Thursday, August 23, 2018

31 Stars Who Have Been to Rehab: From A(ffleck) to Z(eta-Jones)...

All of the stars listed below have battled various demons over the years.

But they"ve acknowledged their problems and entered rehab facilities to deal with them.

Please join us in sending them well wishes for a bright, healthy and happy future…

1. Ben Affleck

Ben affleck live by night

Affleck has now entered rehab THREE times, the latest being in August 2018. He has a serious problem with alcohol.

2. Catelynn Lowell

Catelynn lowell with nova

Catelynn Lowell battled suicidal thoughts and bouts of depression, checking into rehab on two different occasions over the past few years.

3. Luann de Lesseps

Luann de lesseps season 10 pic

Does it count when someone attends rehab for two weeks? Yes, of course. But we feel like Luann de Lesseps may have needed more than that after her 2017 arrest.

4. Demi Lovato

A kiss from demi lovato

Our heart breaks for Demi Lovato. For her latest stint, the singer suffered a drug overdose in late July 2018 and then entered a facility for treatment.

5. Josh Duggar

Josh duggar pic

It’s not entirely clear just why Duggar went to rehab. For sex addiction, we guess. But he entered a facility after admitting to cheating on his poor wife… multiple times.

6. Selena Gomez

Selena gomez gorgeous and serene

Selena Gomez has been in and out a couple times, but never for substance abuse. Always for emotional issues and health problems related to Lupus.

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