Showing posts with label Reddit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reddit. Show all posts

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Serena Williams Engaged to Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian

Serena Williams just got engaged to a guy who co-founded Reddit, and then announced it on his platform.  Serena took to Reddit Thursday morning to break the news to the whole world in the form of a poem … she’ll soon be the wife of…


Friday, October 14, 2016

Ken Bone Reddit Past: Revealed, Disturbing

All hope for America may officially be lost.

On Sunday night, the country was set back approximately two centuries after Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton debated such issues as groping, touching, kissing, lying… and Syria.

But the one positive takeaway from the second Presidential debate was the introduction of Ken Bone to the world.

Clad in an adorable red sweater and coming across like everyone’s favorite, most harmless uncle, Bone asked the candidates a simple question about energy.

He then turned into a viral sensation, appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live… conducting a multitude of media interviews… and getting hit on by Courtney Stodden.

A father of one and an employee at a coal plant, Bone sat back and watched as his Twitter count rose from 20 to over 239,000.

Hoping to extend his 15 minutes of fame, Bone took part on Thursday night in a Reddit AMA, asking users to ask him anything they wanted to.

The only problem with this idea?

It alerted the world to Bone’s Reddit handle (StanGibson18), which means folks could look up his past posts… and the result was a somewhat frightening look into Bone’s view on Trayvon Martin, the release of those Jennifer Lawrence nude photos and a lot more.

For example, Bone laid some blame for the Lawrence picture hack on the actress herself.

“Maybe she should have been more careful with her pics, but the bad guys are still the ones who sought them out and looked at them,” Bone wrote soon after the hack took place.

Okay, good. So Bone blamed the bad guys. But then he added of that designation:

“By which I mean guys like me. I saw her butt hole. I liked it.”


Bone also made no secret on Reddit of his occasional pornography viewing.

He once had something VERY nice to say about an unnamed adult film star:

Bone on porn

For how many years has Bone watch porn?

For quite a few, apparently:

porn history

Bone only has one child, but that’s all he’s ever going to have.

How do we know? Because science. (He got a vasectomy.)


Bone is also down on the press and thinks Trayvon Martin probably deserved to die. YIKES.

Trayvon Martin reddit

But while some of these Reddit posts may be a bit depressing to those who thought The Bone Zone was a safe, comfortable, innocent and happy place, we’ll end them on a positive note.

Ken apparently once thought he could offer up a fellow user some fashion advice.

Which centered, of course, on wearing a sweater:

bone sweater

Bone also defended a rape victim in the past via a comment responding to a post titled “My ex told me I was disgusting after rape.”

Wrote Bone to this victim:

“…Blaming a victim or assigning a woman value based on how ‘used’ she is will never be anything but disgusting. Your value has not changed due his words, or any assault you have endured. You are still valuable.”

On that, we can hopefully all agree.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Holly Madison Reddit AMA: Kendra Who?

Holly Madison wrote another tell-all book, The Vegas Diaries, and has been promoting the hell out of it.

The follow-up to her first memoir, Down the Rabbit Hole, is supposed to chronicle her time living in Las Vegas after she left the famed Playboy Mansion, but she still manages to include several nuggets on the nightmarish time she had as one of Hugh Hefner’s “girlfriends.”

The former bunny recently did an AMA on Reddit, in which fans could ask her anything, and she’d answer in real time.

But when fans asked about her beef with former housemate Kendra Wilkinson, she chose not to answer.

One user questioned, “What’s up with you and Kendra?!” and Holly just ignored the question entirely. She did, however, respond to another question asked by the same individual.

Later, a fan brought up Kendra’s “fake laugh,” which Holly had described in her first book, but she passed over that as well.

In case you missed it, Kendra totally went off on Holly last week after the author described her time in the mansion as “miserable,” reporting that she had lived in fear.

The Kendra On Top star slammed Holly on Twitter, calling her Hef’s “clean up girl” whose job it was to “get Hef hard again.”

“Now Holly is on cover of People mag sayin she lived in fear at the mansion,” Kendra said. “She wasn’t in fear with that d–k in her ass for a paycheck.”

She later deleted the tweets and gave a half-hearted apology, but the damage had been done.

If anything, she just gave Holly more press for her book.

In the AMA, the author was asked whether she was glad she appeared in The Girls Next Door, the reality show about living in the Mansion, to which she responded:

“Oh, I definitely enjoyed the opportunity at the time! It was an amazing opportunity for me and I had a lot of fun.

“And for many different reasons go into it – a lot is in Down the Rabbit Hole, but it’s not really something I’d want to do now. I think reality TV was more a fun thing for my twenties.”

Another fan inquired about how she hardly knew Hefner when she moved into a mansion, and if it was common practice for the mogul to move women in without knowing them well.

“Absolutely! That’s 100% true,” she responded.

Find out more dirt Holly dished about Hefner and the Playboy mansion:

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Serena Williams: Dating Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian?

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that Serena Williams and Drake are dating. It’s even been reported that Serena is pregnant with Drake’s baby.

Now, however, Us Weekly is reporting that Serena is hooking up with a lesser-known – but no less successful – new boo.

The tabloid claims that Serena is dating Alexis Ohanian – the 32-year-old Internet entrepreneur who’s best known as the co-founder of social news site Reddit.

Apparently, the new couple met at a lunch for successful young people and immediately hit it off – even though Ohanian is not a tennis fan.

“He said he’d never been into tennis until they started dating,” a source tells Us.

The same source says that the couple is already so inseparable that Ohanian has started joining Williams for her training sessions.

The insider claims that during a recent workout, “[Ohanian] called her babe and they held hands.”

So should we expect a weepy, auto-tuned breakup ballad from Drake? Did Serena dump him for being unfaithful, as she reportedly threatened to?

Nah, apparently it’s nothing quite so dramatic. The source says the relationship between Drizzy and Serena was never anything more than a “flirty friendship.”

We don’t care what anyone says. We still think she blames the dude for her loss against Roberta Vinci.