Showing posts with label Grief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grief. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Tamera Mowry Shares Her Grief After Laying to Rest Slain Niece

Last week, Alaina Housley, niece of Tamera Mowry and Adam Housley, was murdered in a mass shooting.

Now, the bright teenager has been laid to rest.

Temera shared a heartbreaking quote about grief to mark the occassion.

Reports on the 12 innocent lives lost in the Thousand Oaks shooting were consumed by stories of the raging wildfire that is tearing through Southern California.

But Tamera can’t think of anything but her niece, her grief, and her family.

“Today we lay you to rest sweet angel,” Tamera writes on Instagram.

“I’ll miss you forever,” she continues. “And your sweet smile.”

“Until we meet again,” Tamera adds.

She follows those words in her caption with an emoji of two linked hearts.

Tamera Mowry Shares Post About Grief

Her caption is beside an image of a very relevant quote.

“Grief never ends… but it changes,” the quote begins.

“It’s a passage, not a place to stay,” the quote continues.

The quote notes: “Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith.”

“It is,” the quote concludes. “The price of love.”

That is heartbreaking but very accurate.

Tamera gave context for the quote that she shared.

“This quote was sent to me by my friend David,” she says.

She didn’t tag him, which is a tasteful way to give him credit without getting him mobbed by fans.

“When I am having a challenging day,” Tamera shares. “I cling to it.”

She has had a lot of challenging days in the past week.

Her entire family has.

Tamera confirmed that she did not have sex until she was 29 and then, wracked by guilt due to her religious beliefs, remained celibate until marriage.

She has come under fire for her marriage to Adam Housley.

Some took aim at their interracial marriage — because yes, this world is still full of hatefulness and racism.

Others took aim because of Housley’s role at Fox News, a conservative outlet that gives a platform to outspoken white supremacists like Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson.

It should be noted that Housley departed from his role at Fox News in protest over the network’s pivot from actual journalism to Trump hype.

And at any rate, any criticisms that one might have of Tamera or her husband can wait.

They are in mourning.

Alaina Housley was a freshman at Pepperdine University.

It was college night at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California.

What should have been a night to party, mix, and mingle turned into a massacre.

Tamera and Adam have expressed their sorrow, not only for their own loss, but for the other 11 innocents who were gunned down.

And for their families, and for the numerous individuals who were injured.

One of the victims who did not survive had, just a year earlier, survived the Las Vegas shooting.

To Alaina’s loved ones who survive her, the reality of her tragic death is still sinking in.

Some of them may feel betrayed that the world immediately moved on from the story of the massacre.

As we mentioned, multiple blazes following serious drought in Southern California have raged through.

Entire towns have been destroyed. Dozens are dead. Hundreds are missing or unaccounted for.

2018 has visited many horrors upon us all, but seems to be doubling down on the people of Southern California as the year draws to a close.

Rest in peace, Alaina. We hope that her family is able to cope with this unthinkable loss.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 6 Recap: Grief and Relief

Dorinda Medley has always been a fan of a drink throughout her time on The Real Housewives of New York City. 

With her witty one-liners and lack of self-awareness, she’s one of the funniest cast members. 

But that all changed on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 10 Episode 6 when she was put on the spot after a night of drinking. 

Bethenny Frankel had asked Dorinda to accompany her along on one of her relief efforts to Puerto Rico.

Say what you want about Bethenny, but you can’t deny that she’s using her time on the show to make a change in the world. 

When Dorinda showed up for dinner with Bethenny and other people associated with the cause, she was all over the place. 

Dorinda was slurring her words, and acting like she had been drinking since the day before, and it prompted Bethenny to tell her she was out of the trip if she did not get her act together. 

“Good. Then I won’t come,” Medley said, before getting up and leaving the table.

“Thank you so much. Then I won’t I was excited. I was happy to be here. And you did this. I was so happy. Good. I’m done. You always ruin everything. S— show. Whatever.”

“It’s sad because Dorinda seems to abuse alcohol,” Bethenny admitted to viewers.

“I would say acting this way at 7:00 at night to people who only have good intentions would indicate that there might be a problem.”

“Before this dinner, Dorinda and I sat in my room talking about [boyfriends John Mahdessian and Dennis Shields] and drinking wine,” Bethenny continued. 

“And then right before walking into the restaurant, we were sitting in the hotel bar having another drink while we waited.”

“And I think Dorinda did a little pregame before she got there. She [was] wasted,” the Skinny Girl boss continued. 

Despite Bethenny being disappointed in Dorinda, she was not ready to let their relationship go the way of the flip phone. 

“She likes to drink. I think it gets the best of her,” Frankel explained.

“And I think she’s aware of all of this. I think she’s beating herself up way more than we ever could. So I’m feeling compassion for her. She does really want to come and help. She’s going to regret this tomorrow. She is a wonderful, amazing person.”

“The first feeling that I have is compassion for her. Honestly. She won’t even know what she’s done. I know she’ll wake up tomorrow and be on time and dressed and we’ll have a good experience. I’m forgiving.”

Bethenny admitted to Dorinda the next morning that she was not going to hold it against her, but she wanted her to be more mindful of her surroundings. 

But Dorinda was quick to say she was not a drunk. 

“I’m not,” she told Frankel.

“I just can’t not eat and drink early, I can’t. I should have gone to bed last night. I shouldn’t drink at 4. I’d been up since like 5.”

“I think there’s a lot more going on,” she continued.

“I’m frustrated. I have a lot more going on in my life. It’s not an exclusive; I’m just saying, my frustrations come out very quickly. It intensifies. And I’ve got to work on that.”

We then found out that Dorinda was still struggling to get over the death of her husband, Richard, who passed away in 2011 with liver failure. 

“I have a life now that’s not the life that I expected,” Medley said.

“I’ll always miss that. … I was doing so well for five years, and I’ve gone a little backward and I can’t get my head around it.”

“What it is that’s triggering it. Is it all my major jobs in my life that I really enjoyed and appreciated are over? Like motherhood and being a wife. I liked being a wife, I was really good at it.”

Dorinda’s big concern was that she was going to die while being lonely. 

“I’m okay living alone, but you know there are still mornings where I wake up, and I say, ‘Is this it? If I die here is anyone going to find me?’ ” she revealed.

“I fell down a ladder one day and almost hit my head … what, are they going to smell me before they find me?” “Life’s hard,” she added.

“You’re always trying to keep it all together and show good faith and be a strong woman and be a strong mother, and sometimes it’s hard. And you miss that old life. I had a life where you could come home at night, and the person had my back.”

Elsewhere on this emotional episode, Sonja Morgan went a little too far when she tried to put her townhouse up for rental. 

There were various issues with the house. It was not up to the standard it needed to be, and Sonja was mad. 

She had a photographer attend the house, and she could not resist flirting with him. The man was married … to a man, but that did not stop her. 

She was not taking no for an answer and persisted to the point the man looked like he wanted to run for the hills. 

Finally, Carole Radziwell learned that Adam was not a one-woman kind of man and that he had indulged in a date with a woman who he liked very much. 

Could Carole’s time with Adam finally be coming to an end?

Hit the comments below!

Watch The Real Housewives of New York online right here!

The Real Housewives of New York continues Wednesdays on Bravo.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Rep. Steve Scalise Shares Grief with Parkland Students

When GOP House Whip Steve Scalise meets with Parkland, Florida students he’ll sympathize with them like no other Republican can right now … he, too, was shot during a brutal attack. We got Scalise leaving Reagan National Airport Monday and…


Rep. Steve Scalise Shares Grief with Parkland Students

When GOP House Whip Steve Scalise meets with Parkland, Florida students he’ll sympathize with them like no other Republican can right now … he, too, was shot during a brutal attack. We got Scalise leaving Reagan National Airport Monday and…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Uber Bae Was Out for Revenge, But Only Got Grief After Viral Story (VIDEO)

Uber Bae is dealing with A LOT of collateral damage after her revenge tweet storm went viral — including a threat of a lawsuit and a visit from cops … so she says. UB’s real name is Bre — she won’t give up her last name — and she says her…
