia de Rossi has not only failed to bring about the end of the world, but has opened people’s eyes to both how beautiful same-sex couples can be and how normal and how silly it is for people to oppose equal marriage rights.

Two birds, one stone, right?

To celebrate their ninth wedding anniversary yesterday, Ellen posted this wedding photo on Instagram.

For her caption, she included this touching, beautiful tribute.

“@PortiadeRossi and I got married 9 years ago today. Being her wife is the greatest thing I am.”

That is so precious and beautiful.

This might be our favorite power couple, you know?

As you can imagine, Portia de Rossi posted a tribute of her own.

And, of course, a throwback photo to go with it:

Look at them!

You know when you see old photos of an actor or whatever from a role they took before they really hit it big and you’re like “awww, he was a baby!”

Well, look at them, because they were babies!

Not, you know, strictly speaking, but this was 9 years ago.

Portia’s caption acknowledges how much younger they looked — and how much time has passed.

“We’ve been together so long that not only do we look like kids in this picture, but it was taken with a camera! Happy 9th, Thing.”

First of all, calling your significant other and especially your wife who is the love of your life “thing” is super precious.

We’re not saying that we should all be doing it — nicknames are personal.

But it’s adorable.

Also, it’s weird to think that, only 9 years, it was totally normal to take photos on a dedicated camera.

Phones were getting cameras at that point, but nothing even close to the quality that they have now.

Portia de Rossi’s native Australia is gearing up for a major vote on marriage equality.

It’s some sort of referendum, but it doesn’t look like they call it that, which makes sense because it’s Australia.

Remember, this is the country that calls McDonald’s “Maccas” and calls sweatpants “tracky-dacks.” It’s hard to see where genuine dialectic differences end and linguistic contrarianism begins, because both are definitely at play.

Anyway, we hope that some folks in Australia who might sadly be undecided will think of Portia’s happy marriage when they go to cast their vote, or whatever they call votes Down Under.

They can even rewatch the video of Ellen and Portia’s beautiful nuptuals if they like.

For us, this pair of delightful tributes that they exchanged just makes us want to rewatch Better Off Ted.

After marrying Ellen DeGeneres, starring on Better Off Ted is the second best thing that Portia’s ever done.
