Showing posts with label Starbucks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Starbucks. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2015

Furious Evangelical Coffee Drinker: Starbucks Hates Jesus!

In an old 30 Rock episode, Jack Donaghy and Avery Jessup send out Christmas Cards with the most straight-forward of greetings:

“Happy Holidays…is what terrorists say.  Merry Christmas, Avery and Jack.”

Former Arizona pastor and “public figure” Joshua Feuerstein is taking the same approach to Starbucks, which unveiled a new red cup design for the holidays.

With the green lady serving as his backdrop, Feuerstein recorded a video about the incident and posted it to his Facebook page.

“Do you realize that Starbucks wanted to remove Christ and Christmas off of their brand new cups?” Feuerstein asked viewers.  

“I decided, instead of simply boycotting, why don’t we just start a movement?

“I went in, and I asked for my coffee.  They asked for my name, and I told them, ‘My name…is Merry Christmas."”

Go on!

“So guess what, Starbucks? I tricked you into putting Merry Christmas on your cup.  And I’m challenging all great Americans and Christians around this great nation: Go into Starbucks and take your own coffee selfie.  

“And then I challenge you to not only share this video so that the word gets out, but let’s start a move and let’s call it – I don’t know – #MerryChristmasStarbucks.”

The thing is, I don’t believe Starbucks has ever put “Merry Christmas” on their cups.  

I’ve seen snowflakes and winter designs that border on a Christmas theme without actually stating it.  A Starbucks employee echoed my confusion on the video’s comment thread.

“I work at Starbucks and there hasn’t been anything innately Christmas on the cups in years,” barista Aaron Dean wrote, according to E! News. “Sure there have been snowflakes, scarves, and snowmen, but they haven’t said the word Christmas on them since I’ve worked here. We even have a Christmas blend coffee.”

By the way, is it me or does Feuerstein look a bit like Kevin James?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Pumpkin Spice Latte Is OVER?! Celebrate Starbuck"s New Fall Coffee Concoction With The Top 10 Vines Of The Week!

We never thought we’d see the day!

ICYMI: On Wednesday, Starbucks revealed the newest drink they’re adding to their fall lineup — The Toasted Graham Latte! YUM!

In fact, this delicious beverage is the first new fall espresso the company’s created in four years. Whoa!

The warm drink consists of graham and sweet cream that are mixed together with streamed milk with Starbucks’ espresso! Not to mention, the delicious cinnamon AND graham crumble that’s sprinkled on top of the TGL. AH-Mazing!

What better way to honor this soon-to-be classic taste with the best six-second videos the internet has to offer?!

Since it’s the weekend (and there’s nothing better to do) you should join in on the fun by grabbing a latte and enjoying these HIGHlarious Vines too.

Ch-ch-check out the top 10 Vines of this week (below)!

10. Don’t let the haterz get you down!

9. Now THIS is true friendship.

8. Has watching The Walking Dead taught you NOTHING?! HA!

7. Kiddies, if your teacher reacts this way — call the Principal.

6. Well this is a total face-palm moment!

5. Please, don’t be THAT friend guys. #TooReal

4. #DreamKiller… WE KID!

3. Some people just get it. YAS Kween!

2. Welp, she got you there. Touché!

1. Parent of the Year?? We doubt it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Starbucks Barista Can"t Feel His Face While Serving Coffee

Simply put, we should all love our jobs as much as this guy loves his.

The video featured here depicts a Starbucks employee who isn"t content to simply hand out coffee to those at the drive-thru. Oh no.

He"s all about having fun and dancing and getting his groove on to The Weeknd"s "Can"t Feel My Face."

Watch now as the dude shakes it, totally unafraid to drop it low in his green apron.

Isn"t serving lattes and mochas far more fun when you make it into a one-man dance party? Someone really should have told this to that angry Starbucks barista in May.

Oh well.

Starbucks barista has time of his life serving coffee

Terrell Owens -- Suspect in Starbucks Coffee-Throwing Caper




Terrell Owens is a suspect in the most ridiculous battery case in 2015 … and TMZ Sports has learned the alleged weapon was a Starbucks coffee cup. 

T.O. was in a Brentwood, CA Starbucks Tuesday when a 28-year-old guy started screaming his name. An annoyed Terrell implored the guy to pipe down. The guy claims T.O. intentionally tripped him as he walked past the former football great. 

Fast forward to T.O. getting into a Mercedes to leave, and then the loud talker screamed something. One witness heard, “F*** you, Terrell Owens.” Another witness claims the guy said, “Bitch ass n*****.”

According to cops, Terrell allegedly got out of the car and threw a paper coffee cup at the guy.

The 28-year-old called the cops and the paramedics, claiming he was injured. When cops arrived they noticed there was no evidence of coffee on the man’s clothes … and no evidence of injury.

Police are investigating. Seriously.

update_graphic_red_bar7:30 AM PT – We spoke to T.O. and he says the situation was even more bizarre and menacing. He tells us the guy was following him and a female friend around the store, then followed them to their car … and threw a cup of liquid INTO the car.

Terrell says that’s when he got out and threw his empty cup at the guy. He confirms he absolutely heard the guy use the n-word.

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