Monday, January 4, 2016

Taylor Swift: PISSED About Kendall Jenner Dating Harry Styles?!

As you may have heard, Kendall Jenner went on vacation with Harry Styles last week, and it looks as though the two may be on the verge of a real relationship.

Not surprisingly, Harry’s previous lanky A-lister is not pleased with the possibility of Kendall and Harry becoming an item, and Kendall might soon find herself banned for life from all squad-related activities!

Yes, Taylor Swift is reportedly less than pleased that her friend Kendall is hooking up with her ex Harry. 

And, of course, Queen Tay is not one to keep her displeasure to herself:

“Taylor heard from a mutual friend that Harry and Kendall are back together and she is completely shocked,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“She can’t believe that Kendall would actually date Harry, especially after their last conversation when she said she would never, ever get involved with him again.”

Apparently, it’s not just the fact that she used to date Harry that’ pissing Taylor off.

The source says Taylor and Kendall’s relationship is pretty much based on trash-talking Harry, whom they’ve both been dumped by in the past.

Now, Taylor feels betrayed by Kendall, and she’s ready to pull the plug on their friendship.

“Taylor and Kendall actually bonded over dissing Harry and comparing notes on him,” the source continued.

“The fact that Harry and Kendall are celebrating New Year’s Eve together is beyond weird to Taylor. She really can’t trust anything that Kendall tells her, not now that she’s back with Harry!”

Is dating Harry really worth being kicked out of Taylor’s squad for life?! For millions of teenage girls the world over, the answer to that question is a resounding “yaaaaas!!!”