Friday, February 12, 2016

Glee"s Heather Morris Welcomes Her Second Son!

Congrats, mama!

Glee alum Heather Morris gave birth to her second child, a boy on February 11th. 

“Owen Bartlett Hubbell 7 lbs 3oz born 2.11.16,” Morris wrote on her Instagram account.

“I can’t tell you how amazing an experience to go from a cesarean and having a VBAC…but I did it with the loving help of my husband, Dr and family :) and of course this little guy.”

Morris and husband Taylor Hubbell welcomed their first child, Elijah, in September 2013, then married in May 2015.  They attended the same Arizona high school together, but didn’t start dating until Hubbell was in college. 

In 2011, Morris told Fitness Magazine how smitten kitten she was with Hubbell.

“I want to marry him so bad,” Morris admitted.That’s what I really care about. I want to marry Taylor and have kids with him.

“I love acting, but if it affects my relationship, then I won’t continue doing it.”

Is Elijah ready to be a big brother?

He’s really cute around babies and baby dolls and I adore it,” Morris told E! News back in November

“He’s really excited to have somebody to play with because he’s at that age where he’s active and wants to do stuff.”

Being a trained dancer, Morris wanted to stay in shape through her second pregnancy.  So instead of reaching for pickles and frosting, the celebrity made an effort to get up and move.

“I don’t really have a lot of cravings this time. Just trying to eat really healthy,” Morris revealed.

“I’m kind of aware of what my body’s going through and what to expect and just more prepared and just being more body conscious, exercising and fit and ready. I go on the treadmill and take Pilates like once a week to make sure I’m staying in shape.”