Showing posts with label Vanessa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanessa. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vanessa Trump FLIPPED OUT at Aubrey O"Day: Report

According to multiple recent reports, Aubrey O’Day often lay down for Donald Trump Jr.

That is, the singer carried on a months-long affair with the businessman between 2011 and 2012.

Now, however, a new report alleges that Vanessa Trump did NOT just lie down and cower when confronted with this news about her husband.

Quite the opposite, Us Weekly writes: she fought back!

The magazine alleges that Vanessa discovered a number of emails between Donald Jr. and O’Day that led her to believe the pair were sleeping together behind her back.

Upon learning this troubling information, she actually called up O’Day and confronted the artist, telling her to leave her husband alone.

But that’s not all:

“She called Aubrey with her kids on the phone,” an insider actually says, explaining that Vanessa’s intent was to shame O’Day away from Donald Jr.

Adds another source:

“Vanessa went crazy and was super jealous.”

If this report is true, and if our timeline is accurate, then Vanessa called Aubrey with two kids on the phone because she was pregnant with her third at the time.

Neither O’Day nor either of the Trumps has spoken out on the strong rumor of this affair.

But the story went viral just a few days after Vanessa filed for divorce from Donald Trump Jr.

The son of President Donald Trump, Junior served as an “Adviser” on Season 5 of Celebrity Apprentice, which is where and how he met O’Day.

Don Jr. “pursued [Aubrey]. It was him who chased her,” an insider told The New York Post this week, adding:

“He told her that his marriage was already in the process of dissolving.”

This same newspaper wrote that the affair finally ended after The Donald himself told his son, very simply, to knock it the heck off.

Again, no one involved in this scandal has confirmed or denied its existence.

HOWEVER, O’Day actually released a song in 2013 titled “DJT.”

Those are Donald Trump’s initials.

Moreover, the lyrics read very much like someone scorned about a former romance, with the hook, for example, going as follows:

I hate me for loving you, hate you for letting our love die.

Take a listen below:

Speaking on the romance to Us Weekly, another source says:

“When it started, he and Aubrey were very serious all of a sudden. He told her it was over with his wife, that they were separated and he didn’t love her – all of that stuff.”

And the former Danity Kane singer bought in, hook, line, sinker, heart and penis.

“Aubrey fell for him hard,” adds this insider. “She thought they were going to be together for real.”

That would explain the bitter single above, we guess.

Following her separation from Trump, Vanessa has only said the following, as part of a joint statement with her estranged shady husband:

After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways.

We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families. We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority.

We ask for your privacy during this time.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Vanessa Trump Makes It Official: I Want a Divorce!

Donald Trump is getting divorced.

No, not that Donald Trump.

The junior Donald Trump has been served divorce papers by Vanessa Trump, his wife of 12 years.

Following pretty strong chatter that this announcement was imminent, Donald Jr. and Vanessa made their decision final on Thursday evening via the following joint statement:

“After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families.

“We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.”

The New York Post, which was the first major outlet to report this story, confirms that Vanessa filed her legal papers in Manhattan Supreme Court.

She asked for an “uncontested proceeding.”

Donald Jr. and Vanessa are both 40 years old.

They started dating shortly after meeting a fashion show in The Big Apple in 2003, having been introduced by the current President of the United States.

The couple then got married at his Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, in November 2005.

They are the parents of five kids: Kai, 10, Donald III, 9, Tristan, 6, Spencer, 5, and Chloe, 3.

While detailing the specifics of the divorce, most newspapers and websites have also quoted sources who say this split is not very surprising.

I heard for a while they have been living separate lives,” an insider tells People Magazine, for example, adding:

“Even before all this Trump presidency stuff started they weren’t good and their marriage was strained.”

And then there’s this from Us Weekly:

“His relationship with Vanessa started getting rocky two years ago, when his dad started to campaign.

“Vanessa is very close to her family and very private and does not like all this attention on her family. They’ve been unhappy for a while.”

A frightening incident from last month certainly didn’t help matters, either.

Vanessa was hospitalized a few weeks ago after the family received a suspicious letter containing a white, powdery substance that police later found to be nontoxic.

Trump Jr. confirmed to the press afterward that his wife was “unharmed,” but the situation was understandably unsettling for all involved.

“Thankful that Vanessa & my children are safe and unharmed after the incredibly scary situation that occurred this morning,” President Trump’s oldest son Tweeted at the time, concluding:

“Truly disgusting that certain individuals choose to express their opposing views with such disturbing behavior.”

We don’t agree with a lot this family says – but we agree with this last statement.

The Daily Mail wrote last month that the pair didn’t spend Valentine’s Day together, opting instead to treat their children to separate dinners… 

… and starting a round of Internet rumors that have now been made into a reality.

Trump Jr. meanwhile, has been at the center of a separate firestorm for months after it was revealed last year that he took a meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016 with a Russian attorney promising dirt on his father’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

The shady businessman even admitted shortly after this information came out that he attended the meeting specifically because he was promised said dirt.

And while Donald continues to run the Trump Organization, People has this to say about his life at the moment:

“Don can’t do any deals, because he’ll be overly scrutinized. He just goes to work every day and is miserable.”


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump: Headed for Divorce?

Trump’s administration isn’t just tearing apart families across the nation — it’s also wrecking marriages very close to home.

Donald Trump Jr., the man who spends his free time defending his father for the indefensible and killing elephants for fun, may be the next Trump supporter with his marriage on the chopping block.

Because it’s now reported that he and his wife, Vanessa, may soon divorce. Like father, like son, we suppose.

Don Jr. and Vanessa married in 2005, and the couple has five children.

Page Six reports that Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump are headed for divorce. But, their sources say, none of their marital troubles have been translated into legalese just yet.

Friends of the couple have confided in Page Six that the couple has been leading separate lives, largely due to Don Jr.’s constant traveling.

He not only travels for work, representing both the US government and the Trump Organization, but he continues to enjoy hunting trips.

There’s something about bringing about the agonizing death of wild, majestic creatures that Don Jr. can’t seem to resist. And now, his father’s made it so much easier for him to import trophies such as body parts of elephants.

However, sources stress that despite the couple’s strained relationship and frequent physical separation, no one has filed for divorce yet. In fact, they haven’t even filed papers for legal separation.

The Trump Organization, Page Six reports, has not yet commented on their sources’ reports.

One source dishes about what’s driving a wedge between the two of them.

“The problems have been there for a long time, the couple had hoped to stay together during the president’s time in office, but it is getting harder to resolve their issues. He’s never there.”

But there’s more to it than absence making the heart grow frustrated.

Don Jr. “appears to have changed recently, and friends are concerned about him.”

Among other things, these changes include his social media activity, where he has “liked” and even retweeted horrific things.

He’s used his Twitter presence to boost (absurd) reports about a “link” between antidepressants and school shootings.

A couple of years back, he made an outrageously offensive statement about the Holocaust. That’s been a recurring problem for a number of big-name members of the Trump Team.

He’s even gone so far as to “like” a tweet that was outright attacking one of the teenage survivors of the Parkland shooting.

Reportedly, Don Jr. has been a voice in his father’s ear, urging his father to support a solidly pro-gun agenda, even in the wake of these tragedies.

Yet another issue, of course, is that Vanessa Trump doesn’t love being part of one of the most hated families on the planet.

“Vanessa is by nature is a very low-key person, and she is uncomfortable with the attention her family is getting now the Trumps are on the world stage.”

There’s more to it than just discomfort with being in the spotlight, however.

She also fears for the lives of her family.

“She is also worried for her kids, particularly after she received the threatening letter containing the white powder.”

Obviously, whatever you think Don Jr. might deserve, Vanessa and her children are innocent and do not deserve to be on the receiving end of any threats.

She was okay after the white powder scare, but false alarm or not, that was a horrifying ordeal.

“It was terrifying for Vanessa, who is naturally worried for the safety of her children.”

Another source tells Page Six that things aren’t so bad as reported.

“Donald Jr. and Vanessa have been dealing with some issues, but they are not yet at the stage of filing for divorce. They are trying to deal with this privately.”

And this source says that Don Jr.’s life isn’t as separate from his wife’s as people think.

“Don is still living at home, is a good dad and is super involved in his kids’ lives.”

We all know that, after he famously tweeted that he was going to take half of his child’s Halloween candy to “teach her about socialism.”

That was especially foolish, since, of course, Halloween candy is handed out for free. He might have done better to hand her a half-eaten piece of candy to teach her about trickle-down economics. Or, better yet, think before he tweets.

“He has always traveled for work, so his current schedule is not something out of the ordinary. He has a busy travel schedule now as he always does.”

So not only does this source say that his constant absence from the house isn’t a problem, but they claim that his Twitter activity is just business as usual.

“Don has always had a bold and aggressive nature on social, there’s no change to his stance on Twitter.”

So they’re saying that he was just always the worst, huh.

“His behavior hasn’t changed, there’s nothing irrational about him, he’s always been bold, will say what he thinks and fight back, that’s his personality on Twitter.”

But even that source acknowledged that things weren’t exactly perfect.

“While they are not legally separated, I cannot deny there are issues, there are a lot of intricate things that go on in a marriage.”

Honestly, the sources disagreeing on what is and is not a problem makes us wonder if the initial sources were close to Vanessa but that this source is close to Don Jr.

“Don and Vanessa are focused on their family, they are trying to do this quietly and privately, and when they have something to say on the record, they will do so. This has nothing to do with politics, this is a personal matter between two people.”

Well … aren’t most marital problems personal matters between two people?

We can see that this naysaying source is trying to preserve Don Jr.’s privacy, but he’s not just the son of the sitting President — he’s also an active part of the administration, because the Trumps clearly don’t care about laws forbidding nepotism.

His life is very much the business of the American people until the day comes (not swiftly enough) that his father is no longer permitted on White House grounds.


daily-celebrities: Vanessa Hudgens


Vanessa Hudgens


Monday, March 12, 2018

Chris Brown Just Got Owned by Vanessa Carlton

Chris Brown paid tribute to the opposite sex last Thursday on International Women’s Day.

In what manner?

As difficult as it was for the violent singer, he actually refrained from bludgeoning the face of any female, which is significant progress for someone who ought to be in jail for what he did to Rihanna.

We’re just kidding.

(Well, we’re serious: Brown did not beat any women up last week, as far as we know.)

In actuality, Brown celebrated the aforementioned occasion by posting a video set to Vanessa Carlton’s “A Thousand Miles,” a classic and uplifting pop track which opens follows:

Making my way downtown walking fast/Faces pass and I’m home bound/Staring blankly ahead just making my way/Making a way through the crowd…

But while anyone familiar with this track is likely nodding his or her to the beat right about now, a certain someone out there was doing the exact opposite upon learning Brown shared the snippet:

Vanessa Carlton herself.

She responded to this misguided use of the track by shaking her head and writing in response:

“Today Chris Brown posted my video. I am now being repeatedly tagged to his account. Being that today is International Women’s Day I feel compelled to draw a linr.

“I support survivors not perpetrators of domestic violence. I do not want to be associated with an artist that has assaulted women on a day like today.

“Thank you. #internationalwomensday.”

Carlton, of course, is referring to Brown’s highly publicized assault of then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009, as well as further allegations of violence that have recurred throughout his career.

The artist is a ticking time bomb of rage who has shown no remorse for his actions and has repeatedly proven himself to be an angry abuser.

As a result, we figured Brown would fly off the proverbial handle upon being scolded by Carlton.

But he instead replied in relatively tame and fair fashion, simply tagging Carlton in a post that reads:

“I posted a song that was and still is a great song and the artist felt she was doing her duty as a WOMAN to continue to spread this kind of hatred today.

“I won’t keep it up long. I just hope she knows she is loved and her song is great.”

Passive aggressive and with a clear tinge of disdain, but Chris Brown is always graded on a scale.

If he didn’t bloody her lip, we consider it an impressive response on his part.

Brown, meanwhile, also proved himself to be a somewhat loving father over the weekend, sharing a picture of his young daughter Royalty and including the following caption:

Flyest 3year old On EARTH.

The image has since been Liked over 1.5 million times.

For whatever reason, Brown still has a strong and passionate fan base.

It’s perhaps the most perplexing and annoying development in all of Hollywood because, it case we didn’t make it clear above, the guy is an unabashed woman beater.

But he does have a cute daughter.

It’s not her fault that her dad sucks.

For Royalty’s sake, we hope she never has to learn what kind of man planted his seed in her mother. We hope she grows up blissfully ignorant.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chris Brown Hypes Vanessa Carlton on International Women"s Day, But Vanessa"s Pissed

Chris Brown and International Women’s Day do NOT go well together … according to Vanessa Carlton, who dissed Chris for shouting out her huge hit song. Chris posted an image of Vanessa from her “A Thousand Miles” music video with the…


Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Vanessa Marcil Suffers Seventh Miscarriage

Vanessa Marcil has announced a tragic piece of news:

The veteran actress has suffered yet another miscarriage.

The former Las Vegas and Beverly Hills, 90210 star confirmed this sad development on Instagram, sharing a photo of herself and her fiancee (who she refers to as “MC”) kissing on the beach.

Reads a statement below this sweet image:

“Our hearts are with Vanessa and MC who have lost baby OPM.

“Thank you for respecting their privacy as they heal and thank you for sharing all of your personal stories.

“You are not alone.”

She certainly is not. The numbers vary every year, but approximately 15-20 percent of all pregnancies in the U.S. end in a miscarriage.

As you can see down below, this awful situation has also afflicted many famous celebrities.

Vanessa Marcil instagram

Back in November, Marcil shared with her social media followers that she was pregnant, but also noted that caution was needed.

She wanted her fans to celebrate along with her, yet also knew everyone had to be wary,

“After six miscarriages we are saying prayers for OPM,” Marcil wrote at the time.

Earlier this month, meanwhile, the actress confirmed on her Instagram page that she was expecting a daughter, posting a photo of her puppy Rocky snuggling close to her owner’s baby bump.

“The GIRLS,” she captioned the moment.

Marcil does share a 15-year old son named Kassius Lijah with ex-boyfriend and co-star Brian Austin Green

The actress and her fiance, whose identity she chooses to keep secret, got engaged in April of 2015.

She was previously married to Corey Feldman from 1989 to 1993; and also to actor Carmine Giovinazzo from 2010 to 2013.

“V has had a miscarriage. Our second one this year,” Giovinazzo wrote under Marcil’s Twitter account in December 2011, adding:

“Thanx for the love and prayers.”

This has tragically been an issue that has plagued Marcil for many years.

Along with the aforementioned television shows, soap opera fans likely recognize the actress from her lengthy run as Brenda on General Hospital.

She has also appeared on Crossing Jordan and Without a Trace.

We send our thoughts and prayers to Marcil and her fiance during this difficult time.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017