Thursday, February 4, 2016

George Clooney and Rihanna: Never Have They Ever... WHAT?

Ellen DeGeneres brought out the big and famous guns this week for a revealing game of Never Have I Ever.

We"re talking George Clooney! And Rihanna!

Both the beloved actor and the wildly popular singer sat across from the talk show host and answered a series of questions with answered that told us a whole lot about their personal lives.

For example…. have either of them been drunk before noon?

(SPOILER ALERT: Yes, of course, and they tried to get Ellen to admit to the same indiscretion.)

Have either of these mega stars ever swam naked in Lake Como?

Considering that neither Rihanna nor DeGeneres had ever been offered the chance to visit Clooney"s impressive estate there, neither could respond in the affirmative.

But Clooney? Well… yeah, he"s totally gone skinny dipping there.

One of these A-Listers have also seen a rapper in his birthday suits (Hint: it was NOT Clooney), while both were asked if they had ever sent nude selfies and/or made out in the backseat of a car.

What do you think they said?

Hurry up and take your best guess before clicking Play and learning more about George Clooney and Rihanna than you ever thought you"d find out before.

George clooney and rihanna never have they ever what