Showing posts with label Shiloh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shiloh. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"Shiloh" Star Blake Heron 911 Call, "He"s Dead, He"s Dead"

Blake Heron, the actor who played Marty Preston in the 1996 movie, “Shiloh,” was found on his couch, unresponsive, and his girlfriend tearfully called 911 to try to save him. TMZ broke the story, Blake was found dead Friday morning … of an…


Friday, September 8, 2017

"Shiloh" Star Blake Heron Dead at 35

Blake Heron, the actor who played Marty Preston in the 1996 movie, “Shiloh,” is dead … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement tells TMZ, Heron’s girlfriend went to his L.A. area home Friday morning and found him dead. Paramedics worked on Heron for 40…


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Angelina Jolie Hits Renaissance Faire with Daughter Shiloh, Sans Brad Pitt (PHOTOS)

Angelina Jolie got in some quality culture with her daughter over the weekend by going back in time to the Renaissance … in SoCal … with Brad Pitt nowhere in sight. Angie was seen Saturday with at least one of her kids — her daughter,…


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt: Being Bullied as a Result of Gender Indentity?

Late last year, several media outlets reported that 9-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt self-identifies as a boy, and that her family is researching transition options.

Most celebrities had the sense not to comment on a grade schooler’s gender identity, but model Amber Rose called Shiloh a “trans-kid” in a tweet that was quickly deleted – but not before it attracted dozens of hateful comments. 

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have reportedly been worried about Shiloh being bullied for several years, and now that her preference for gender-neutral clothing has attracted unwanted attention, the couple is said to be more concerned than ever.

“Brad and Angie have been doing everything possible to protect her from being bullied by her peers and outsiders,” a source close to the family tells Radar. “They have also been gently setting the tone for how their five other children interact with Shiloh.

“After seeking out professional advice on how to help Shiloh, Brad and Angelina were told to let her dress however she wanted.

“Angelina is very accepting of Shiloh’s choices, and Brad is as well. However, Brad wondered if Shiloh was just a tomboy and would outgrow it.

“Brad was told Shiloh would have gravitated towards dressing as a boy, and being called John, even if her siblings were all girls,” the source previously claimed. “It’s just the way Shiloh is, and there is nothing that they did wrong as parents.”

The Jolie-Pitts are fiercely protective of their privacy, so it may be years before we receive any confirmation regarding Shiloh’s gender identity, but it’s good to know that whatever she decides, she’ll have the full, loving support of her parents.