Showing posts with label ZetaJones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ZetaJones. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

31 Stars Who Have Been to Rehab: From A(ffleck) to Z(eta-Jones)...

All of the stars listed below have battled various demons over the years.

But they"ve acknowledged their problems and entered rehab facilities to deal with them.

Please join us in sending them well wishes for a bright, healthy and happy future…

1. Ben Affleck

Ben affleck live by night

Affleck has now entered rehab THREE times, the latest being in August 2018. He has a serious problem with alcohol.

2. Catelynn Lowell

Catelynn lowell with nova

Catelynn Lowell battled suicidal thoughts and bouts of depression, checking into rehab on two different occasions over the past few years.

3. Luann de Lesseps

Luann de lesseps season 10 pic

Does it count when someone attends rehab for two weeks? Yes, of course. But we feel like Luann de Lesseps may have needed more than that after her 2017 arrest.

4. Demi Lovato

A kiss from demi lovato

Our heart breaks for Demi Lovato. For her latest stint, the singer suffered a drug overdose in late July 2018 and then entered a facility for treatment.

5. Josh Duggar

Josh duggar pic

It’s not entirely clear just why Duggar went to rehab. For sex addiction, we guess. But he entered a facility after admitting to cheating on his poor wife… multiple times.

6. Selena Gomez

Selena gomez gorgeous and serene

Selena Gomez has been in and out a couple times, but never for substance abuse. Always for emotional issues and health problems related to Lupus.

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Catherine Zeta-Jones: I"m Rich and Beautiful and I"M NOT SORRY!

What’s the first thing you think about when you think about Catherine Zeta-Jones?

Honestly, and there’s no shade intended with this, it’s 2018 so you probably don’t really think about Catherine Zeta-Jones much these days.

But if you do, you might think about how super, super gorgeous she’s always been, and how talented — remember Chicago?

Or you might think about her marriage to Michael Douglas, maybe about that one time he sort of suggested that he got cancer from oral sex.

But from this day forward, Catherine here might bring to mind some different kinds of thoughts.

Because she just did a new interview, and it is straight up bananas.

Her quotes here are so wild that Twitter is going crazy, which is wild in itself, because again, this is Catherine Zeta-Jones in 2018 we’re talking about here.

See, she’s never really been known for being too humble, but still, she went off on the subject in this interview.

“One thing,” she began, “I’m not humble any more. I’m sick of being humble. I really am.”

“‘So sorry I’m rich, so sorry I’m married to a movie star, so sorry I’m not so bad looking.’ No sorrys. Enough.”

Dang, Catherine, tell us how you really feel.

“All that is important to me now is my work,” she continued. “That’s what I love and the rest of my life is a joy because I’ve got two beautiful kids and a healthy, happy husband.”

“It’s all good, and I’m not going to be humble for that either.”

She explained that “I come from a working-class family in Wales and I worked to get where I am. And for many years all of us are victims of the fact that we’ve all got so humble.”

For example, she said “If you were a sports star and won an award you would go, ‘Sh-t yeah, that was the best work I’ve ever done, I rocked!"”

“Whereas actors are like, ‘Oh I’m so sorry and thanks, can I say thanks?"”

So that’s … well, that’s a lot to take in, right?

On one hand, good for her. She really did work to get where she is, and she’s allowed to be proud of that.

But on the other hand … come on now.

Being humble is not the same as being apologetic — nobody thinks she needs to apologize for being successful and pretty.

It would be weird if she was actually like she’s suggesting here, going around apologizing for the good things in her life, but again, that’s not the same thing as being humble.

And according to Twitter, she could really, really do with learning that lesson.

“Let’s all take a moment and hope for the best for Catherine Zeta-Jones,” one person wrote. “She’s struggling, but determined to not let her staggering wealth, beauty and success drag her into the abyss.”

A true inspiration, right?

On a more direct note, another person asked “Who gives a sh-t about Catherine Zeta Jones? She hasn’t been relevant for years?”

One Twitter user wrote “A few questions and statements: 1) when have actors had to ASK to say thank u? 2) your last BIG movie was Chicago in 2002. Girl, bye. 3) as Kendrick Lamar said, ‘sit down, be humble’ 4) slow your roll, God gives and takes away.”

Then, one particularly savage person simply asked “Who is Catherine Zeta-Jones?

While many people were ready to tear her apart for these remarks, a few applauded her — one of those people tweeted “When I grow up I want to be Catherine Zeta-Jones.”

Someone else pointed out that if a man had made those same remarks “no one would bad an eyelid,” but “because she has a pair of tits & is honest you all have an issue.”

That could be true, but really, even if she was a man, her statements would still be ridiculous.

Literally no one thinks she has to apologize for anything, and it’s strange that she thinks anyone might.

Maybe she could start out by looking of the definition of “humble” and going from there … because it seems like she could really benefit from that.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Catherine Zeta-Jones -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

Catherine Zeta-Jones’ good looks are nothing to have reservations about.  Here’s a 27-year-old version of the “Chicago” star at a movie premiere back in 1996 (left) and 21 years later … the now 48-year-old mother of two — and the ‘Legend of…


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

25 Stars who Have Been to Rehab: From A(ffleck) to Z(eta-Jones)

All of the stars listed below have battled various demons over the years.

But they"ve acknowledged their problems and entered rehab facilities to deal with them.

Please join us in sending them well wishes for a bright, healthy and happy future…

1. Ben Affleck

Ben affleck live by night

Affleck didn’t tell the public he was entering rehab. But he made an announcement upon leaving the facility in March of 2017. We wish him well.

2. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan in the studio

Lindsay Lohan has been to a rehab six times. She completed a mandatory 90-day stint in the summer of 2013.

3. Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine zeta jones picture

Catherine checked in to treat her bi-poler disorder in 2011.

4. Demi Lovato

A kiss from demi lovato

Demi Lovato sought treatment for eating disorders and mental health issues.

5. Britney Spears

Britney spears at x factor party

Not long after the infamous head-shaving incident in 2007, Brit checked into a facility.

6. Demi Moore

Demi moore premiere pic

Demi Moore checked into a Utah center in 2012.

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