Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Gregg Popovich is All of Us When It Comes to Donald Trump

Gregg Popovich is known for a couple things in professional basketball.

First, for being one of the best coaches in NBA history, a five-time World Champion whose San Antonio Spurs are the model of consistency, professionalism and excellence.

But also for being short and ornery during league-mandated interviews in between quarters during nationally-televised games.

So there was Popovich on Tuesday night, being asked a question about his team"s first quarter performance by David Aldridge of TNT and responding in typical fashion.

His team was "crappy on defense," Popovich said, and his overall impression was that the opponent was "ahead" because they scored more points than San Antonio.

But then Aldridge asked if Popovich wanted to know the results of the New Hampshire Primary because he had apparently been asking about it on the bench beforehand.

Upon being told that Donald Trump was victorious on the Republican side and that Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side… well… Popovich didn"t have a lot more to say.

But his reaction likely spoke for millions of people around the world who are now faced with the very real possibility that Donald Trump could be our next President.

Watch below to see for yourself:

Gregg popovich is aghast over new hampshire primary results