Showing posts with label SipNSee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SipNSee. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 6 Recap: The Sip-N-See Stand Off

Vicki Gunvalson has been on the outs with her fellow cast members for the better part of a few years. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 6, she was forced to be in the presence of them after months apart, and it paved the way for some drama. 

When the episode got underway, Vicki was looking after Briana’s boys and noted that they were difficult to look after because they were so full of energy. 

Luckily, she had her new boyfriend, Steve, on hand to help her out with them, and she seemed very thankful for it. She felt a sense of relief that she had a boyfriend her family liked to be around. 

Meghan continued with her plan to have all the ladies attend her Sip-N-See party to meet her baby. Everyone gets to meet the baby, and have a little drink of alcohol, so what could go wrong?

Vicki was told from the get-go that she would have to meet with the other women, and she was surprisingly alright about it. Despite being friends with Vicki, Meghan was still not impressed with her actions. 

Lydia decided that for her own launch party, she would use Meghan’s event to see who she would invite. She does not want trouble makers ruining the launch, and we can get on board with that. 

Tamra and Shannon decide to find an excellent gift for Aspen and that it would make sense to do it together for some reason. Yes, they apparently want to get one up on Vicki. 

Shannon worried about people branding her fake, so she said she would not be too nice to Vicki, or it would look fake. Yeah, she clearly does not know she’s on a reality TV show. 

She noted that it would be great to speak to Kelly before she went to the event and hash out their differences. Maybe she’s turned a corner, but we’ll see. 

In the other boutique, Kelly told Vicki that she and Tamra were back on good terms, but Vicki could see through Tamra’s plan. She knew she wanted to look like the good one in all of it. 

Surprisingly, Tamra called Kelly to invite her for some smoothies, and she agreed, but the meeting did not go very well. Kelly said that all of the drama in the restaurant was a miscommunication as opposed to her stirring the pot. 

Kelly then turned her attention to Vicki as she wanted them to forgive her for all the crap she caused. When Shannon starts complaining about her weight gain, it was clear Tamra and Kelly zoned out. 

They did not want to forgive Vicki … yet. 

When the party came around, Kelly had been filling Vicki in on what Shannon was saying about the weight gain. Vicki was shocked because she felt like they were all as bad as each other. 

When the ladies met up, Vicki disappeared so that she did not have to apologize. She thought it was their duty to apologize for some reason. Surprisingly, they managed to avoid a fight, and Lydia invited them all to the party. 

In the end, Kelly and Vicki left, and the other women worried that Vicki was going to go ham on them again. 

Time will tell. 

What did you think of the drama?

Hit the comments!
