Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Did Kanye West Just Take a MAJOR Dig at Amber Rose?

Ooof, not good.


It appears that despite being married and having two children with his equal (two people who love each other as much as they love themselves), Kanye West still likes to take a swing at ex-girlfriends.


According to Fishwrapper, a leaked snippet from West"s upcoming album, Swish (out February 11th) indicates that Yeezy still likes to take a swing at former lovers

"My ex said she gave me the best years of her life," someone raps. 

"I saw a recent picture of her, guess she was right."

West has a ton of collaborators on this album, so the lyrics could belong to any number of artists. However, if it is West, it"s hard to imagine he"s talking about anyone other than Amber Rose, whom he dated for two years before they split in 2010.

In 2012, Rose gave an interview to the New York Post about how they met.  She had been in a music video for Ludacris, and West was on the set.

“When I told him I was an [exotic] dancer, he was like, ‘I don’t care if you’re a crackhead. I don’t care if you’re a prostitute. I just want to be with you,"" Rose recalled.

"That’s what made me love him.”

Rose couldn"t handle his wandering eye, though, which took its toll on their relationship.

"He is your typical rapper in the industry,” Rose continued.

“He can’t be faithful, and it’s not just with one person. He’s just unfaithful with a lot of different women. I got to the point where I thought, my heart can’t take it anymore. I don’t deserve this.

"I don’t care when people say that I owe him my life because I’m famous now. I don’t owe him nothing.”

So, was Rose the target on the track?  You decide.

Did kanye west just take a major dig at amber rose