Showing posts with label Tamera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamera. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Tamera Mowry Shares Her Grief After Laying to Rest Slain Niece

Last week, Alaina Housley, niece of Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley, was murdered in a mass shooting.

Now, the bright teenager has been laid to rest.

Temera shared a heartbreaking quote about grief to mark the occassion.

Reports on the 12 innocent lives lost in the Thousand Oaks shooting were consumed by stories of the raging wildfire that is tearing through Southern California.

But Tamera can’t think of anything but her niece, her grief, and her family.

“Today we lay you to rest sweet angel,” Tamera writes on Instagram.

“I’ll miss you forever,” she continues. “And your sweet smile.”

“Until we meet again,” Tamera adds.

She follows those words in her caption with an emoji of two linked hearts.

Tamera Mowry Shares Post About Grief

Her caption is beside an image of a very relevant quote.

“Grief never ends… but it changes,” the quote begins.

“It’s a passage, not a place to stay,” the quote continues.

The quote notes: “Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith.”

“It is,” the quote concludes. “The price of love.”

That is heartbreaking but very accurate.

Tamera gave context for the quote that she shared.

“This quote was sent to me by my friend David,” she says.

She didn’t tag him, which is a tasteful way to give him credit without getting him mobbed by fans.

“When I am having a challenging day,” Tamera shares. “I cling to it.”

She has had a lot of challenging days in the past week.

Her entire family has.

Tamera confirmed that she did not have sex until she was 29 and then, wracked by guilt due to her religious beliefs, remained celibate until marriage.

She has come under fire for her marriage to Adam Housley.

Some took aim at their interracial marriage — because yes, this world is still full of hatefulness and racism.

Others took aim because of Housley’s role at Fox News, a conservative outlet that gives a platform to outspoken white supremacists like Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson.

It should be noted that Housley departed from his role at Fox News in protest over the network’s pivot from actual journalism to Trump hype.

And at any rate, any criticisms that one might have of Tamera or her husband can wait.

They are in mourning.

Alaina Housley was a freshman at Pepperdine University.

It was college night at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California.

What should have been a night to party, mix, and mingle turned into a massacre.

Tamera and Adam have expressed their sorrow, not only for their own loss, but for the other 11 innocents who were gunned down.

And for their families, and for the numerous individuals who were injured.

One of the victims who did not survive had, just a year earlier, survived the Las Vegas shooting.

To Alaina’s loved ones who survive her, the reality of her tragic death is still sinking in.

Some of them may feel betrayed that the world immediately moved on from the story of the massacre.

As we mentioned, multiple blazes following serious drought in Southern California have raged through.

Entire towns have been destroyed. Dozens are dead. Hundreds are missing or unaccounted for.

2018 has visited many horrors upon us all, but seems to be doubling down on the people of Southern California as the year draws to a close.

Rest in peace, Alaina. We hope that her family is able to cope with this unthinkable loss.


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Tamera Mowry Shares Bittersweet Photo of Late Niece on Son"s Sixth Birthday

Last week, Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley’s niece was one of the twelve innocents who were murdered in a mass shooting in Thousand Oaks.

Aiaina Housley did not live to visit Tamera’s son’s sixth birthday..

Tamera shared a heartbreaking photo of the cousins and revealed how her very young son is coping with her passing.

Tamera Mowry took to Instagram to mark the bittersweet occassion of her son’s sixth birthday.

She shared a photo of the two cousins together, below.

“Happy 6th birthday Aden!” Tamera wrote in the captions.

On a sadder note, she continued: “Alaina was excited to come to your birthday party.”

“But,” she concluded. “As you said buddy, ‘She lives in your heart now."”

“We love you,” she added — to Aden, but also to Alaina.

Here is the picture of the two cousins, side-by-side.

Obviously, only days have passed since that heartbreaking mass shooting in Thousand Oaks.

“Alaina. My sweet, sweet Alaina,” Tamera lamented in another post. “My heart breaks.”

“I’m still in disbelief,” Tamera admits.

Few people are truly prepared to lose loved ones, especially a teenager.

“It’s not fair how you were taken,” Tamera mourns. “And how soon you were taken from us.”

Alaina was a college freshman at Pepperdine University. She was an English Major.

“I was blessed to know you ever since you were 5,” Tamera continues.

She says that, from the beginning, “you stole my heart.”

“I will miss our inside jokes,” Tamera writes. “Us serenading at the piano.”

“Thank you for being patient with me learning how to braid your hair,” Tamera adds.

This is just heartbreaking to read.

“And,” Tamera says. “I will never forget our duet singing the national anthem at Napa’s soccer game.”

These personal anecdotes and details are what really twist the knife, even for people who never even knew of Alaina before she died.

Tamera makes it clear that her love has not diminished simply because her beloved niece has passed away.

“I love you. I love you. I love you,” Tamera emphasizes.

She continues: “You are gonna make one gorgeous angel.”

That is so sweet.

Tamera then extends her sympathies to the others who were murdered, or wounded, or traumatized, or lost loved ones in that same shooting.

“My heart and prayers are with every victim of this tragedy,” Tamera concludes.

As difficult as it is for Tamera, Adam, and the other adults in Alaina’s life … death is harder for children.

Children are more resilient than people imagine, but also lack perspective and coping abilities that come with age and maturity.

We’re sure that Temera and Adam, even as they grieve Alaina for themselves, are doing everything to help Aden cope with losing his cousin.

By all accounts, this was a close family, and it may take time for him to accept that she’s truly no longer with us.

In the mean time, it is up to us as a nation to determine whether mass shootings like the one that claimed Alaina’s life continue to be an almost daily occurrence.

We absolutely can, as other nations like Australia have done, simply decide that this nightmare will no longer be commonplace.


Friday, November 9, 2018

Tamera Mowry Offered Condolences on Niece"s Death from The Real Co-Hosts

Heartbreaking news came as yet another mass shooting claimed 12 innocent lives, this time in Thousand Oaks, California.

Alaina Housley, niece of Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley, was among those slain in this horrific attack.

Now, Tamera’s co-hosts on The Real are releasing statements of sorrow and comfort on social media.

Loni Love broke the tragic news to her followers.

“Unfortunately Alaina was one of the victims in the mass shooting,” she shared.

Loni asked her fans to “please keep The Housley’s in your prayers at this time.”

She sent her own “positive thoughts and prayers to all the families right now waiting to hear about their loved ones from the #borderlinemassshooting.”

“I really don’t know what to say other than I love this girl with all my heart,” Loni continued.

“And,” Loni shared. “I’d give my life right now for a miracle.”

“My sweet, sweet Alaina,” Loni wrote in a subsequent post. “Oh how I miss you. Oh how I miss u.”

Jeannie Mai and Adrienne Houghton shared almost identical posts to their Instagram Stories.

“Please join us in praying for Alaina Housley,” the message shared by both of them begins.

The message appears to be part of a pre-made e-card designed to ask for prayers.

“Praying for all the families hurting,” the script says.

“Today Lord, we cry out to you on behalf of all those [whose] hearts are hurting,” the message continues.

The message also notes that they are praying for “My dear friends Tamera, Adam, and the whole Housley family.”

At least some parts of the message may have been sent out before it was confirmed that Alaina had died.

The Real also issued a statement.

“The Real is heartbroken for the victims of the senseless tragedy in Thousand Oaks,” the statement begins.

The statement continues: “which included Alaina Housley, the niece of Tamera and Adam Housley.”

“We send prayers and strength to all the victims’ families and their community,” The Real says.

“As well as our gratitude to the first responders,” the statement adds.

In conclusion, The Real writes: “We send all our love and our deepest condolences to the Housleys, our family, during this difficult time.”

Tamera and Adam issued their own statement.

“Our hearts are broken,” the couple shared. “We just learned that our niece Alaina was one of the victims of last night’s shooting at Borderline bar in Thousand Oaks.”

“Alaina was an incredible young woman with so much life ahead of her,” they affirm.

The statement continues: “and we are devastated that her life was cut short in this manner.”

“We thank everyone for your prayers,” they conclude. “And ask for privacy at this time.”

We know that a lot of statements of grief can sound impersonal. That is okay. People need time to grieve.

No one is suggesting that Alaina’s death is more tragic than the horrific murders of the 11 other innocents.

But it’s important to recognize how outrageously common mass shootings have become. They occur on an almost daily basis within the United States.

They’re so common that anyone, even one of those rare individuals with a famous relative, could fall victim.

In fact, some of those who survived the Thousand Oaks shooting — and at least one of those who died — were also survivors of last year’s Las Vegas shooting.

This should not be how the world is. This is devastating.

Our hearts go out to the dead, the wounded, the survivors, and the loved ones of everyone involved.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Niece of Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley Killed In Thousand Oaks Shooting

Last night, Americans watched in horror as the death toll climbed following reports of a mass shooting at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California.

Today, the numbers are in, and once again, a nation is left reeling in the wake of a tragic scene that’s become all too familiar in recent years.

ventura car

13 lives were lost last night, including the shooter’s, and for the 307th time this year, the families of American mass shooting victims are grieving for their loved ones.

Among the mourning are actress Tamera Mowry and her husband, former Fox News reporter Adam Housley.

Tamera and Adam’s niece Alaina Housley was among those killed when Ian David Long opened fire during college night at the Borderline bar.

She was just 18 years old.

“Our hearts are broken,” the couple said in a statement released by their publicist this afternoon.

“We just learned that our niece Alaina was one of the victims of last night’s shooting at Borderline bar in Thousand Oaks.”

This morning, Mowry revealed that her niece was missing following the shooting.

fbi pairing

Alaina’s iPhone revealed her location as inside the bar at the time of the attack.

On Twitter, Mowry contacted Alaina’s roommate who had also been in the club, but escaped unharmed.

“This is her aunt Tamera Mowry Housley. Can you please DM me your information?” the actress wrote.

Mowry Tweet

The roommate confirmed that the other girls living in her dorm suite had returned home safely, but Alaina’s whereabouts remained unknown.

Adam Housley canvassed the area in search of his niece, but was not permitted inside the nearest hospital due to a police lockdown.

“Please pray if you believe….pray,” he tweeted.

ventura car

“My niece. A beautiful soul. … Staying positive and praying and hoping and wishing there was more I could do.”

Speaking with a local newspaper, Housley made a grim prediction that sadly turned out to be accurate:

“My gut is saying she’s inside the bar, dead,” he told the paper. “I’m hoping I’m wrong.”

Our thoughts go out Alaina’s family and all those who lost loved ones in Wednesday night’s shooting.


Tamera Mowry: Actress Searches For Niece Missing In Thousand Oaks Shooting

As you’ve likely heard by now, another mass shooting (the 307th such incident in 2018 thus far) took place Wednesday night at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California.

The establishment was hosting an event geared toward college students.

fbi pairing

13 are reported dead in the incident, including the shooter, who has been identified as a 28-year-old ex-Marine named David Ian Long.

At least 10 others were injured in the incident, and several that were in the bar Wednesday night remain unaccounted for, possibly because medical staff have been unable to identify them.

One of the missing patrons is Alaina Housley, the niece of Sister, Sister star Tamera Mowry and her husband, former Fox News correspondent Adam Housley.

Mowry and Housley received word that their niece was among the missing early this morning.

Immediately, they began to try and determine her whereabouts.

Mowry began combing social media, where she’s been in contact with Alaina’s roommate, a fellow college student identified only as Ashley.

“Ashely this is her aunt Tamera Mowry Housley. Can you please DM me your information?”

Mowry asked after the well-being of Alaina’s friends and was assured that all of the other girls had returned home safely.

“Yes, all the other girls are safe,” said Ashley, after revealing that she had no new information about Alaina.

Mowry Tweet

“Woke up shocked. Please pray. Please pray. I am numb,” Mowry tweeted.

Housley, who has been checking in with area hospitals and police stations has also asked his Twitter followers to pray for his niece.

“Please pray if you believe….pray,” he tweeted, later referring to his niece as “a beautiful soul.”

Housley revealed that he was not allowed to search for his niece in the nearby Los Robles Hospital, as the facility was on  a police lockdown.

He also tweeted that Alaina’s Apple Watch and iPhone revealed that her location as inside the bar at the time of the shooting.

“My gut is saying she’s inside the bar, dead,” he said.

“I’m hoping I’m wrong.”

ventura car

This morning, Mowry updated fans with the sad news that Alaina still has not bee located.

“We haven’t found her yet,” the actress tweeted. “It’s been 7 hrs since the shooting.”

Our thoughts go out to Mowry and her entire family.

Here’s hoping that Alaina is found safe.


Tamera Mowry Fears Niece May Be Victim in Thousand Oaks Shooting

Tamera Mowry is desperately searching for her niece who was at the college bar where a gunman opened fire and brutally killed 12 people. Tamera’s niece, Alaina Housley, was one of just a handful of girls who went line dancing Wednesday…


Friday, May 20, 2016

Tamera Mowry-Housely Has a Title for Her Sex Tape

Sister, sister?

More like: oh brother!

With the Internet abuzz over the possibility of another Kim Kardashian sex tape, and also over the rumored existence of a Kylie Jenner sex tape, Tamera Mowry-Housely has swooped in and dropped an unexpected tidbit of her own:

She also has a sex tape!


Allow the actress and talk show host to explain.

The topic was broached on Thursday"s episode of The Real, which is a daytime program that actually exists. Really, it does.

As the panelists discussed whether or not they watch pornographic material of any kind, Tamera chimed in with her take…

… and it included the bombshell that she once got it on with her husband as a camera rolled.

"Honestly, you guys, I don"t enjoy that," Tamera explained to the her co-hosts while discussing adult movies, adding:

"I"d rather make my own and have my husband watch me…In the comfort of my own home, you guys!"

Wait, so she"s done this before?!?

We did one…[and] I didn"t like it! I don"t like watching!" she replied.

Naturally, everyone else on The Real had a field day with this piece of information, with Jeannie Mai even asking if it has a title.

Turns out… it does!

"I don"t think you"re ready for it. You guys are going to get me in trouble!" Mowry-Housely responded, hemming and hawing before finally revealing her sex tape"s title:

"I am in SO much trouble but it would be called "Sweet and Juicy.""

Yup: Sweet and Juicy!

We"ll be honest: we"ve heard worse. As long as you don"t name your sex tape Backdoor Teen Mom or something, you"re pretty much fine at this point.

Watch the hilarious admission below:

Tamera mowry housely sex tape whats it called