Showing posts with label Yoda'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoda'. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2015

Trevor Noah Talks Taking Over For The Daily Show"s "Jewish Yoda" Jon Stewart — And Shows Off His Impersonations Of All The GOP Candidates!

He seems OK to us!

Last night on The Late Show, The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah stopped by to chat it up with fellow new late night host Stephen Colbert!

While Noah was there, he of course talked a bit about his upcoming hosting gig and how he felt about taking over for Jon Stewart!

Video: John Cena Body Slams Jon Like He’s Amy Schumer In Trainwreck!

The 31-year-old comedian, worried he couldn’t live up to his predecessor — AKA “Jewish Yoda” — and shared the advice Stewart gave him about taking the reigns:

“The Daily Show’ is what ‘The Daily Show’ should be for you to be the best show you can make.”

To which the new host admitted:

“I walked away not knowing what that meant.”

While he was chatting it up with Colbert though, he also gave him a rundown of how ridiculous the GOP debate was as he impersonated every candidate’s responses in HIGHlarious fashion!

Ch-ch-check out Noah doing his best republican presidential candidate impersonation (below) and let us know how excited you are for the new host and the return of The Daily Show!

[Image via CBS.]